Chapter 209 Unexpected encounter at the gate of the branch, silent communication!

At this time, Lin Nan, who was sleeping in the dormitory of the branch, did not know that a new challenge was coming.

The next day, getting up early in the morning, Lin Nan returned to the dormitory with breakfast after morning exercise as usual.


When he entered the dormitory, he was surprised to find that Nengzhuang, for the first time, did not continue to rely on the bed.

Instead, he had woken up and was taking a shower.

Lin Nan looked up and down strangely, and blurted out, “Brother Xiong, did you take the wrong medicine today?”

“It’s not like your character to get up so early!”

Nengzhuang gargled his mouth, spit out the toothpaste foam in his mouth, wiped his mouth, and said solemnly: “I have always been a hard-working early riser, but I was testing your toughness before, so I have always woken up late.”

“Just to see if you can hold on.”

“Looking now, Xiao Lin, you’ve already qualified!”

Lin Nan rolled his eyes speechlessly, not wanting to pay attention to this unlucky bear who suddenly went crazy for some reason.


When Lin Nan moved his gaze to the steamed bun in his hand, a sentence suddenly came out.

“You’ve finished brushing your teeth, what do you do with this bun?”

Xiong Zhuangshi patted his chest and said, “Don’t worry, don’t worry about my hunger.

“When you went to the morning exercise, I had already gone downstairs for breakfast at 087.”


Am I worried about this?


never mind!

Anyway, there is a foodie in the office who can get rid of these buns in one go even after having breakfast.

Food is not wasted anyway.

After thinking about it, Lin Nan also began to change clothes, wash up, and prepare to go to work in the branch.

And Xiong Zhuangshi didn’t know what was going on.

After washing up, he urged Lin Nan from time to time to hurry up and go to work at the branch earlier.

This unexpected abnormality made Lin Nan feel very puzzled.

After a moment.

The two set off and walked towards the Beining branch together.

This time.

The departure time was much earlier than usual.

on the way.

The two also happened to meet Li Yanran who came to work.

Originally, according to normal circumstances, the two parties could not meet.

Every time, Li Yanran would arrive a little earlier than the two of them.

It was a coincidence. When Lin Nan saw Li Ma Ran, he happened to push the boat along the river, borrowing flowers to offer Buddha, and handing over the buns.

Seeing this, Li Yanran took it with a look of joy, and couldn’t wait to eat it.

“Xiao Linzi, you have been so kind to me these two days, and you have brought me the meat three fresh buns from Fu Ji for two consecutive days.”

“Tomorrow, I want to change the flavor. Fu Ji’s Linglong Bao tastes good too. Bring me that next time!”

Lin Nan turned a deaf ear and complained inwardly.

How come Li Yanran is starting to get ahead?

Still Fook Kee’s exquisite bag?

Afraid to eat.

He took out a piece of candy from his pocket, spread out his hand gently, and placed the candy in the palm of his hand.

He slowly passed his hand and tried to comfort the frightened little girl in this way.

On the other hand, Li Yanran was more direct, recalling the sign language movements she had learned before.

Do one sign language action after another.

“Hello, I’m a police officer from Beining Branch. I can speak sign language. You can communicate with me in sign language.”

See this series of sign language actions.

The young deaf mother.

Instantly burst into tears.

The feeling of being so anxious but unable to express it is really very understandable, and it can even be said that it is unimaginable in a lifetime.

Seeing this, Li Yanran hurriedly continued to use sign language.

“Don’t worry, tell me anything, I’m a policeman and I can help you.

After finishing this string of sign language, Li Yanran hugged the other party and patted the other party’s back.

He took out a pack of tissues from his body and handed it over, letting the other party wipe the tears from his face.

Immediately after.

The two began to communicate in sign language.

“Comrade police, someone told me that my husband was arrested and asked me to come to the police station. These are all written by the guest with a pen…”

“What’s your husband’s name?”

After the young deaf mother understood the meaning of this series of sign languages, she quickly dug out her mobile phone and her address book to show Li Yanran.

Li Yanran also acted as a competent communication channel. While taking over the phone, she quickly said, “Her husband was arrested, this is his name.”

Lin Nan glanced at it and said, “Tell her not to worry, we will help, and now I will ask, yes, ask her if she knows her husband’s ID number.”

“After the arrest, the information will be registered, so it should be faster.

After a moment of sign language communication.

Li Ma Ran said, “She remembers it as 220…  

Lin Nan nodded and wrote it down, and replied, “Okay! I’ll find someone to check now.”

“It’s a little cold outside, and she’s still bringing her children. It will take some time to check this information.”

“Let’s take them to our office to rest and wait!

Li Yanran nodded and said these words in sign language.

The young mute mother nodded and said thanks in sign language.

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