Chapter 210 A bolt from the blue, bad news appears, fainting!

In this way, Li Yanran took the mother and daughter to the office of the Criminal Investigation Team.

Lin Nan and Neng Zhuangshi went to the office of the civil department to prepare for consultation.

after all.

If his husband is involved with malice. Criminal case.

The criminal investigation team must be in charge of that, and Lin Nan and others must have been notified long ago to understand the relevant information.

But obviously.

They have not received news of a criminal case.


Based on the above information, her husband is likely to be involved in a civil dispute case.

For example, incidents involving fights and other related incidents.

along the way.

Nengzhuang sighed with some sigh: “Alas! Sometimes it is too difficult for vulnerable groups to encounter such emergencies.

Fortunately, “little mother can sign language, otherwise, it would be too difficult for us to communicate.

“However, having said that, Xiao Yanran can actually sign language?”

It’s “surprising.

Lin Nan explained casually: “Li Yanran seems to have no brains, but in fact… she is just used to like to solve things directly, and she is too lazy to think about it.”

“It’s not that she doesn’t have the ability to think.

“After all, she was also admitted to the police academy seriously, and she passed the test and was killed from the thousands of troops.”

“Although, her liberal arts grades are much worse than mine.

“But as long as it’s about the ability to move, fighting and other sports, she’s still very good at it.”

“Not only sign language, but also lip reading, Morse code, etc. She is also quite proficient.”

Nengzhuang stammered and said, “Amazing, really awesome.”

“How could Xiao Yanran still do this?

“It’s really unbelievable.

“It’s too deep to hide.”

Lin rolled his eyes and complained, “How dare you talk about her?”

Neng Zhuangshi seemed to understand the meaning, scratched his head with a smile, and let out a haha.

Seeing a figure in the civil department office in front of him, his eyes lit up instantly, he raised his hand and shouted loudly: “Team Zhou, Team Zhou

While shouting, he took two quick steps to get away from Lin Nan’s side.

And at the same time.

After hearing the shouting, Zhou Aimin turned around and turned dark.

It’s really bad luck to see this scourge early in the morning.


Although, he is very dissatisfied with Xiong Zhuangshi, who has refreshed the record of complaints in civil dispute mediation.

But I am very satisfied and appreciative of Lin Nan, a former civil dispute training expert.

When Zhou Aimin passed by Xiong Zhuang’s stout figure, he saw Lin Nan behind him.

He immediately became smiling, and he took the initiative to greet him, complimenting him full of praise: “Isn’t this Xiao Lin, why do you have time to come back today?”

I’ve been paying attention to what’s going on recently, you’ve done a great job,

At this moment.

The bear was sturdy who was ignored from the beginning to the end.

A BGM comes to mind.

Snowflake “… fluttering, the north wind is blowing…

He felt the world’s deep malice towards him.

And the horrific fact that the world is full of double standards.

Are people really that popular?

On the other side, Lin Nan, who had already been praised for his blushing face, was slightly embarrassed to chat with his old boss for a long time.


Immediately explain the reason for his coming to the civil department.

After a moment.

Zhou Aimin shook his head and said, “There is no such name in the registration information in the Beining branch, and I have never heard of it.

After hearing this, Lin Nan frowned, touched his chin, and speculated:

“Isn’t her husband at the Bac Ninh branch?”

“But in another branch or general office?”

“It looks like I’m going to ask Aunt Song from the Information Department for help.”

After making up his mind, Lin Nan bid farewell to his old boss Zhou Aimin.

Called Xiong Zhuangshi, and sent a message while walking to the office of the criminal investigation team.

After the two arrive at the office.

Oncoming, is the deaf and mute mother anxiously eager to see.

Lin Nan explained to Li Yanran in a few words.

After Li Yanran understood, she informed the deaf mother through sign language, and tried her best to calm her emotions and let her wait for a while.

During this period.

Lin Nan learned more information from the young deaf mother through Li Yanran.

For example, she and her husband are both deaf and mute, and so is her daughter.

For example, with the help of the Deaf-Mute Association, she rented a shop to open a barber shop, while her husband studied air-conditioning maintenance and often went out to take orders for air-conditioning repairs.

…for flowers…  


About 20 minutes or so.

Aunt Song from the Information Department sent a message.

After reading it, Lin Nan frowned slightly and said with a serious expression: “The person has been found. Her husband is now being held as a criminal suspect in the Donghai District Bureau for being suspected of a murder case.”

“According to the current information, the evidence chain is very sufficient, and all the witnesses and physical evidences exist.”

Li Yanran widened her eyes and said in surprise, “Suspected of murder?”

Witness evidence “all physical evidence?”

“How is this possible?”


“With such a beautiful wife and a well-behaved daughter, how could he suddenly run and kill?”

At this moment, the young deaf-mute mother turned around in a hurry, her face full of anxiety.

Because, in her world, you can only see and observe, and you can’t hear what Lin Nan and Li Yanran said.

However, when she saw Lin Nan’s serious expressions.

Even though there is no way to know the content, there is still a bad feeling in my heart.

At this moment, she was in a state of impatience and desperately wanted information about her husband.

Pulling Li Yanran, he made several consecutive sign language gestures representing an inquiry.

But Li Yanran didn’t move for a while, she didn’t know whether she should tell her this slightly cruel information now.

At this time.

The little girl who had been beside her suddenly pulled her mother timidly.

Then, play a series of sign language.

its sign language content.

It is the content of the conversation between Lin Nan and Li Yanran just now.

After a moment.

In the medical and nursing room of the Bac Ninh branch.

“The preliminary diagnosis result is that the sudden stimulation caused fainting.” The doctor said: “It is not a big problem, I will wake up in about a few hours, and pay attention to rest for a few days.

Lin Nan nodded, took Li Ma Ran and others out, closed the door, and left a quiet resting environment for the young deaf mother.

Neng Zhuangzhuang asked with a frown while holding the little girl who was already familiar with him in his hands: “What should I do now?”

“Do you want to notify the Criminal Investigation Team of the East China Sea Branch?” Xiao

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