Chapter 208 Plum Blossom Q! Those who speak evil will be condemned!

tata tao~

Accompanied by bursts of extremely rhythmic footsteps.

A foreign middle-aged man dressed in a black and white suit, polite and like a manor housekeeper, appeared in the restaurant.

And behind him, there are several foreign big men with expressionless faces.

When he saw the bloody religious scene in front of him, he seemed to be used to it and waved his hand casually.

No words are required, and no prompting is required.

Several big men behind him took the initiative to act.

The corpse is carried away.

Serve that last sumptuous supper.

Wipe down the white jade marble dining table.

Replace with clean, new wool carpets.

The action is done in one go, and it seems to be done many times.

The butler walked to a position two meters away from the old man, stopped, and bent over with his right hand slightly, “Wang, please instruct me.”

The old man thought for a moment and said coldly, “I don’t want to see that little policeman again in this world, and let Mei Hua Q take action.”

The butler replied with a slightly hesitant tone: “Plum blossom Q?”

“He may ignore our orders.

The old man replied coldly, “Plum blossom Q likes difficult challenges the most.”

“That little policeman still meets his requirements.”

“He will go.”

“In addition, send some people to inquire about Guoan’s actions and other intelligence.”

“The 8 of Hearts and Lan Xiner are both important, even more important than you.

A thin layer of sweat appeared on the butler’s forehead, and quickly replied: “Yes!”

The meaning of the words just now is very obvious, more important than him, that is, they must be rescued.

As for the consequences of not being saved!

The answer is already obvious.

Since people who are more important than him are dead, does he, who is not so important, still have the right to live?

Probably the best result.

Just like the ending of the intelligence officer who just dragged out.

Have a last supper.

Have a very religious pre-death ritual.


Be the next to be dragged away.

After a moment.

Inside a park in an unknown city in an unknown country.

A young foreign man in an ordinary white hospital suit with a slightly sickly skin, looked at the garbled messages on his mobile phone, with a strange smile on his face and a strange look in his eyes.

On the opposite side of him, there was a little foreign boy who was jumping and screaming.

“Mom, look, that man’s clothes seem to have been seen in the hospital yesterday, and he laughed so disgustingly.”

The little boy’s mother glanced at it and said in disgust, “Ai Wen, stay away from the people over there.

“Those who wear that kind of clothes to go out to the park are either mentally ill or have brain problems.

“I really don’t know how the park gatekeeper would put this kind of person in, and looking at his skin, it looks like he has some serious illness.”

“Really, the good mood is gone.”

The little foreign boy made a face and shouted loudly: “Mom, it turns out that the neuropathy has grown into this look!”

“However, he sat in the chair we wanted to sit on, shall we take him away?”

The little boy’s mother said loudly: “You need to say, it’s already done. Just now, the mother sent a message to the park management office, and someone took him away after a while.

“Those who are mentally ill should stay where they should be.

“Instead of running out and running around with disgusting people.”

These words were neither loud nor low, but they could be heard by the people nearby, as if they were deliberately telling them to the man in sick clothes.

However, the man in sick clothes was not annoyed. He glanced at the situation around him with arrogant eyes, and a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Get up.

Half squatted in front of the solid wood chair.

He pulled out a marble from his pocket.

Carefully placed on the wooden chair.

He squatted and stared for a few seconds.

He got up and gently kicked a small sharp stone next to the chair.


Then turned away.

See this behind the scenes.

The little boy excitedly pulled his mother to the direction of the chair.

“Mom, you are so amazing, you took that person away in one sentence.”

The little boy’s mother said proudly: “That is, treat this kind of people, you must not show mercy, say a few words to them, and they will leave by themselves.”

“Also, Mom was right, he must be guilty of being a thief.

“Otherwise, why did he leave?”

The little boy pointed to the marbles on the chair and said, “Mom, can I play?”

The little boy’s mother said with disgust: “No, that person is sick, and there must be a lot of bacteria on his body. This thing is dirty, don’t touch it.”

“Watch Mom throw it away.”


Not finished yet.

The marble did not know what was going on, fell to the ground, and rolled forward.

Coincidentally at this time.

A fast cyclist passed by.

The marbles just landed under the bike tires.

A sudden stop.

The bicycle slammed into the mother and son two crookedly.

The boy’s mother instinctively pushed her son away.

Keep him out of danger.

He was hit by a bicycle.

The little boy’s mother got up with an ugly face and scolded the cyclist frantically.

The other party also felt aggrieved, and he didn’t know why he lost control.

Curiosity is human instinct, no matter what race or nationality they are.

At this moment.

A lot of foreigners who were walking in the park also gathered around and talked about the two people who were arguing.


Some of the onlookers exclaimed and pointed to the little boy in front of the wooden chair.

“, “Look what happened to that kid? He’s bleeding. !”

The voice just fell.

The mother of the child just woke up like a dream, gave up the quarrel, and ran to the child in a panic.

After she picked up the child.

More blood flowed from the child.

Miserable screams.

From the blond woman’s mouth.

“Ai Wen, Ai Wen, my baby Ai Wen, what’s wrong with you (Qian Zhao)?”

“Mom shouldn’t have pushed you away… Mom’s fault…

The crowd of onlookers also began to give suggestions.

: “Quick, quick! The child is not dead! Quickly send to the hospital.”

: “Call directly and ask them to come over.

“I think it would be better to have someone call the police.”

And at the same time.

The man in sick clothes who had just walked away heard the miserable cry that reached his ears.

His eyes flashed with satisfaction.

The corners of the mouth rise.

evoked a smile.

“He who speaks evil, shall be punished by God.”

After he finished speaking, he continued to walk out of the park without stopping.

And the other ordinary people who were attracted by the cries and rushed to watch the fun.

form a stark contrast.

Before hunting, there is always some warm-up to do.

And now.

His warm-up is over.

Ready to start hunting. hall,

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