Chapter 207 The sense of sacrificial ceremony, the castle restaurant, the last supper!

Looking at the farce in the scene just now, Zhuang Zhuang smiled and scratched his head.

These young people!

really play.

At this time.

Li Yanran took out a piece of paper from the opened pastry box, and shouted loudly, “Brother Xiong, there is a letter inside.

“It seems to be for you.”

Xiong Zhuangzhuang walked over with big strides.

Take the letter.

After opening it, look at the contents above.

A knowing smile appeared on his face.

He folded the letter and carefully put it back in his pocket.

While saying:

“Well! This letter is indeed for me, okay, let’s eat it together! It is said that these sweet-scented osmanthus cakes are hard to buy.”

Li Yanran said seriously: “It’s not just hard to buy, it’s just super hard to buy.

“You have to get up early to line up to buy it!”

“Moreover, it is the only one in the whole year. If you want to buy this cake, you will have to get up early, and then send it from Lotus City by express courier so that you can eat it at this time.”

“I heard that this sweet-scented sweet-scented osmanthus cake has far-reaching meanings, meaning health and longevity, and family reunion.”

12 “Many people in the food industry have rumored that if they can eat the sweet-scented osmanthus cake from the century-old pastry shop in Lotus City on the Double Ninth Festival.”

“Then, in the next year, there will be ancestors’ blessing, good health, and family reunion.

“Brother Xiong, who delivered this to you?”

“The other party’s heart is too heavy.

“Do you have someone out there?”

Neng Zhuang waved his hand, and pretended to be dissatisfied and said, “Little girl, talking nonsense, do you still want to eat sweet-scented osmanthus cake?”

“These are some of the people your brother Xiong has helped, and they were bought and mailed to express their gratitude.

“I would like to share my thoughts and blessings with you all.

“How did it come into your mouth and become someone outside of me?”

Li Yanran was able to bend and stretch for the sweet-scented osmanthus cake. When she heard Neng Zhuangshi say this, she immediately admitted her mistake and said, “Ah, ah, ah! Brother Xiong, I was wrong, hurry up, come and try the sweet-scented osmanthus cake together.

On the other hand, Lin Nan, who was silently acting as the background, raised his eyebrows with interest and kept thinking in his heart.

Lotus City?

Some have helped more than one.

Age, gender and other information were not disclosed.

Brother Xiong really deserves to be an old criminal policeman for more than ten years.

The wording of this language is really impeccable.


Seeing how carefully he folded the letter and put it away, those people should be very important to him!


I still remember seeing Brother Xiong having a lot of train tickets between Lianhua City and Longming City.

It seems.

When Brother Xiong often disappeared during the holidays, he should have gone to Lotus City.

Vaguely, Lin Nan seemed to have guessed something, but he didn’t say it or ask.

The most important thing in getting along with each other is to leave some personal space for each other.

Inquiry into the root cause, but there will be no friends.

The days of getting along are long!

One day, you will know.

thought here.

Lin Nan is not continuing to explore the secret of being strong.

Instead, they joined with a smile, shared the sweet-scented osmanthus cake with the three of them, and shared the blessings for Xiong Zhuangshi.

Maybe this pastry really does the trick.

The day was uneventful, and there were no police incidents and no sudden cases.

Lin Nan held the tea and secretly sighed that nothing is true.

Nengzhuang took out that letter from time to time throughout the day, glanced at it, and then, with a naive smile, carefully put it back in his pocket.

Li Yanran was full of energy all day.

After all, she not only ate the Fu Ji buns brought by Lin Nan today, but also the sweet-scented osmanthus cake that Zhuang Shi brought.

Song Ruyan, on the other hand, was taking a break from her busy schedule, and by the way, seized the time to code words.

In a blink of an eye, everything was fine.

After dark and sunset.

They went home to rest and fell asleep.

at the same time.

In a private domain located in another country.

It was close to noon at this time.

There is an ancient castle that occupies a very large area and has a majestic building.

outside the castle.

A post at ten steps, and a post at five steps.

Full of unknown guards patrolling with guns.

Inside the castle.

All kinds of oil paintings, decorations, and antiques show luxury and dignity, as well as a strong sense of historical heaviness.

Inside the castle restaurant.

There is a very conspicuous super-long white jade marble dining table, with various famous oil paintings on both sides, the decorations on the table and the arrangement on the wall, all show the owner’s specifications.


on the theme.

Sitting there was an old foreigner in his 70s who was dressed in luxurious clothes, tall and grey-haired.

At this moment.

With a white napkin on his neck, the old man was holding a knife and fork slowly, eating expensive and delicate food.

And he is opposite.

The other end of the extra long white jade marble dining table.

There was a middle-aged foreign man in black with cold sweat on his forehead and despair and fear written on his face.

The old man chewed the food slowly, savoring the essence, and in every movement, he carried seven parts of a gentleman’s demeanor and three parts of a solemn and solemn sense of ceremony.

The middle-aged man in black who was eating the same food on the opposite side of the table.

In the action, there is a sense of fear and urgency.

As if something terrible was about to happen.

Time passed little by little.

“Tick. Tick. Tick.

The vertical classical clock in the restaurant of the old castle.

A countdown is being issued.

After a long time.

The old man glanced at the time on the clock, gently lifted the red wine glass, and rinsed his mouth with expensive red wine.

this moment.

The expression of the middle-aged man in black was already nervous to the extreme.

The old man slowly opened his mouth and asked in a foreign language, “Speak! Five minutes.”

This statement came out.

The middle-aged man in black swallowed his saliva, looked flustered, and also replied in a foreign language with a very fast speech rate: “Wang, the information went wrong because there were people inside the organization who made trouble.

“There is also the 087 department of national security in that country, which destroyed the intelligence network of our organization’s spades series, causing some problems in the overall operation.

“That’s why the transmission of intelligence information is slow.

“Besides that.…….

For a full five minutes, the middle-aged man in black did not stop explaining his words.

While taking the time to explain, he peeked at the change in the old man’s demeanor.


The old man has been listening with an expressionless face, his demeanor has not fluctuated in the slightest, and he has no way to detect any emotional changes from it.

five minutes later.


A shot went off.

The black-clothed middle-aged man had a gun in his eyebrows, and collapsed weakly on the white jade marble dining table, the scarlet hot blood dyed the white jade red, and the inside was full of bleeding threads.

The old man took a breath, blowing the gun smoke away.

Cold words came out of his mouth.

“These… are not the reasons for your mistakes!”

this moment.

The vertical classical clock just came to 12 o’clock exactly.

“pin pin pin pin pin,

Twelve bells rang in a row.

Seems to be saying goodbye to the dead.

A solemn sense of ceremony.

Religious sacrificial feeling.

Filled throughout the castle restaurant.

Extravagant dinners, luxurious decorations, blood-stained white jade tables, and red-soaked wool carpets.

all of these.

It seems to constitute a strange picture.

This is the last supper.

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