Chapter 206 Lottery draw! Hall-level skills ~ sixth sense! Death test!

Although Lin Nan looked at the 1999 points of justice, he felt a little unsightly and uncomfortable, but the fact would not change according to his thoughts.

The current 1999 points of justice can’t be turned into 2000 points of justice out of thin air.


It’s actually pretty good in his opinion.

At least, another goal has been achieved.

The available justice value has exceeded the 1000 points required for the draw, reaching 1899 points.

He can draw again.

Do what you want, move your mind.

Open lottery mode.

I can see that the number of draws that can be drawn is 1.

Mind moving.

The available justice value instantly becomes 899 points.

at the same time.

A system prompt appears.


[Acquire hall-level skills ~ sixth sense][Sixth Sense]: Improve the sensitivity of the sixth sense, the perception of danger, the prediction of “zero-eighth-seven” danger, and the intuitive reminder for the target that threatens the self. …

at the same time.

Countless knowledge about refuge, avoiding danger, avoiding crisis, etc., appeared out of thin air in Lin Nan’s mind.



Lin Nan did not perceive the so-called sixth sense.

But this thing will work someday.

As a criminal investigation police officer, you are always in the company of danger.

Not necessarily when, there will be a day when this skill will be used to save lives.

not to mention.

Now there is an overseas poker organization that has not been completely wiped out, and it may make a comeback anytime, bringing fatal danger.

Lin Nan always felt that this organization would never let him go so easily.

after all.

Lan Xiner, Blue Butterfly, 10 of Spades, and 8 of Hearts were arrested, and they played a role that could not be ignored.

Just think about it and know that the other party will definitely retaliate.

there is always a solution to a problem.

there’s always a solution to any problem.

Now, it’s just that he has no ability to trouble them.

When you have enough ability, even if the other party doesn’t come to you, you will take the initiative to destroy them.

Between himself and the poker organization, it has long been impossible to coexist peacefully.

Different road non-phase plan.

Between the two, one of them must fail and perish as the ending.

Of course, Lin Nan is confident that the final victory must be himself.

Just when Lin Nan was thinking about these things.

Li Yanran held her phone excitedly and said, “Brother Xiong has just sent a message, he is already at the branch, and he brought us some delicious food, which will be there in a while.”

to this.

Lin Nan glanced at the time and replied casually: “It’s only 10:30, he came back so early, it seems that the child’s family has already arrived.”

“However, Ma Ran, are you so excited?”

“Don’t you just bring something to eat!

“Didn’t you just finish Fuji’s three fresh meat buns two hours ago!”

“Why are you hungry again so soon?”

Li Yanran said enthusiastically, “You don’t understand, Brother Xiong brought sweet-scented osmanthus cake from Baihua Pastry Shop in Lianhua City, which is a famous legend in the food industry.”

“Baihua Pastry Shop is a century-old pastry shop in Lianhua City. It sells a limited number of pastries every day and the price is close to the people.

“Therefore, the goods are in short supply, and there is an endless stream of people buying cakes every day.

“Moreover, it never accepts reservations, does not accept high-priced purchases, and does not accept joining.”

“If you want to eat, you can only queue up to buy it.”

“And sweet-scented osmanthus cakes are only sold on the Double Ninth Festival, and not sold at other times.”

“I don’t know how Brother Xiong thought of a way to buy it.

It’s really “I’m looking forward to it when I think about it!”

“No, I can’t wait, why hasn’t Brother Xiong come up yet?”

Hear her talk incessantly.

Lin Nan touched his chin and thought for a moment.


in mind.

Inexplicably came up with a very strange idea of ​​dying.

now that.

Li Yanran attaches great importance to this sweet-scented osmanthus cake!


I can…  


It always feels like it’s going to kill you.

But it doesn’t matter if you give it a try, you can’t really be killed anyway.

Just test the so-called sixth sense.

After a moment.

When she was able to sturdily carry two hard-covered pastry boxes and strode into the office, Li Yanran exuded a much more enthusiastic energy than usual.

Smiling happily, he took the initiative to greet him.

excitedly said:

“Brother Xiong, are you tired?”

“Let me get the pastry box for you!”

Saying that, he took the initiative to stretch out his hand and go straight to his goal.

And at the same time.

In the face of Li Yanran’s enthusiasm, Nengzhuang was really taken aback, and he stepped back several steps.

And these steps.

But it just happened to let Li Yanran’s little abacus fail…

Failed to grasp the pastry box with sweet-scented osmanthus cake.

At this moment.

Xiong Zhuangshi scratched his head, feeling a little confused, and stared at Li Yanran with strange eyes.

I kept talking in my mind.

What’s happening here?

Xiao Yanran what happened?

have a fever?

Still crazy?

I don’t usually see her like this!

Just when Li Yanran was about to grab the pastry box again.

Lin Nan didn’t know when, suddenly came out from the side.

Showing a dark smile.

Before Li Yanran, he snatched the pastry box from Xiong Zhuangshi’s hands.

Turn around and run.

Before leaving, he left a message.

“Xiao Yanran, I will laugh at this sweet-scented osmanthus cake, you can eat it on the Double Ninth Festival next year! Wow ha ha ha~

“Hurry up, let’s try it together. The delicious sweet-scented osmanthus cake will be more delicious if you share it with your companions.”

Seeing Li Yanran’s figure bouncing towards Song Ruyan, Lin Nan twitched the corner of his mouth and breathed a sigh of relief.


Did you say you weren’t cheated by me?

Could that feeling just now be my illusion?

I just wanted to grab your sweet-scented osmanthus cake to test it.

You have the urge to kill me?



Husky kind of person.

It is really…

It’s hard to say.

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