Chapter 187 Strange vegetable stall owner, his identity exposed!

“Sister, your skin is so good, it’s as tender as the tofu you sell.”

“Little sister, you really know how to talk, don’t say anything, wipe off the fraction, and give you another piece.”

“Uncle, give me something cheaper!”

“The little girl really knows how to live, okay! Uncle will give you 3 cents cheaper.

Wow “! You…”

Lin Nan followed behind with a big bag and a small bag on his face, listening to Li Yanran’s contrived words in his ear, the twitching of the corners of his eyes never stopped.

This stuff really plays in its true colors.

Did she forget the mission?

Do you really think you came to the market to buy food?

After taking a deep breath.

Lin Nan thought to himself.

never mind!

It didn’t point to this item anyway.

Still have to do it by yourself.

I have just passed through more than a dozen stalls and found nothing unusual.

The uncles and aunts who sell vegetables seem to be normal vegetable farmers.

Where is the abduction and trafficking gang hiding?

Where are their dens hidden?

Lin Nan secretly observed the entire vegetable market.

Continuing speculation in my mind.

This one doesn’t look like it!

This is also not 12 pairs, no location at all.

Pass this store.

These vegetable stalls are obvious at a glance, and there is no place to hide people at all.


You should think in a different direction and look for it from a different angle.

Just when Li Yanran and the aunt of a new vegetable stall were chatting hotly.

Lin Nan carried something, leaned over, and said with a smile: “Sister, I see that your vegetables are so fresh, did you bring them here in the morning?”

The vegetable stall aunt whispered: “Alas! You are so good at talking, young man, and it will be cheaper for the two of you soon.”

“These vegetables are all picked from the greenhouse.”

“All the vegetables I sell are fresh.

Lin Nan continued to flank: “Isn’t it troublesome to do this? I heard that most vegetable stalls now pull their dishes to a nearby refrigerated warehouse in advance for storage!

“Isn’t anyone doing this in this market?”

The lady of the vegetable stall said disdainfully, “Vegetables that have been stored in a refrigerated warehouse for several days can still be called fresh vegetables?

“Those dishes, I don’t know how many days they have been refrigerated.”

“Then it tastes the same as fresh vegetables?”

“Boy, let me tell you, the vegetables in most of the stalls in this market are fresh vegetables that are pulled from the ground every day.”

“However, there are also several profiteers who fool people with refrigerated vegetables.

“For a while, when you buy other vegetables, you can pay attention, the people I’m talking about! It’s the young people in the innermost stall, who can’t do business honestly, and only engage in some crooked ways.

“They like to use vegetables that have been refrigerated for several days, disguised as fresh vegetables to take out, and I heard that they have even created a live broadcast to sell vegetables, and a large number of people have been deceived.”

“But I don’t know who is stupid or what. I know there are problems with those dishes, but many people still buy them.”

“From time to time, I see them pulling out the vegetables from warehouse to warehouse with a car and dumping them out.”

Speaking of this, the aunt’s tone was sour.

I don’t know if it’s because of envy or jealousy, or because I really hate others cheating.

When Lin Nan heard this, Ling Ran felt suspicious in his heart.

Could it be that… the order is not in the vegetable market, but in the refrigerated warehouse near the vegetable market?

Selling a large number of dishes using live broadcasts as a reason.

Using transport as a cover, the abducted children will be transported away.

Lin Nan continued to speculate in his mind, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that this possibility was very high.

But the police always rely on evidence, not groundless speculation.

Because, Lin Nan decided to take Li Yanran to the so-called live broadcast vegetable stall to investigate the situation.

After a moment.

The two pretended to hang out and went to the innermost stall.

There are four or five stalls in the innermost of the whole vegetable market, which is very strange.

Most of the stall owners are young people in their thirties and strong.

In addition, it seems that there are no uncles and aunts to stroll around the booth, and it seems that the source of customers is very scarce.

But the stall owners didn’t care about it.

Instead, they gathered together on a mobile phone and conducted a live broadcast without anyone else.

Even if they moved to Lin Nan and Li Yanran, they were ignorant and didn’t care at all.

to this.

Lin Nan pretended to be picking vegetables, and asked casually, “Boss, why does this cabbage look a little provocative?”


Just such an ordinary question.

But it caused the stall owner to scold as if in anger.

“What? The cabbage is covered? Where is it covered? You don’t want to talk about it!”

“My cabbage is all fresh cabbage!”

“If you want to buy it or not, if you don’t buy it, don’t delay my business!”

Saying that, the stall owner continued the live broadcast with his mobile phone in his hand.

Lin Nan raised his eyebrows, took two steps, and pretended to be angry and said, “What’s the matter with you?”

“Are you doing this business?”

While speaking, Lin Nan secretly took the opportunity to glance at the content of the live broadcast on the other party’s mobile phone.

After reading it at a glance, Lin Nan’s eyes narrowed slightly, as if he had thought of something.

And at the same time.

When the stall owner heard Nan say this, he became even more angry.

Hupeng 087 is like a friend, and the stall owner of four or five hula la stalls walks out of the vegetable stall and takes Lin Nan’s position.

He pointed at Lin Nan in a dignified manner, his tone was full of all kinds of threatening words, but he didn’t feel like he was doing anything.

: “Boy, don’t buy food if you can’t afford it, why are you running here to find a sense of existence?”

: “What? You look down on us selling vegetables?”

: “Did you come here to find fault?”

: “Boy, what are you doing?”

It seemed like a scene of impending conflict.

After a while, it attracted the attention of a large number of uncles and aunts passing by.

They all watched from a distance.

Lin Nan frowned slightly, thinking about how to solve this situation.

And, time is fast.

Otherwise, Li Yanran would probably be tempted to act impulsively, causing this group of people to be vigilant.


at this time.

An unexpected person appeared.

And used a way that Lin Nan never expected to clear the siege.

“Alas! Isn’t this Officer Xiaolin? It’s such a coincidence that we met here!” A square dancing aunt emerged from the crowd and said, “You also came to buy food?”

“Or, are you here to check these little bunny rabbits?”

Lin Nan: “.”

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