Chapter 188 The mantis catches the cicada, the oriole is behind, who is the hunter?

at the same time.

When the word for the police officer sounded in the aunt’s mouth.

Lin Nan was keenly aware of several stall owners surrounding him.

Visible to the naked eye, the whole body stiffened, and there was a little panic in everyone’s demeanor.


I haven’t waited for Lin Nan to speak, or use other means to regain control of the next developments.

Seeing the stall owner with a mobile phone, he suddenly shouted in a stern voice, “Police? What about the police?”

“Can the police accuse us of stale vegetables for no reason?”

“Can the police find fault?”

“If you don’t leave again, believe it or not… I expose you?”

Hearing the other party’s three sentences are inseparable from the word “police”, and every time he said it, he deliberately emphasized his tone.

Lin Nan’s face turned black in an instant, turned around and pulled Li Yanran with a slightly angry look, and hurriedly left the market.

No rebuttals, no words, and no other actions.

When this scene was seen by the uncle and aunt of the vegetable vendors in the vegetable market, it immediately caused a lot of discussion.

: “That kid is a policeman? Me! I don’t believe it!!”

: “Really, it’s not worth it, to be bullied by a street vendor and hooligan, this must be another swindler!”


And at the same time.

Those few young stall owners with strong and powerful faces, with ferocious faces, pointed at the surrounding and cursed: “Look at you being such an old thing, you all go back to sell your own vegetables, and you know that you are envious and jealous all the time, saying behind your back. short.”

“Go go, go go to Laozi!”

“Brother Leopard’s play is also something you can watch?”

In less than a moment.

The people watching the excitement dispersed, and the stalls in the innermost of the vegetable market once again turned back into a place where no outsiders exist.

After half a sound.

One of the vegetable vendors sneaked up to the vendor who just took the lead with the phone, and whispered, “Brother, did you think there was a problem just now?”

“Did the cop come to check something?”

The vegetable vendor, known as Brother Leopard, glared at his younger brother angrily, and muttered, “You know the shit!”

“Just because you have a lot of heart, don’t you see that there is a woman following the boy all the time?”

“Also, he still has big bags of vegetables in his hands.”

“At first glance, I came to buy food with my girlfriend.”

“Officer Xiaolin? Police? I bah!”

“Looking at the timid appearance, it is estimated that he is an auxiliary police officer or a temporary worker.”

That is, “Those old people thought that wearing a police uniform would be NB.

“Okay! Don’t talk about it! The old way, go check the situation of the goods, be alert, and look around.”

After hearing this, the younger brother hurriedly offered the flattery prepared in advance, making Brother Leopard laugh out loud.


And do things according to Brother Leopard’s instructions.

After seeing his younger brother’s performance, Brother Leopard nodded with satisfaction, and he valued him a little more in his heart.


When the younger brother left shortly after.

Brother Leopard pondered for a while, and also felt that something was wrong.


After a few minutes.

He greeted a few younger brothers and followed him away.

And the other side.

After Lin Nan pulled Li Yanran away, he quickly took her around to the back door of the vegetable market, and hid in the surrounding area.

“Why are you pulling me out?” Li Yanran asked in confusion: “Also, those few people just talked so much and were unreasonable, why didn’t they teach them a lesson?”

Lin Nan said with a dark face: “Those few should be the masters, my identity was exposed just now.

“The other party was alerted, and I suspect that the other party has just notified the accomplice.”

“In order to prevent the situation from escalating, I dragged you out.”

Li Yanran frowned and asked, “Your identity has been exposed! What will you do next?”

“Arrest them directly?”

Lin Nan shook his head and vetoed: “No way! I can’t do it now. This time it’s no different. It used to be a separate criminal gang. If you catch it, you’ll be wiped out.”

“And this time, this criminal gang is a network of criminal organizations spread across seven cities.

“It may disrupt the layout of several other cities.”

“So, you must not act rashly.”

“And, this time I have a whole new harvest!”

Next, “look at their movements, then go back and report back.”

“Don’t talk, come!”

Li Yanran looked back.

I saw a young vegetable stall owner who I had just met. Guigui Chongchong appeared from the back door of the vegetable market, looking left and right from time to time, as if he was guarding something.

After a while.

The man breathed a sigh of relief, felt relieved, and walked towards a hidden warehouse behind the vegetable market.

When Li Yanran saw this, she wanted to follow up.


Before she could act, Lin Nan patted her on the shoulder, shook his head slowly, and made a silent gesture.

Li Yanran was very confused by this, but out of trust in Lin Nan, she still felt that she would follow the other party’s command.

as predicted.

Another five minutes or so passed.

Another young vegetable stall owner appeared behind him, who was just doing the same thing, secretly checking the situation.

After he didn’t notice the abnormality, he took out his mobile phone and said something.

After a while, he left in the other direction.

And this time.

Lin Nan motioned to Li Yanran without hesitation to follow the second person with him.

At this time, Li Maran was a little bit afraid of rats. She had a feeling of being bitten by a snake and afraid of a rope for ten years.

Gestured and asked Lin Nan if this would also be a trap.

question this.

Lin Nan rolled his eyes, didn’t bother to explain, and chased after him.

Seeing this scene, Li Yanran gritted her teeth angrily, and followed suit.

It took about 15 minutes to follow.

Lin Nan stopped, hid his figure, and monitored the young vegetable stall owner’s every move from a distance.


A huge force came from behind.


Instantly slammed it into the wall in front.

(Qian Zhao) Lin Nan stabilized his body with a dark face.

Look back.

Lungs are going to explode!

It turned out that it was Li Yanran, an idiot who didn’t have enough success but had more than enough failure, and slammed him against the wall.

At this moment.

If not for special circumstances.

Lin Nan sprayed her bloody head.

A good latent mission.

Nothing to do.

Clean out some moths.

Can you go crazy at this time?


Before Lin Nan started to get angry.

I saw Li Yanran gesture with a slightly flustered expression.

There is only one meaning.

Back room!

Here comes again!

It was the leader who took the mobile phone and brought several people over.

get the news.

Lin Nan frowned.

I looked around and looked around.

His face became even more ugly.


Will I be caught in the urn this time?

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