Chapter 186 Pretend to be a couple and sneak into the investigation!

“Team Zhang, based on the testimony of Li Zhiyong, Li Dali, Liu Song and other three people who just finished the interrogation.” Song Mingming said: “In Beining District, there is a vegetable market that hides dens related to criminal gangs.”

“They once explained that there is a hidden channel for external transportation, which can transport the abducted children away.

“But we’re not sure what’s going on inside right now.

Nor do they “know if there are other abducted children inside.

“So, a few people are still needed to sneak in and conduct undercover investigations.

Can sturdy raise his hands high and say loudly: “Let me come!”

“I have the strongest fighting ability and the best physical fitness.”

Captain Zhang Hai waved his hand and said in disgust, “If you can be strong, forget it!”

“You are the most unsuitable candidate. You are 1.9 meters tall and strong like a big bear. It is not conducive to hiding your identity, and there are problems at first sight.”

“We need someone who is easy for “Zero Seven Zero” to hide his identity and is unobtrusive, and go in to investigate the situation.

“It’s not to go in and immediately carry out arrest operations and fight criminals.

“I personally feel that Lin Nan and Li Yanran are more suitable.

“Lin Nan has an insight into things, he observes meticulously, and he does things calmly. After entering the vegetable wholesale market, he can detect the situation of hidden criminal gangs in the shortest time.”

“And Li Yanran’s melee fighting ability is also very strong, and her body doesn’t look threatening, so it won’t attract too much attention from criminals.”

“The two of you disguised as a couple and entered the vegetable market to buy vegetables, so as not to cause others to be overly focused, but also to hide your identity.”

“As for the time, let’s set it at 6 o’clock in the morning tomorrow morning!”

At that time, “Xiong Zhuangshi, Liu Feng, and Zheng Hu, the three of you will keep in touch with them nearby, and if there is any special situation, you will be available at any time.

Xiong Zhuangshi raised his hand again and said, “Just the three of us to meet? That’s not enough!”

Captain Zhang Hai said casually: “This is just an ordinary investigation, not a direct arrest! Why go to so many people?”

“The three of you are enough.”

“Other people need to collect other intelligence tomorrow and formulate a detailed arrest plan, and the three of you will not be useful for the time being.”

“Uh~ wrong!”

“I mean just the three of you are not good at these related jobs.”

“That’s why, I will send you over to receive it.”

Can sturdy scratch the hair.

Although, what Lao Zhang said makes sense.

But he always felt that something was going to happen.

Last time.

The task of Lin Nan and Li Yanran is to go to Linshan Tunnel to secretly investigate the situation of Liu Guihua and other four wanted criminals.


The spying turns into a head-on encounter.

I haven’t waited for Lao Zhang to bring people to the scene.

Four wanted criminals including Liu Guihua were captured.


Go back further.

Last time.

The task of Lin Nan and Song Gaoming is also to disguise their identities and go to the psychotherapy clinic of James Wilder, 10 of Spades, to find evidence of each other’s crimes.


Evidence is found.

But it is based on the premise of capturing James Wilder.

Judging by past experience.

Then this time.


Just when Zhuang Zhuang could start his imagination, Lin Nan glanced at him and noticed the strange expression on the other side.

A little bit in mind.

I guessed what the big bear was thinking.

after all.

The other party was almost engraving the words on his face.

In the eyes of Lin Nan, who understands micro-expression analysis.

This is simply a sign!

to this.

Lin Nan said softly with a dark face: “Brother Xiong, don’t think about those who have or don’t.”

“This time, there will be absolutely no problems.”

“The first two times were unexpected and I had to make that choice.”

Can Zhuang looked sideways without saying a word, but his face was full of doubts.

Early morning the next day.

near a vegetable market.

Lin Nan and a group of five people are already ready nearby.

Can Zhuangzhuang parked his car nearby, and waited for news with Liu Feng and Zheng Hu in the reserved car.

Lin Nan and Li Yanran dressed as couples, dressed as young couples shopping for vegetables in the early morning, and walked into the market together.

no way.

The two of them were in the office yesterday, and they tried to act as a couple in public to show others the situation.


Is that the flat-bumped woman who killed the cow with one punch?

What the hell is this cute, pretentious, bargain-hunting style?



All are natural performers.

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