Chapter 15 Awarded a first-level police officer and transferred to the Criminal Police Team!

Speaking of this, Director Zheng said in a serious and solemn tone:

“Therefore, after the recommendation of Captain Zhang Hai of the Criminal Investigation Team, the review of my information, and the approval of the higher-level organization.”

“Lin Nan, congratulations, you have ended your one-and-a-half-year internship as a trainee police officer early, and you are officially awarded the rank of first-level police officer.”

“And after the organization decided to arrange, he was transferred to the criminal investigation team to carry out related work. I hope to make persistent efforts to make more congratulations for the safety of the people.”

Lin Nan stood where he was, raised his chest, and saluted with a serious face: “Yes! Follow the organization’s arrangements and serve the people.”

Captain Zhang Hai of the criminal investigation team walked over with a smile and formally changed the logo on the epaulette for Lin Nan.

After a moment.

Lin Nan’s left and right epaulets have been replaced with two four-pointed star studs.

This sign represents his identity as a first-level police officer.

“Xiao Lin, keep trying, I’m optimistic about you!” Captain Zhang Hai smiled and patted Lin Nan on the shoulder.

“Go back and prepare, pack up, give you a day off today, and report to the Criminal Police tomorrow.”

Lin Nan saluted again: “Yes! Everything follows the arrangement of the organization.”

After speaking, he turned to leave.

And Captain Zhang Hai, who watched Lin Nan leave, had a stronger smile on his face, giving the impression of a fox that just stole a chicken.

Lin Nan is such a nice guy!

Strong ability and steady work.

Why haven’t I found such a talent before?

However, it’s not too late, the meat has already arrived in the bowl, ready to leave, otherwise, it will be too late if you don’t leave.

“That Zheng Bureau, since the matter is over, I’ll go back to the Criminal Investigation Team first.” Captain Zhang Hai of the Criminal Investigation Team said with a light cough and turned around.

It’s impossible not to go back.

Lao Zhou of the civil department should have gotten the news.

Let’s leave this pot to Zheng Bureau to solve it!

After all, the person was transferred without communicating with him before.

However, at this moment.

dong dong dong~

There was a somewhat irritable knock on the door.

Just as the voice thought about it, Director Zheng said cheerfully: “Please come in!”

With the office door open.

A middle-aged policeman in a police uniform squeezed in.

As soon as he entered the door, he shouted loudly:

“Officer Zheng… Bureau Zheng… I heard that you are going to transfer the child Lin Nan?”

good guy!

It really means that Cao Cao Cao Cao is here!

This middle-aged policeman with a somewhat irritable tone is Zhou Aimin, the head of the civil department.

The Bitter Lord is here!

When Captain Zhang Hai of the Criminal Investigation Team saw the figure, he glanced suspiciously at the cheerful Director Zheng.


The detective’s intuition was telling him.

Not running!

Older gingers are more spicy!

Eighty percent of me will be sold!

Everything after that was as expected by Captain Zhang Hai.

“Oh! You are talking about this!” Director Zheng said happily with a smile: “Captain Zhang Hai of the Criminal Investigation Team is very optimistic about Lin Nan, and specifically named him to be transferred to the Criminal Investigation Team.”

“Hey! Captain Zhang happens to be here, you can ask him directly!”

“I’m going to approve some work first.”

After speaking, Director Zheng seemed to have nothing to do with him, sat back on the office chair, picked up some materials, and started to work like no one else.

Upon hearing this explanation, Lao Zhou’s attention immediately shifted.

Criminal investigation team Zhang Hai? ? ?


It’s you bastard again!

It’s okay to stuff a stupid bear to make trouble last time.

Are you going to take my sweetheart away again this time?

New hatred and old hatred!

Lao Zhou’s eyes gradually became dangerous.

And Captain Zhang Hai, who was blocked, showed a polite but embarrassing smile.


And at the same time.

Lin Nan, who knew nothing about the follow-up of the director’s office, has returned to the office of the civil department.

“Wow!” Xiong Zhuangshi shouted, “Xiao Lin, you can!”

“The epaulettes have been replaced with four-pointed stars?”


“Going directly over the level of the second-level police officer, he became a first-level police officer.”

After the other colleagues heard it, they also saw the change of Lin Nan’s epaulettes.

Although I don’t know the reason, they still say:

“Xiao Lin, congratulations.”

“I was graded just one year after I joined the company. It is very powerful. It is worthy of being a small expert in handling civil disputes in Beining District.”

“Should I invite a guest to dinner today?”

“The future is boundless, the future is boundless!”

“Are you doing a great job?”

Xiong Zhuangshi saw that his colleagues still didn’t know what happened yesterday, and immediately said loudly:

“You don’t know yet! Kobayashi made a big show yesterday.”

“Three times, five divisions, and two, we solved a huge serial annihilation case.”

“It shocked the colleagues of the criminal investigation.”

“In a few days, you should be able to see the internal notification information.”

Colleagues listen.

Excuse ~

good guy!

Did it really work?

They all asked about the situation.

Longming City is just an ordinary second-tier prefecture-level city, and most of the trivial matters are usually trivial. It is very rare to hear such sensational killing cases.

Even if they are both police officers, they are quite curious about this matter.

And Xiong Zhuangshi sees this development, and there is a trend of people going crazy.

He casually brought a chair and began to exaggerately tell the story of yesterday’s case.

From time to time, some private information is added, and the story is twisted and reversed, like a legendary story, and my colleagues are stunned when they hear it.

in his mouth.

Lin Nan has become a contemporary Sherlock Holmes.

Don’t bully the juvenile poor version of the police detective.

A rising star in the police force.

And Lin Nan listened two sentences later.

He just twitched the corners of his mouth and continued to pack his things silently.

at the same time.

With the legend of Xiong Zhuangshi’s mouth.

The strange gazes his colleagues looked at Lin Nan also made him more and more uncomfortable. *

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