Chapter 14 The wonderful Lin Nan, summoned by the director, will be rewarded for meritorious service!

When the criminal investigation team was eating, the criminal police suggested to call Lin Nan and ask him to come to dinner. This suggestion was unanimously approved by everyone.

Unfortunately, after the call was made, no one answered, causing everyone to make a fuss.

Li Yanran, who is more familiar with Lin Nan, told the truth.

She said that Lin Nan is like an old man in his 20s. He is young but maintains good living habits all the time.

Don’t eat unhealthy food, keep the thermos cup in your hand, and go to bed on time at 11 o’clock every day.

Get up at 6:00 am, wash and eat breakfast, go to the park at 6:30 am to practice Tai Chi with my uncle in the morning.

In the evening after get off work, we dance square dance with aunts.

It is a wonderful flower in the world.

During this time, Lin Nan should have fallen asleep and couldn’t find anyone at all.

Not only that, Li Yanran was still at the dinner table, and broke the news about a lot of Lin Nan’s strange things, which opened the eyes of all the criminal police colleagues. They all sighed that a genius is really different.

Unexpectedly, Officer Xiaolin, who looks so handsome, turned out to be so strange.

The Interpol team had all the interpols go back to their homes after the party, and each went to find his mother. Some went back to where they lived, while others simply went back to the dormitory of the sub-bureau to rest.


The next morning.

Bac Ninh Branch Police Dormitory.

Just after 6:00 in the morning, Lin Nan opened his eyes on time as if he had set an alarm.

Glancing blankly at the bed next door to the dormitory, the bear was sturdy and slept like a dead dog.

Get up, get dressed, wash your face, brush your teeth, go out, go to breakfast.

All in one go.

Thirty minutes later.

Lin Nan appeared on time in the park near the branch office, and he blended into the morning training team of the old man who was just about to start Tai Chi.

“Get up!”

“The first style of the left and right wild horses splits the temples…”

“Second Form…”


“Type 24…”

Following the rhythm of the music, 15 minutes later, Lin Nan finished a set of Tai Chi and practiced pushing hands with the leader of the Tai Chi team, Uncle Li, for half an hour.

After doing these daily exercises, Lin Nan walked leisurely to the dormitory of the precinct.

Passing by the breakfast shop on the way, I also bought soy milk buns, packed them and took them back.

At 7:30, Lin Nan pushed open the door of the dormitory exactly like a precise pocket watch, put breakfast on the table, and woke the bear who was sleeping like a dead bear.

Then, he began to take off the casual clothes used for morning exercises and changed into police uniforms.

And Xiong Zhuangshi also struggled to get up with sleepy eyes, drinking soy milk and eating steamed buns as usual.

“Xiao Lin! Since you live in the same dormitory, I don’t even need to set the alarm clock.”

“With you around, I feel like I’m back in my team life.”

“Young people, can you be more youthful and energetic, and don’t be like an old man who set the alarm clock.”

In the past few minutes, Lin Nan had changed into his police uniform, sat on the bed with a calm expression, and took the freshly brewed wolfberry health tea as usual.

While blowing hot air, while sipping tea, he said calmly:

“You still have 36 minutes to wash, brush your teeth, and change your clothes.”

Xiong Zhuangshi: “…”


I got it!

This kid is gone!

Brother Lin, Sister-in-law Lin, I am wrong to you!

It’s been a year, and I haven’t succeeded in changing him. Instead, I’ve almost been led astray by him.


This bun is so delicious!

hey hey hey!

At 8:20, Lin Nan and Xiong Zhuangshi left the dormitory together.

Lock the door, carry the garbage, and throw it into the trash can halfway.

Everything is as usual.

The dormitory of the branch is next to the Bac Ninh branch.

Just ten minutes.

The 8:30 working hours are not bad at all.

The two of them had just arrived at the office and their buttocks had just been glued to the chair, when they heard a colleague in the same office say:

“Lin Nan, if the director said you are here, he will ask you to go to his office.”

“Oh! Got it.”

Lin Nan responded casually, got up and walked towards the director’s office.

dong dong dong~

“Please come in!”

Lin Nan pushed open the door and entered.

At this time, the director was not the only one in the office, there was another acquaintance, Captain Zhang Hai of the Criminal Investigation Team.

The director of the Beining branch is named Zheng Aiguo. He is in his fifties today. His face is a little fat and round, and he is always smiling.

“Yo! Say that Cao Cao Cao Cao is here, and the police officer Xiaolin is here!” Chief Zheng said cheerfully: “It’s really good, I heard about the case yesterday.”

“Captain Zhang has exaggerated you.”

“I didn’t expect that I just asked you to investigate the community aunt’s report of a thief. You gave me such a big surprise and broke a serial killing case independently.”

“Not bad! Not bad! Really good!”

“I didn’t expect you, Xiao Lin, to be so capable in criminal investigation in addition to resolving civil disputes.”

“It used to be really overkill.”

As soon as Lin Nan entered the door, before he could speak, Director Zheng continued to praise him, expressing his appreciation in his language.

Of course, Lin Nan didn’t show any arrogance, but said modestly:

“It’s all just a coincidence. In this case, I didn’t play such a big role. It all depends on the help of my colleagues in the criminal investigation team.”

“Even without me, the case will still be solved, and the culprit will be arrested.”

Hearing this answer, Director Zheng’s eyes narrowed with laughter.

In my heart, I value Lin Nan more and more.

Neither humble nor arrogant, not arrogant, not engaging in individualism.

This guy is very good at dealing with people!

Director Zheng coughed lightly and said solemnly:

“Xiao Lin, I’m looking for you today, and I have one more thing to tell you.”

“As the saying goes, merit must be rewarded, and demerits must be punished.”

“This time, you helped the criminal investigation team and spent 6 hours quickly cracking down on a large-scale serial killing case, suppressing the negative social impact of the case to a minimum.”*

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