Chapter 16 Xiong Zhuangshi was also transferred back to the Criminal Investigation Team!

step, step, step

With the sound of footsteps, a figure appeared at the door of the civil department office.

After seeing the figure, a group of colleagues in the civil department put away their curiosity.

Sitting upright.jpg.

Turn over the data, turn over the data, organize the files and organize the files.

Only Bear Zhuangzhuang, who moved his chair to the middle of the office with his back to the door, still didn’t know anything about it.

“I just heard Officer Lin say loudly: He is not a murderer at all, he is only a scapegoat, and there is only one truth!”


“Why don’t you listen? This is the best part.”

A human-shaped shadow just appeared in front of Xiong Zhuangshi.

Xiong Zhuangshi suddenly shuddered.

There was a chill in my heart.

? ? ?

Is it…

“Speak! Why don’t you continue?” A cold voice came from behind.

Bear Zhuangzhuang stiffly turned his head to look.

Captain Zhou Aimin of the civil department, his immediate boss.

He stood behind him with an ugly face.



Xiong Zhuangshi swallowed his saliva and smiled politely but embarrassedly.

The boss of the civil department, Zhou Aimin, saw this familiar smile.

Anger is better.

Teeth are itchy.

After giving him a hard look.

“Xiong Zhuangshi! Do you have any discipline?” Zhou Aimin said in a cold voice, “There are some things that have not been notified, so you are just making a big announcement here?”

“Are you going to be demoted one more level and kick you back to the police academy, will you be happy?”

“Go back and sit down, I have something to announce!”

When Xiong Zhuangshi heard this, he quickly smeared oil on the soles of his feet and prepared to get out of the way.

“Wait! Move the chair back!”

“Ah? Yes, yes! Team Zhou, I’ll move out immediately.”

Xiong Zhuangshi hurriedly walked back again and removed the chair.

After Zhou Aimin had thought about it for a while, he said solemnly:

“After the decision of the organization, Comrade Lin Nan was transferred to the criminal investigation team to participate in the criminal investigation work.”

“I hope Comrade Lin Nan can make persistent efforts to make achievements in the field of criminal investigation and serve the people”

Xiong Zhuangshi said happily, “Ha! Xiaolin, I knew you could do it.”

Zhou Aimin gave him a stern look and continued:

“Don’t talk, I haven’t finished speaking yet.”

“Besides that, and Xiong Zhuangshi, you are the same. You have been transferred back to the criminal investigation team.”

Xiong Zhuangshi was stunned for a moment, and then said in ecstasy:

“Hahaha… That’s great! I finally don’t have to do civil dispute mediation anymore.”

“Xiao Lin, if we combine our two swords, we will definitely look down on us.”

Zhou Aimin snorted coldly, too lazy to scold the big stupid bear.

Although Xiaolin, the treasure of the civil department, was dug away.

But it also sent away Xiong Zhuangshi, the biggest scourge of the civil sector.

Not bad!

Mediated 23 civil disputes a year and was complained 24 times.

I have long wanted to send this scourge away.

Lin Nan stood up amidst the congratulations and said with a smile:

“Thank you to my colleagues for your care this year, and also to Captain Zhou for your training this year.”

“Although I went to other departments, if you need help with anything, please feel free to speak up.”

And Xiong Zhuangzhuang on the side also said carelessly.

“Xiao Lin is right, brothers, feel free to speak up if you have anything.”

“Dapeng rises with the same wind in one day, soaring up to 90,000 miles, Lao Xiong, I will go to fight the rivers and lakes again.”

Zhou Aimin looked at Lin Nan’s performance.


Very reluctant!

Look at the strong bear.


You black sheep are finally gone.


Outside the Bac Ninh branch.

Lin Nan carried the old cadre’s thermos cup in his left hand, a folder in his right hand, and Xiong Zhuangzheng was carrying a lot of things in large and small bags.

“Xiao Lin, you have very few things. It’s really convenient. Unlike me, there are so many things. It’s really hard to move things, and it’s dead.” Xiong Zhuangshi said enviously.

Lin Nan unscrewed the thermos cup, drank the wolfberry health tea, and replied leisurely, “Shen? Isn’t that normal? Who asked you to bring two barbells to the office.”

“Also, why don’t you move things directly to the criminal investigation team, but move them back to the dormitory first?”

“Are you going to move them to the criminal investigation team tomorrow?”

“Do you pay so much attention to the sense of ritual in life?”

Xiong Zhuang stood still.

“…Yes! Why? Why should I move them back to the dormitory?”

Lin Nan rolled his eyes and said casually:

“We’ve moved here anyway, so let’s move back to the dormitory!”

“It’s the same if you move in tomorrow, anyway, you have the strength.”

Bear Zhuangshi: “???”

After a moment.

The two have returned to the dormitory.

Xiong Zhuangshi: “Xiao Lin, you rest today, what are you going to do later?”

Lin Nan took a moment.

this point in time.

Apart from the dormitory, no one should be at home on the parents’ side, and they should also be on duty.

However, grandpa has retired, and he should play chess near his home, so it’s better to visit him.

Thinking of this, Lin Nan will decide to tell Xiong Zhuangshi.

“What? Are you going to go to Grandpa Lin’s place?”

“I’m going too, I’m going too, I haven’t seen the old man for a long time, I just can kill a few fights with him.”

“Xiao Lin, let me tell you, the old man and I are confidants when it comes to playing chess!”

“As the saying goes, you will meet good talents, and chess will meet your opponents!”

“Today’s rest, just in time to fight the rivers and lakes again!”*

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