Chapter 143 The results of the previous three cases, a dinner at the barbecue restaurant in the forest!

After teasing Song Ruyan for a while, Lin Nan saw that her mood had improved slightly, so she turned to look up the information she cared about.

He wanted to know, the previous experience of the suspects in several cases, and the outcome of their final trial.

After a moment.

Lin Nan obtained relevant information through his own channels.

928 Abandoned factory cremation case.

Tang Aimin and Dong Guihua, as the mastermind and perpetrator of the crime, were sentenced to 20 years in prison.

The remaining four elders were found guilty of sheltering and sentenced to one year in prison.

929 patent extortion case results.

The patent was declared invalid, and the house of the perpetrator Jiang Song was sealed up according to law, and a foreclosure was conducted, and all victims of the racketeering case were compensated with the amount of the auction.

I heard that after the case was decided, many small traders and hawkers came to the branch to send pennants.

And Jiang Song’s parents.

After the two old people learned everything.

White-haired people send black-haired people.

The old lady almost died of crying, and the old man Jiang also aged a lot.

But the old man is sensible and decisive.

The next day after the verdict, he took some things and poured out the house and handed it over to the relevant law enforcement officers as compensation for the foreclosure.

He also cremated the remains of his grandson Jiang Song, held his grandson’s urn, and brought his wife back to the countryside.

Where did you come from, where you go back, and never plan to come back.

As for the last 101 stabbing case.

The four hypnotized Jianghai University students, Yao Dali and others.

Although they were not sentenced to criminal responsibility, they were required to pay financial compensation to those they slashed under hypnosis.

Of course, there are also many family members of the injured who were slashed and wounded, who did not agree with the verdict, thinking that the matter of hypnosis was purely nonsense, and they appealed and sued.

The relatives of Dali Yao and others also appealed.

It’s just that the person they want to sue is psychiatrist James Wilder.

In addition, there are foreign media reports, advocacy, pressure, and hope to extradite James Wilder back to China.

In our country, we practice Tai Chi frantically and never give up.

All in all, a mess.

When Lin Nan saw this, he couldn’t help feeling a little fortunate.


The national security department has taken the initiative to take over the pot.

Otherwise, this case is really not easy to do.

at dusk.

A barbecue restaurant near the Bac Ninh branch.

Forest BBQ.

A group of people walked into the store and walked towards a box.

“Brother Zhang, come to take care of my business again”?” A middle-aged and slightly fat man greeted cheerfully.

“Are these two newcomers?

“Is there a few newcomers to the team this time?”

“Are you talking about Lin Nan and Song Ruyan? Lin Nan is not a rookie now!” Captain Zhang Hai also replied with a smile: “He is now the leader of the third group.”

“And, it’s not the first time he’s here.”

“The last time we had a dinner together, you happened to be away, otherwise, you would have seen each other last time.”

As for “Ruyan! She is our external expert, but she is not a newcomer.

“It’s just the first time you meet.

After that, Captain Zhang Hai introduced to Lin Nan and Song Ruyan: “This is the owner of the Linzhong BBQ restaurant, Zhao Linzhong, his father is an old senior of our Beining branch, and his son is in the police academy and has not graduated yet.”

After the two sides introduced.

Song Ruyan did not expect that Captain Zhang Hai would introduce her like this.

after all.

She herself knew what she was in.

Actually an unemployed outsider.

But Captain Zhang Hai saved her face very much when he was outside.

On the contrary, it made her a little shy, unable to let go, not knowing what to say.

And Lin Nan found this out.

I am ready to take the initiative to say hello to Zhao Linzhong, the owner of the Linzhong BBQ restaurant.

What he never expected was that Zhao Linzhong took the lead in taking a step forward, holding Lin Nan’s hand, and said enthusiastically: “You are Officer Lin Nan! I didn’t recognize it just now, blame me, I forgot for a while. Well, my father keeps talking about you!”

“It’s really good to say that you broke the case of painting skin more than 30 years ago.

“That case is something his old man has always regretted in the past.”

“He always wanted to meet you in person and thank you, but he just didn’t have the chance.”

“I’ll have this meal today.”

“Big guy let go and eat.”

This series of words caught Lin Nan by surprise, and for a while, he didn’t know how to deal with it.

At this time.

Being able to be strong and unexpectedly helped Lin Nan out of the siege.

He put his hand on Zhao Linzhong’s shoulder and said in a naive voice: “Okay! Lao Zhao, don’t get too excited.”

“What are you asking? We are celebrating a feast this time, so don’t waste your money today.

“We just issued a bonus.”

“When it is convenient for us, I will take Lin Nan to visit Mr. Zhao, and it will not be too late for you to invite him.

“Okay! It’s settled!” Zhao Linzhong said with a smile: “However, although it is inevitable today, I can always send a few plates of meat!”

“Everyone, please come in!”

With that said, the group walked into the box.

In less than a moment.

Various dishes were served.

Pork belly, sirloin, roast lamb chops, tender beef, chicken breast, rib meat…

stab, stab…

In addition to the royal dinner chefs Tan Xiaotong and Tan Xiaoxiao, Song Ruyan also temporarily became a temporary brain.

The three of them grilled various dishes.

Every time it turns slightly yellow, turn it over and heat it up.


The rich aroma of barbecued meat spreads around in the box.

“, “Because tomorrow everyone still needs to work. “Captain Zhang Hai said: “Today we still don’t drink alcohol. ”

Everyone “eat more, this time it’s from our group bonus.

In the future, the “dinner expenses” will be deducted from the group bonus first.

“That’s a good relationship!” Xiong Zhuangshi said with a smile: “This time, the third-class merit award for the group is 10,000 yuan!

“Enough for us to have dinner many times.

“I remember it’s been a few years since I won the third-class group award last time.

“When I think about the time when I paid for a dinner party from the group bonus and didn’t have to pay for it myself, I really miss it.”

“I didn’t expect to experience this feeling as soon as I came back, it’s really cool.”

“What is your third-class merit in the group?” Captain Zhang Hai said, “Do you really think it’s so easy to obtain?”

“This is an extremely rare honor.

“Only those who have solved major and special cases one after another and successfully made great contributions to social security will have the opportunity to receive this honor.”

“Before, where have we encountered several cases in succession?

“So, this time we can get the third-class merit of this group, and I would like to thank Lin Nan more.”

“Without him, how could we have won the third-class merit of this group?

“Come on! Let’s toast Lin Nan with tea and wine.

As soon as the words fell, the criminal policemen raised their glasses one after another.

Lin Nan also picked up the tea and drank it with a smile.

Although, what I just said seemed to be fine.

But Lin Nan always felt that something was not right in what Captain Zhang Hai just said.

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