Chapter 144 New case! Beihu Park! Another tragedy!

“Okay, everyone should eat and drink. You are welcome.” Captain Zhang Hai said, “This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.”

“When the bonus this time is used up, there is no telling when there will be the next chance to get the third-class merit of the group.

“Like a while ago, the chance of encountering several major and special cases in a row is a very, special, and extremely rare situation.

“The security situation in Beining District of Longming City is still very good.

“That doesn’t always happen.

Lin Nan couldn’t help taking a deep breath.


this word…

Why does Team Zhang’s words sound so familiar?

It’s like saying this at the last dinner party.

Then, in just two weeks, I encountered several cases, such as the painted skin case, the disappearance case on the 903 pedestrian street, the 928 abandoned factory cremation case, the 929 patent extortion case, and the 101 knife wounding case.

No way!

Probably not!

Team Zhang should not be a crow’s mouth!

When Lin Nan thought about it, he felt that the meat in his mouth was not fragrant.

Hope it’s all right!

I still want to stop for a few more days and resume my work and rest!

An hour has passed.

In the barbecue box, everyone had a good time.

The special 040 was when Zhao Linzhong, the owner of the Linzhong BBQ restaurant, brought over a few plates of pork belly and tender beef, and the atmosphere became more lively.

Even Lin Nan threw out the ridiculous thoughts just now.

Chat and laugh with colleagues.

The dishes presented are delicious.

At this moment.

ding ding ding~

The phone rang for a while.

The atmosphere suddenly condensed.

Captain Zhang Hai took out his mobile phone to answer the call.

After three seconds.

His face became serious.

Three times in a row.

“Yes Yes Yes!”

After speaking.

Captain Zhang Hai took a deep breath and said solemnly: “Five minutes, eat the rest of the meal, don’t waste it.

“After eating, Lin Youwei, Han Lin, you two stay and pay with the amount in the bonus, then return to the branch and wait for the command.”

“Others, first go back to the precinct with me to change into uniforms.

“Then, go to the alley next to Beihu Park together.”

“Someone was killed there, and colleagues from other departments nearby have sealed off the scene, waiting for us to conduct on-site investigation and autopsy.”

After speaking, Captain Zhang Hai sat down and ate with a big mouth.

Others also began to speed up, clearing (bcai) leftover food.

There was no laughter in the box for a moment.

Only the sound of the chopsticks colliding with the rice bowl and the sound of chewing food remained.

Lin Nan thought absentmindedly.

Is it true what you thought before?

Is this Captain Sea really a crow’s mouth?

As long as you set the flag, you will definitely be slapped in the face in a short time?

Isn’t this a little unscientific?

And Song Ruyan next to Lin Nan, this was the first time she encountered such a situation, and she was a little confused.

But she wisely chose to go with the flow, struggling to destroy the food in front of her, without saying a word.

Five minutes later, with every second, everyone stopped eating, got up, and began to act according to the previous instructions.

The whole process was swift and resolute.

And just when Lin Nan and others put their energy into the new case, leaving Lan Xiner and the poker organization behind.

Inside a luxury hotel room in Jianghai City.

A woman in red silk pajamas with a temperament like a rose.

Holding a red wine glass with a playful smile, he stared at the luxury big-screen TV with cold eyes.

In his hand, he was playing a mysterious 8 of hearts card with gold threads on the edge.


It is the mysterious hypnotist 8 of hearts.

at this time.

content on the TV.

This is the video from the last press conference held by the Bac Ninh branch.


The touchscreen phone in front of her.

lights up.

Dark again.

White fingers skipped over.

Tap the screen.

A message is clicked.

Inside is a piece of garbled information, which looks like spam, and can’t see anything at all.


This is a spam message in the eyes of ordinary people.

In the eyes of 8 of Hearts, it shows a different meaning.

[The 10 of spades is positioned to move outward, Guoan may intervene and look for opportunities…  

to this.

She just frowned slightly and muttered to herself in a low voice:

“They? What trouble!

“Yeah! There’s still time, and it’s good to try the appetizers before the main dish.

Just grab another touchscreen phone.

Swipe to unlock.

Point your finger to WeChat again.

Skillfully click to add new friends.

Enter a series of micro-signals.


A WeChat account named Gaoshan Liushui appeared.

And the zoomed out photo on the left.

There was a man in a suit, showing his demeanor.

Take a closer look.

It was the criminal policeman who was proficient in psychology from the West Lake Branch.


The 8 hearts are playful, and the corner of the mouth is hooked.

An easy return.

Change the personal nickname to Xiaoqiao Zhiyin.

Then carefully modify the content and pictures of the circle of friends.

At last.

Enter Song Gaoming’s WeChat account again.

This time.

did not return.

Simply choose to add friends.


The 8 of Hearts elegantly raised the red wine glass again.

All in one drink.

Only half of the red lip mark remained on the rim of the cup.

There were only whispers left in the room.





A prompt swiped across the phone screen.

【You have added mountains and rivers, you can chat now. ”

The 8 of Hearts has a half-smile on his face.

It seems to be telling.

A good show is about to begin.

The fish is about to be hooked!

With a white finger, tap the virtual button.

Well-prepared mind-set.

like a bait.

was sent out.

A psychologist will always be the person who knows the psychologist best.

Sometimes the competition in the field of psychology can be brutal.

People who break through other people’s psychological defenses are often broken.


It will also be broken and broken by others.

Beining District.

Around the alley next to Beihu Park.

A dozen police colleagues cordoned off the scene in an orderly manner.

Outside the cordon, there were many uncles and aunts, who were onlookers and discussing with anxiety.

: “Old Liu, have you seen it? It’s too miserable, that girl! The death drop is too miserable, I don’t know which inhuman bastard it is.”

: “I see, I’m here, I’m here before you, I don’t know what I’m doing? There’s blood all over my body, dripping all over the floor.

: “I don’t know whose baby didn’t fall, it’s too miserable!”

At this time.

There was a sound of a police car honking in the distance.

In less than a moment.

I saw Captain Zhang Hai with a serious face and the other members of the criminal investigation team, all rushed to the scene.

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