Chapter 142 Lin Nan’s plan, a small disturbance in the office!

The section chief Zheng Wenbin from Guoan spoke clearly and neatly, explaining everything and the superior’s decision in a few words.

Of course, Lin Nan, Neng Zhuangshi and other three have no objection to this, nor do they have any different opinions.

After all, it is a matter of course for a foreign force like an overseas organization to be handed over to a higher-level or even higher-level organization to deal with it.

After Zheng Wenbin calmly explained his business, he explained it to Director Zheng and prepared to leave.

before leaving.

He patted Lin Nan on the shoulder and said, “Officer Lin, we also have a certain understanding of your abilities.”

“Hopefully in the future, we will have the opportunity to fight together.

After he finished speaking, he turned and left.

With the office door closed.

At this time, there was only one person left in the office again.

“Xiao Lin, you are a little famous this time.” Director Zheng looked at Lin Nan with admiration and said, “It seems that it won’t be long before the small pool of Beining Branch will not be able to accommodate your 12 real dragons. already.”

“Zheng Bureau highly praised it.” Lin Nan quickly waved his hand modestly and said, “The matter of the poker organization is just a coincidence!”

“You are still young and don’t understand.” Director Zheng said with a smile: “Guoan will select some outstanding personnel from various departments from time to time, and select the best to join.”

“It seems that your abilities have been understood and discovered by them, and now, you have entered their reserve selection.”

“If you have the opportunity in the future, you can also choose to join the Ministry of National Security and make a greater contribution.

“Of course, if you choose to join it, the danger you face will be even greater.”

Anyway, “This matter is not urgent now, you have time to think about it slowly!

Lin Nan smiled without saying a word, just waved his hand.


Lin Nan didn’t want to join the national security department so early.

Because he also knows something.

He once heard from his grandfather that Guoan is a law enforcement agency responsible for maintaining national security.

The organizational structure is divided into 16 bureaus, also collectively referred to as the 16th National Security Bureau.

The section chief Zheng Wenbin just now, although he did not clearly state his own affiliation, said it was kept secret.

But Lin Nan speculates that it is nothing more than one of the four National Security Bureaus, the National Security Bureau 7, the National Security Bureau 8, the National Security Bureau 9, and the National Security Bureau 10.

After all, the reason why he came this time was from an overseas organization like a poker organization that was mixed with foreign forces.

And seven, eight, nine, ten, these four bureaus happen to be mainly responsible for the responsibilities and work related to overseas organizations, as well as espionage and counter-espionage.

It’s not hard to guess.

As for specific.

Lin Nan felt that the probability of the ninth and tenth innings would be higher.

Because these two bureaus mainly deal with overseas organizations.


One is mainly internal and one is mainly external.

Lin Nan felt that it was too early for him to enter Guoan and face the vicious foreign organizations.

in short.

Lin Nan prefers wretched development.

Just like after he obtained the system, he didn’t jump up and down, and his high-spirited mind wanted to solve major cases.

Instead, he stayed in the civil department for more than a year, and handled hundreds of civil disputes.

And, what if he joins Guoan now?

In his opinion.

In terms of his current ability, he is not enough to deal with the difficulties and dangers that he needs to face to become a national security officer.

Rather than rejoicing at the opportunity to join Guoan so early.

It is better to take the time to improve your abilities during this period.

After the ability is strong enough, join Guoan.

At that time, he also had enough ability and capital to deal with danger.

After all, only one’s own strength is the most important.

Bac Ninh Branch Criminal Investigation Team Office.

Lin Nan and the other three entered the door.

shreds shreds~

With a crisp sound.

A bunch of red, green, and colorful small fireworks bloomed on the heads of Lin Nan and the other three.

at the same time.

The cheers of his colleagues rang out in his ears.

to this.

Lin Nan was not overjoyed, just twitched the corner of his eyes and silently made a mistake for his colleagues.

You guys are so deadly!

so many years.

Don’t you know enough about Captain Zhang Hai’s style?

as predicted.

After a second.

“What the hell are you doing?” Captain Zhang Hai scolded angrily: “Where did this hand-drawn salute come from?”

“If you don’t go to work well on weekdays, clean up these vain things.

“Are you familiar with the third-class group merit?”

“Say! Who is it? Who bought the hand-drawn salute?”

at this time.

Song Ruyan and Li Yanran stood up weakly and raised their hands.

Obviously, these two are the culprits.

When Xiong Zhuangshi saw this scene, he immediately raised Captain Zhang Hai’s shoulder with a smile and said, “Okay! Lao Zhang, don’t get angry, it’s not a big deal!”

“Isn’t this a celebration of everyone’s previous hard work being rewarded!”

“Quick, quick! I don’t have any eyesight!”

“I’ll clean up this rubbish in a while.”

talking room.

Xiong Zhuangshi did not forget to wink, signaling Li Yanran and Song Ruyan to take the initiative to admit their mistakes.

Captain Zhang Hai’s face twitched, looking at the bastard beside him.

Mu Ran room.

He has a long-lost sense of familiarity.

Immediately after.

If I could be strong, I took Lao Zhang to the conference room.

A small storm subsided.

After a moment.

Lin Nan sorted out his clothes and went back to his office desk 040 to sit down.

Seeing Song Ruyan who was in a somewhat depressed mood, she comforted her: “Don’t worry, it’s not a big deal!

Lao Zhang, “This man has a sharp mouth and a tofu heart. He doesn’t like to waste the pavement and make these formalistic things.”

“You just hit the eye of the gun this time.”

“Xuexue Xiaoyanran, don’t you think she has nothing!”

“Besides, believe it or not, Lao Zhang will talk about the department dinner when he comes out?

Song Ruyan shook her head and just said, “I don’t believe it!”

“I think Team Zhang is very angry, he shouldn’t be able to do it so soon…

At this time.

Captain Zhang Hai and Xiong Zhuangshi walked out of the conference room.

When he saw that the fireworks garbage at the entrance of the office had been cleaned, he nodded with satisfaction.

He said in a calm tone: “Forget it today, don’t do these stupid things in the future.”

“After get off work in the evening, change into plain clothes. It’s the same place where the department gathers for dinner. If something is inconvenient, just let me know in advance.”

After speaking, Captain Zhang Hai left.

“Ruyan, what did you just say?” Lin Nan smiled darkly, “What shouldn’t Captain Zhang Hai be?”

Song Ruyan: “…

At this moment.

There seemed to be a song in her ear.

The slap in the face comes too fast, like a tornado, you can’t do without being slapped in the face, it’s too late to escape…

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