Chapter 124 Who is the prey? Who is the hunter?

9 am the next day.

Jianghai City.

In a room in a hotel opposite No. 409 Huixi Street.

Lin Nan was wearing a white T-shirt, skinny jeans, and sneakers, and walked out of the bathroom.

“Not bad! It looks like a student, this disguise is too similar.” Zhou Lihai said: “Lin Nan, you can’t see any flaws in your disguise.

“Old Zhou, have you forgotten? Xiaolin has just graduated from school for more than a year. Neng Zhuang said: “It’s easy to pretend to be a student. ”

“Hahaha…” Zhou Lihai replied with a smile: “No way, Lin Nan’s ability is too strong, if I’m not careful, I will ignore the fact that he just graduated. ”

At this time, Song Gaoming, dressed in a suit and leather shoes, walked over and said, “James Wilder has appeared, and it’s time for us to play.

“Everything went according to plan.”

Psychotherapy clinic.

“Hello, do you need any help?” The lady at the front desk of the psychotherapy clinic asked with a professional smile.

“I made an appointment with Dr. Wilder today.” Song Gaoming replied.

“Sorry, Dr. Wilder just explained that he has something to do these days. He is waiting for a patient, and temporarily postpones all appointments.” The lady at the front desk said apologetically: “You may need to come back in a few days at 023.”

This statement came out.

Whether it was Lin Nan, Song Gaoming, or the policemen listening in the hotel opposite the clinic, all of them clucked in their hearts.

They didn’t expect this to happen.

James Wilder actually refused to see everyone with this rhetoric.

In this way, they have no chance to approach him and look for evidence.

Now things are in a very embarrassing situation.

If you choose to arrest James Wilder, but there is not enough evidence at present, even if he is caught, he can only be let go in the end, but it will startle the snake and give him a chance to escape.

If you choose not to arrest James Wilder, look for evidence first.

But the other party is now using normal reasons to decline all visitors.

Make it impossible for everyone to approach and find evidence.

Song Gaoming thought about it, and decided to retreat and leave first, return to the hotel to discuss long-term plans, and then find a way.


With regret on his face, he said, “Is that so? That’s such a pity, we can only wait for the next opportunity.

“Can you add your contact information?”

“When Dr. Wilder (bcai) is free, please contact me as soon as possible.”

The lady at the front desk looked at Song Gaoming’s suit and shoes and his gentle temperament, and chose to add a friend with a smile.

For Miss Sister, high-quality spare tire resources +1.

For Song Gaoming, other ways to find evidence of James Wilder’s crime +1.

After the two added friends, they both showed joyful smiles.

bell bell~

At this moment.

The landline at the front desk suddenly rang.

After the young lady answered the phone, after listening to the content of the call, she smiled and said to Song Gaoming: “You are very lucky, Dr. Wilder just called and said that there is time now. If a patient comes to seek psychological treatment, you can go directly. You can go up now. already.”

Hearing this, Song Gaoming immediately smiled and said, “Then we are so lucky, maybe I would like to thank you for the luck you brought me. We will contact you when you are free. Goodbye, charming lady.”

The lady at the front desk was very happy to hear this.

And Lin Nan, who has been silently observing everything around him, has always had a sharp edge.

He vaguely guessed that it was likely that there was a surveillance hidden in a corner, and the other party was watching here.


How could such a coincidence happen?

at the same time.

Psychotherapy room on the second floor.

A blond, blue-eyed, eagle-nosed wolf-gu, with golden glasses on his face, dressed in a white coat, a slightly thin foreigner.

Watch the lobby surveillance video on the tablet.

A mysterious and dangerous smile appeared on his face.

“The patient I was waiting for has finally arrived.

After a moment.

Lin Nan and the two have met their target ~ psychiatrist James Wilder.

As soon as the two parties met, Song Gaoming immediately stepped forward to chat and exchange, and Dr. Wilder also showed a smile like a spring breeze, and had friendly exchanges with him.

Lin Nan took this opportunity to observe the room secretly, looking for some clues.


There was no abnormality in this room at all, and it looked no different from a normal psychotherapy room.

“Okay! Mr. Song, the friendly exchange time is over. Let me have a chat with your brother now! Please go to the next room to rest.” James Wilder said with a smile on his face.

Wilder, “Doctor, can I stay here?” Song Gaoming asked tentatively, “I want to see how you treat it.”

Hear this.

The smile on James Wilder’s face gradually disappeared, and it became cold and serious.

With his sharp-edged eyes, he looked into Song Gaoming’s eyes through his golden glasses, and said word by word, incomparably low and arrogant:

“Mr. Song, do you mean you don’t believe my level?”

“I’m a professor of psychology at Newharts University, and in the field of psychology, there is no patient I can’t cure.”

“Every treatment is a sacred redemption process for me, and no one is allowed to watch and interrupt.

“Please go next door, or leave together.”

Seeing this, Song Gaoming could only leave with a smile. Before leaving, he took a deep look at Lin Nan.

It’s all up to you!

Lin Nan also understood what he meant, but did not respond.

At this moment.

Lin Nan is also about to start a confrontation with James Wilder.

“Let’s start the treatment!” James Wilder said with a smile on his face: “Come on, you lie here first, let’s chat.

Lin Nan pretended to be sullen and taciturn, followed the other party’s instructions without saying a word, and lay on the bed.

The moment he saw the bed, information about this bed flashed across Lin Nan’s mind.

This bed is called the New Hypnosis Bed for Psychotherapy.

It is a bed specially used for psychotherapy and hypnosis.

From the bed body to all the structures above, it is used to reduce the time and energy used by psychologists to hypnotize patients.

It is a new type of auxiliary medical equipment.

Glancing at James Wilder’s smile.

Lin Nan thought to himself.

Bad visitor!!!

Is this to hypnotize him?

It seems.

Next comes the battle in the field of psychology.

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