Chapter 125 In the middle of the plan, a close call, the Jedi counterattack!

“You look tense? Your muscles are tense, are you guarding something? I’m just a psychiatrist, you’re just a patient, and there is no conflict or need for vigilance between us.” James Wilder teased in a soft tone : “Relax, relax your mind, relax your whole body, close your eyes, and imagine yourself on the endless grassland.”

Lin Nan closed his eyes slowly, but he didn’t let go of his precautions.

James Wilder looked at Lin Nan with his eyes closed, with a weird smile on his face.

He turned and pressed a button.

In an instant.

The new type of hypnosis bed used for psychotherapy instantly popped the mechanism.

Six blue broadband-like lines popped out instantly, wrapping around six places on Nan’s body from top to bottom.

Instant contraction.

Bind Lin Nan tightly to the hypnotic bed.

at the same time.

Lin Nan opened his eyes, looked at the blue bandages tied to the neck, chest, abdomen, thighs, calves, ankles, etc., and asked blankly: “Doctor, what do you mean by this?” ?”

With a dangerous smile on his face, Dr. Wilder said, “Of course I’m treating!”

“This is for the sake of your mental health.”

“Mr. Lin Nan.

Hear the last words uttered.

Lin Nan’s pupils shrank slightly, his heart trembled, the other party actually knew me.

“Very strange?” Dr. Wilder said with a wanton smile: “It’s not strange, as long as you know that I’ve been waiting for you, that’s enough!”

In an instant.

Lin Nan connected many previous clues together, with a solemn face, and asked word by word:

“You’ve been waiting for me?”

“Or that your target has always been me?”

“Are those four students the bait?”

“You hit me?”

“You are really smart, you thought about it so quickly.” Dr. Wilder smiled mysteriously: “Unfortunately, it is too late to realize this now.”

“It’s time for me to start treating you.

“Why?” Lin Nan asked calmly: “We should have never met, why are you trying to trick me into coming here?”

“What is your purpose?

“I’m a policeman, what’s in it for you?”

“Of course I know your identity.” Dr. Wilder took off the decorative gold glasses and threw them aside, as if torn off a layer of gentle disguise.

Pick up a syringe and stick the needle into a small vial printed in a foreign language.

The medicine is sucked into the syringe.

While flicking a syringe with his fingers, he said, “Benefits? It’s a little bit, does it make me feel happier?”

“You caused me to lose an excellent reserve subordinate, and I will use you as a substitute.

“That makes perfect sense, doesn’t it?”

“Excellent subordinate?” Lin Nan asked with twinkling eyes, “Lan Xiner?”

“Is it her?”

“Lan Xiner? Ah! I don’t like this bad name.” Dr. Wilder said in a cadence: “I prefer the name I gave her, Arachne.

“It’s a lot better than that bad name.”

“The name is taken from ancient Roman mythology.”

“Arak Nipben is a woman with superb weaving skills who, after failing a challenge, committed suicide to ensure her dignity.”

“But her opponents sympathized with her, in order to save her, they parasitized her on a spider, and could keep spinning webs!”

“Afterwards, Arak started to Blacken, which will parasitize in the brains of human beings, devour human will, and confuse human beings.

“It looks like her, doesn’t it?”

“She also likes to parasitize under other people’s identities, just like parasitizing in other people’s minds, devouring everything that belongs to others, fooling the next person, and then parasitizing again.

“Unfortunately, she has developed backwards along the myth that I gave her name.”

“From a spider delusion to a human, and finally failed the challenge in the process, was put in prison, waiting to die.”

“However, the story is actually good and interesting.”

After speaking, Dr. Wilder raised a hand, looked at the time on his watch, and said:

“time is limited.

“Let’s hurry up and heal!

“By the way! Let me tell you in advance that this room is hidden with the latest super sound insulation material, and the sound cannot be transmitted at all.”

“Moreover, there are also the latest signal jamming devices, it is impossible to send a signal at all.”

“Even if you have back support, it can’t come so quickly.”

“Before that, it’s enough for me to finish your treatment.

“Have you seen the potion in my hand?”

“The latest high-concentration hypnotic agent is enough to destroy all your defenses in the shortest time, and I can easily turn you into my toy.

“are you ready?”

Dr. Wilder had a strange smile on his face.


Another step.

Slowly moving his footsteps, he approached Lin Nan little by little.

ask for flowers…

Move slowly.

As if deliberately trying to save some time.

I want to let Lin Nan down a little bit, and then show the despair that makes him feel satisfied.


Dr. Wilder was disappointed.

From start to finish.

Lin Nan’s face did not show the despair he expected.

It made him a little dull.

I don’t want to keep playing cat and mouse anymore.


Dr. Wilder held the syringe and prepared to inject directly to complete the hypnosis.

And at the moment when his attention was on the tip of the needle.

An icy cold light flashed in Lin Nan’s eyes.


this moment.

Only a small sound was heard.


Binding on Lin Nan’s chest and arm, the second strap from the top of the six blue straps loosened instantly.


Lin Nan’s right hand suddenly sticks out.

Use one of his fighting skills that he has practiced for a long time.

Double Dragons Playing Pearls.

The index and middle fingers of the right hand are separated.

He stabbed Dr. Wilder in the eye.

A deadly move.

“Ah ah ah .. my eyes,

Lin Nan’s unique tricks are recreated.

Just a moment.

It abolished Dr. Wilder’s combat effectiveness.

Immediately after.

Lin Nan used the hands that were successfully freed from the bondage to first untie the straps on the neck, and then quickly untie the four straps on the abdomen, thighs, calves, and ankles.

Successfully break free.

at the same time.

After being hit, Dr. Wilder howled and threw away everything in his hand.

With his eyes closed with his hands, he curled up in a ball on the ground, rolling from side to side, wailing frantically and cursing the words at the beginning of F in a foreign language.

It seems to want to achieve the purpose of reducing pain in this way.

At this moment.

Lin Nan calmly took out a white transparent evidence bag from his pocket.

Carefully, he loaded the syringe that Dr. Wilder had just landed on the ground.

“The latest high-concentration hypnotic agent?” Lin Nan said mockingly, “This is something that I strictly prohibit.

“Dr. Wilder, you have already violated the law on this basis, and you should wait for the trial of the law!”

“You, you beat and attacked foreign friends, you’re in big trouble!” Dr. Wilder cried out in pain, while not forgetting his attitude and shouting:

“Said I broke the law? What evidence do you have?”

“I also said that this is what you brought to frame me!” Eight

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