Chapter 123 Behind the scenes, foreign psychologist, James Wilder.

“What?” Lin Nan said with a playful smile, “Do you remember it now?”

“I remember it all!” Yao Dali was a little ashamed, and hesitantly said: “That’s right, it’s just what happened, can you ask the two of you not to spread the word?”

“What happened just now?” Lin Nan smiled darkly and said, “If it’s not rumored, you can’t just ask the two of us, maybe you need to ask many others.

“After all, everything that happened today was videotaped.”

Yao Dali was in a trance and muttered to himself inarticulately: “Record video? Wouldn’t it be possible for many people to see it?”

“It’s over! It’s not a school expulsion, it’s a social death.

Lin Nan teased Yao Dali and decided to tell him the truth.

“Okay! You don’t have to worry anymore! The interrogation video will not be shared, and will be sealed in the relevant information of the case.”

“Now, what you have to do is follow the other policemen and do the psychiatrist’s face portrait puzzle.”

“Then quietly wait for the follow-up results of the case.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the door of the interrogation room opened, and a criminal policeman from the West Lake Branch walked in and took Yao Dali away.

The two had just walked out of the interrogation room.

Song Gaoming couldn’t wait to ask: “Xiao Lin, how did you do it just now?”

“What method did you use to put Yao Dali into a hypnotic state?

It’s “amazing, I didn’t notice a single shred of it.

at the same time.

A surveillance room where everything in the interrogation room is being watched.

A group of detectives from the West Lake Branch were also eagerly waiting for the answer.

That scene just now was really amazing.

A snap of fingers.

Yao Dali fell into a hypnotic state, asking what to say.

Another snap of fingers.

Yao Dali woke up and remembered everything.

It’s just like magic.

Even Song Gaoming, who is good at the field of psychology, was so excited to see all this, let alone these laymen in psychology.

And Neng Zhuangshi, Li Yanran, and Song Ruyan are all honored.

Interrogation room.

“It’s actually very simple, you just didn’t notice it, Gao Ming!” Lin Nan said with a smile: “Just now when I was asking a question, my fingers kept doing regular movements in front of Dali Yao’s eyes. ”

“Let his eyes stare at my finger unconsciously and turn as it moves until he falls into a semi-hypnotic state.”

“I snapped my fingers again as a hint to let him go into a subconscious state of hypnosis.

After Lin Nan finished explaining, Song Gaoming suddenly realized:

“That’s it, the attention shift, it’s amazing!”


In the following time, Lin Nan also made retrospective memories for the other three in turn.

About an hour later.

With a snap of his fingers.

The whole work of retrospective memory is also completed.

Lin Nan and Song Gaoming left the interrogation room talking and laughing together, and entered the monitoring room next door together.

Just came in.

Lin Nan was drowned out by countless praises from colleagues in the West Lake Branch, and it took a long time to stop.

a time.

The atmosphere is fun.

About another hour or so passed.

One message after another.

“Their blood test results came out, and recently there were high concentrations of hypnotic components remaining in the blood.

“The psychiatrist’s face portraits spelled out according to the descriptions of the four of them are also consistent, and there is indeed such a personal existence in their memory.”

“Moreover, we found the relevant information of the criminal suspect based on the human portrait and relevant address information.

“the information is as follows.

James “Wilder, a foreigner and a psychologist, opened a psychotherapy clinic at No. 409 West Street near Jianghai University, Jianghai City.

“The exact address is…  

After hearing these news.

Captain Qiu of the West Lake Branch said excitedly: “Okay! I didn’t expect such a big progress so soon.”

“Xiao Lin, this is all your credit.

“Team Qiu, you won the prize. This is due to everyone’s collective efforts. I only did a little bit.” Lin Nan replied modestly.

“Humble, it’s too modest.” Captain Qiu gave a thumbs up and praised loudly: “I heard from Lao Zhang that you are a very humble person, but I didn’t expect it to be true when I saw it today.”

“Don’t worry, it’s your credit, you can’t run away.”

This “101 knife wounding case can solve the mystery so quickly and find out the truth, you are the first credit.

“However, although we have found out the truth, there is still a difficult problem before us.”

“That is to find evidence that this psychiatrist used hypnosis to commit a crime a few days ago.

“Just the testimony of the four of them and the residual high concentration of hypnotic ingredients in their blood are not enough to be the key evidence.”

“Qiu team, I suggest contacting the Jianghai City Criminal Investigation Team immediately, arresting him, and looking for relevant evidence from his residence and psychotherapy clinic.” Zhou Lihai said immediately.

“No!” Team Qiu shook his head, waved his hand and said, “This proposal is too reckless, it involves handling cases across provinces, and the target is foreigners.

“, “We must first have more evidence before we can contact the other side for a joint arrest operation.

“Bring this dangerous man to justice.

“To deal with such intractable targets, we have to kill with one blow.”

“Otherwise, once he is allowed to leave, it will be impossible to hunt down across borders.

“However, the target is a psychology expert, and his psychological quality must be very good.” Zhou Lihai said distressedly: “Moreover, it is very likely that he has some knowledge of micro-expression psychological analysis.”

“Once we come into contact with the target, it is likely to be detected abnormally, causing the target to be vigilant.”

“If you want to get close to the target and search for key evidence, unless someone is also well versed in these psychological knowledge.

“Otherwise, it is simply impossible.”

Lin Nan heard this.

In my heart, I secretly thought, good guy, so he was waiting for me here!


Lin Nan also has the heart to meet this so-called foreign psychologist.


He immediately followed the boat and said, “Team Qiu, I think I can give it a try. I also dabble in micro-expression analysis.”

“Let me go meet him!”

“Okay! Xiaolin, I also think you are the most suitable candidate.” Captain Qiu was overjoyed and said repeatedly: “When the time comes, let Song Gaoming accompany you, he is also good at psychology, you two go at the same time, there is also a Take care to avoid unexpected situations.”

“Other than that, Zhou Lihai led the entire criminal investigation team, Neng Zhuangshi, Li Yanran, and Song Ruyan, and you all rushed to Jianghai City together to assist in the vicinity.

“As soon as any key evidence is found, arrest James Wilder immediately.”

“As for the Jianghai City Criminal Investigation Team, I will contact and arrange everything in advance, so don’t worry about that.

“The soldiers are very fast, you all go back to pack your things now, and prepare to go immediately.

Lin Nan: “…and again”

Why does it feel like it’s already planned?

This is just waiting for me to recommend myself!

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