Chapter 110 The National Day Holiday? The Criminal Police Have No Holidays! (End of Burning Corpse)

“Furthermore, it’s not just me that solved the case.” Lin Nan continued: “A criminal investigation case can be successfully solved without the efforts of all colleagues in the entire criminal investigation team.

Everyone has their own division of labor and specialties.

“For example, forensic doctors Tan Xiao and Tan Xiaoxiao sisters, they have never participated in the reasoning, investigation, information search, arrest and other related work of the case, but can you say that they have no credit?”

“can not!

“If it weren’t for their hard work, all night long, they were doing a series of tedious and complicated tasks such as case-related evidence testing and cadaver testing.

The case “is simply impossible to proceed with further investigation.”

“So, the credit belongs to everyone.”

“Late! So it is!” Song Ruyan nodded suddenly, and asked another doubt in her heart.

“Then didn’t you just say that there is a complementary relationship between job title and police rank?”

“Is there any connection between them?”

Lin Nan pondered the language for a while, then slowly explained:

About “The relationship between the two!”

“I’ll just give a few examples, you should be able to understand!”

“For example, Li Yanran and I are currently working as clerks in the Criminal Investigation Division of Beining Branch, and our police ranks can only be within a certain range, the lowest being a second-level police officer, and the highest being a first-level police officer.”

“And so on.”

“Officer level: the lowest level of superintendent, the highest level of superintendent.”

“Deputy chief level: the lowest second-level superintendent, the highest second-level superintendent.

“Senior chief: the lowest level of superintendent, the highest level of police inspector.”

“It’s the same situation further up, each level of duty corresponds to a police rank within a range.

“So that’s how it is!” Song Ruyan suddenly realized: “I said why sister Mingming and sister Weiwei are both in the same position, but the shoulder flowers on their bodies are different.”

“Okay!” Lin Nan waved his hand and said, “Stop talking about this, I’ll just give you the knowledge about rising and rising, so as not to be embarrassed after going out.

At this time.

Han Sen walked in from the door of the office and said with a smile:

“Xiao Lin, Ruyan, let’s go and have dinner together! The cafeteria made a lot of delicious food today!”

Lin Nan and Song Ruyan said that they got up one after another and followed Han Sen and his party to the cafeteria of the branch.

in the dining hall.

“Today’s food is really rich, and the amount given is also much larger. It is indeed the last day before the holiday.” Song Ruyan said happily, holding her favorite food: “Right! Tomorrow is National Day, and there will be a seven-day holiday, so you are ready to go. Where to play!”

Hearing this, Han Sen and Lin Nan looked at each other and smiled.

“Ruyan! As soon as you say these words, people who understand will know that you are a layman.” Lin Nan said with a black belly full of smiles: “Have you forgotten where you are working now and what you are doing?”

“You are now a detective of the Criminal Investigation Team.


“Where do you think you can go to play?

“Brother Sen, hurry up, tell her how to celebrate the National Day.”

“As a criminal investigator, the mobile phone must be turned on 24 hours a day and on call at any time. As long as there is a case, you must arrive at the first time.” Han Sen said with a kind smile: “Also, even during holidays.”

“Also in the criminal investigation team’s office, there is at least one criminal investigation team ready at all times.”

“In previous years, our criminal investigation team had only two teams. During the seven days of the National Day, the two teams took turns on duty, and each team could only have three and a half days off.”

“This year, there are three more teams of your criminal investigations. On the seven days of National Day, the three teams are on duty in turn, and each team can take a little more vacation.

“That’s actually pretty good.”

“My God!” Song Ruyan smacked her tongue secretly, pondered silently for a moment, and said in surprise: “Then this criminal police job is simply more difficult and tiring than those 996 sweatshops!”

“You have less vacation than them.”

“They can also take at least four days off a month and take holidays off.”

“We are the police. As an umbrella to protect the people, we must be prepared at all times.” Lin Nan said with a smile.

“Among them, every time we have a holiday, the most feared thing is that the phone suddenly rings during the holiday.” Han Sen said with emotion:

“As soon as the phone rings, it means the holidays are over.”

ask for flowers…

“Like last year’s National Day holiday, I promised to accompany my son to the playground.

“As a result, in the middle of the game, a phone call suddenly came, and there was a case. At that time, I had to break the appointment in advance and let my lover continue to play with her.”

“In the end, my son kept complaining that I didn’t speak well, and now, he still mentions it from time to time!

“Of course, I heard that Zhang was even worse. After he missed his appointment during the National Day holiday last year, his daughter Zhou ignored him for two months in a row. Later, he didn’t know what conditions he promised before he forgave him around the daughter.

“Hehe, I don’t know if Team Zhang’s National Day holiday this year will be worse.


When Han Sen said this, his tone became a little gloating.

Possibly, this is probably the joy of suffering!

Lin Nan thought about it, and probably wanted to understand why Captain Zhang Hai worked so hard before the National Day this year.

According to his speculation, Team Zhang is likely to promise him to surround his daughter and accompany her daughter during the National Day holiday this year.

Therefore, it is so urgent to want to complete the 928 abandoned factory cremation case perfectly before the National Day.

After the three of them finished their meal, they returned to the criminal investigation team’s office.

At this moment, the other criminal investigation team colleagues still did not return.

Time passed little by little.

Probably around 5pm.

With the sound of chaotic footsteps.

They finally returned to the office dusty.

Just came in.

Captain Zhang Hai happily praised Lin Nan for a while, making Lin Nan feel a little embarrassed.


Captain Zhang Hai said in a higher tone:

“Comrades, through our unremitting efforts, not only the 928 Abandoned Factory Incineration Case has entered the closing stage.

“Even with the 929 copyright extortion case that was just filed yesterday, significant progress has been made and the case is about to be closed.

“So, we are now sorting out the relevant materials for the closing of the two cases as soon as possible, and strive to complete the closing procedures in the shortest time.”

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