Chapter 109 Lin Nan, when will you be promoted?

After a long time.

The old man Tang Aimin said slowly, “What you said is true?”

Lin Nan pointed to the monitoring facilities in the interrogation room, and said in a sonorous tone: “Of course all of this is true, our conversations will be recorded all the time, how can I tell a lie?

“The point of the law is not to punish severely, but to deter.

“In a way that must be punished for breaking the law, everyone will be deterred.

“So, as long as you have committed a crime against the law, whether it is life or death, or how many years have passed, you will definitely be held accountable and brought to trial.”

The old man Tang Aimin touched the sponge on the corner of the table and lightly stroked his hands.

After a moment.

The old man let out a long sigh of relief, with a little relief in his eyes, and dryly began to tell the real situation of that night.

at the same time.

Lin Nan gave Song Ruyan a look at Song Ruyan, who had been serving as the mascot background board, meaning to let her record it.

And Song Ruyan naturally understood in seconds, kept writing with the pen in his hand, and wrote the transcript at a fast speed.

After a long time.

The old man Tang Aimin finished talking about all the situation, and Song Ruyan didn’t need Lin Nan to remind him, so he consciously took the transcript and gave the old man 007 a fingerprint.

After everything is over.

Han Sen, who was originally next door, also cooperated with the door to walk in at the right time, and helped the old man to leave.

When the two figures disappeared during the interrogation.

Song Ruyan immediately asked impatiently, “Lin Nan, do you think what Tang Aimin said this time is the truth?”

Lin Nan drank tea with a calm expression and replied, “It is 80% true, but it still needs to be verified.

“When the confessions of the other four elders come out and compare them a little, you will naturally know the truth and the false.


In the ensuing hours, one elderly man after another was brought into the interrogation room.

Lin Nan took a picture of the gourd and painted a scoop, and repeated all the words that he had said to the elderly Tang Aimin to the other four elderly people.

After listening to these old people, their reactions were surprisingly similar to that of the old Tang Aimin at the beginning.

After thinking about it in silence for a period of time, they opened their mouths to talk about the situation that day.

Soon, a total of five newly released confessions appeared in front of Lin Nan.

“Great!” Song Ruyan took the confession and said in surprise, “These confessions have a very high degree of similarity and overlap.

“Basically the same.”

“It turns out that the man was killed by the old man Tang Aimin and the old man Dong Guihua, and the others just watched from the sidelines.”

“Lin Nan, is this the real situation that night?”

Lin Nan glanced at the confession at random, and said in a perfunctory manner: “That’s it!”

“Okay! Today’s mission is over! That’s it!”

“When Team Zhang comes back, you can hand over your confession to Team Zhang.”

“The relevant evidence has long been complete, and this case can be closed today!”

Song Ruyan nodded excitedly and said, “No problem, leave it to me!”

The two returned to the office together.

Start other work.

at this time.

There were only two of them in the office, the others were still doing field work outside, and no one came back.

Song Ruyan asked curiously while doing her work:

“Lin Nan, you have solved so many cases, when will you be promoted!”

“Promotion?” Lin Nan said with a smile: “As soon as you ask this question, people who understand you will immediately know that you are not in the system.”

“Do you think this is the same as those private companies out there?”

“If you say you are promoted, you will be promoted. Today you will be a manager, tomorrow you will be a CEO, and the day after tomorrow, you will inherit the family business and become the company’s president.”

“In the system, there is no such thing as a promotion.”

“Exist only in job promotions and rank promotions.”

“These are two (bcai) systems that function differently but complement each other.”

“Among them, job promotion is very difficult, with extremely strict restrictions, and it is not so easy to get promoted. Every post in each branch and department has a prescribed limit on the number of employees.”

“For example, our Bac Ninh Branch Criminal Investigation Team can also be called the Bac Ninh Branch Criminal Investigation Division.

“Captain Zhang Hai can be called the captain of the criminal investigation team or the chief of the criminal investigation department.

“Correspondingly, in the Criminal Investigation Department, apart from you, me, and Li Yanran, the corresponding positions of the other criminal police officers are the Criminal Investigation Department staff members.”

Except, “The three of us are all staff members.” Song Ruyan asked suspiciously, “Then what are the positions of the three of us?”

“Li Yanran and I are clerks of the Criminal Investigation Department. Lin Nan raised his eyebrows with a dark-bellied smile and said, “As for you? ”

Song Ruyan’s expression froze, the clown turned out to be herself!

She always thought that the external personnel of the criminal investigation team were of high rank!


That’s it?

At this moment.

Song Ruyan had a feeling that Sun Wukong happily went to heaven and received the title of Monkey King, but ended up being a Bi Ma Wen.

At the same time, Lin Nan saw the other party’s expression and said with a half-smile, “You don’t think that the position in the system is so easy to obtain!”

“Even if we want to compile, we need to be down-to-earth and take the exam step by step.

“This is a principled policy that no one can violate.”

“You should be glad that you don’t have a position, otherwise, no matter who did it, it will be reported as soon as possible.

Song Ruyan was a little embarrassed, she immediately jumped to the topic and continued to ask: “Tell me about the promotion of the police rank! You haven’t said what happened to the promotion of the police rank!”

Hearing what the other party said, Lin Nan didn’t hold on to it either. He drank tea to moisten his throat and continued to speak:

“It’s relatively easy to get promoted to a police rank,

“As long as you stay on the job for a certain number of years, or you make immediate contributions during this period, you can be promoted.”

When Song Ruyan heard this, she immediately said, “Yes! That’s it!”

“What I meant before was to ask you when you have solved so many cases, when will you be promoted to the police rank.”

Lin Nan waved his hand and said:

“It’s impossible to say.”

“I just received the title award two weeks ago, ending my internship as a trainee police officer ahead of schedule, passing the level of a second-level police officer and being awarded a first-level police officer rank.

“Under normal circumstances, it shouldn’t be so soon to get promoted to the police rank again.”

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