Chapter 111 A letter from Lan Xiner! Never owe each other!

With the efforts of all the detectives of the Criminal Investigation Team.

Finally, after an hour, all the work was done.

Captain Zhang Hai was very excited. He took the closing reports of the two cases and hurriedly went to Zheng Bureau to report his work.

About half an hour passed.

Captain Zhang Hai reappeared in the office and said loudly:

“Comrades, two cases have been successfully concluded.”

“Now, let me allocate the time for each group to take turns on duty during the National Day holiday.

“Then, we can get off work.”

“The criminal investigation team is responsible for the on-duty work next Monday and Tuesday.”

“The second team of criminal investigation is responsible for the on-duty work next Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.”

“Criminal investigation team three, the team leader will be on duty next Saturday and Sunday.”

“Because the second team of criminal investigation is on duty for one more day during the National Day holiday.”

“So, the rotation work next Sunday will be directly under the responsibility of the third criminal investigation team.”

“During the National Day holiday, if anyone needs to adjust the time, find a colleague to replace the shift in advance, and report to me at that time.”

“Okay, I wish everyone a happy National Day in advance, this is the end of today’s work, get off work!

As soon as he finished speaking, Captain Zhang Hai ran out of the office in a hurry.

Upon seeing this, the criminal policemen also went home from get off work one after another.

after an hour.

In Chunfeng Park.

“Move, beat, move, beat, move, move, beat…  

In the extremely dynamic music, the square dance aunt danced with great devotion, which attracted countless onlookers.

At this moment.

There are three men mixed in a group of square dance aunts, and they are also dancing to the dynamic music together, which is particularly conspicuous.

I saw these three big men.

The one on the left, as strong as a bear, danced horribly.

The one on the right has a sturdy stature and dances gracefully.

The only one in the middle is a little thinner, but her dance is more perfect than all the square dance aunts.

That’s right, these three are Lin Nan, Neng Zhuangshi, and Zhou Lihai, the leader of the Criminal Investigation Team of the West Lake District Bureau.

During halftime.

The three walked aside, drinking water and chatting.

“Old Zhou, why are you dancing in the square here?” Xiong Zhuangshi asked suspiciously. “Also, you dance better than me.

“I’m not very normal here!” Zhou Lihai said boldly: “I remember when we met last week, I once said that I was very optimistic about the aunt’s network of police officer Lin, and I wanted to set up one myself.”

“So, I went into action the next day.

“Now, I’m a member of the Xihu District Dusk Dance Troupe,

“Sister Sun, the leader of the team, is very important to me. She often says that I am talented in square dancing.”

Lin Nan drank the tea silently, and said frantically from the bottom of his heart:

This team leader Zhou is really capable of action!

It always felt that he was really about to create a network of aunties in the West Lake District.

“This week, when I was dancing the square dance, I always listened to the leader, Sister Sun, talking about Officer Lin.” Zhou Lihai smiled and gave a thumbs-up gesture and said: “It is said that Officer Lin is in the square dance world in Longming City, but he is second to none. , and the square dancing is the best, seeing it today is really extraordinary.”

“It is true that there is no vacuous person under the reputation.”

“When I have time, I must ask Officer Lin for some tips on square dancing.”

“Team Leader Zhou is very polite!” Lin Nan waved his hands awkwardly and replied modestly, “Learn from each other, learn from each other.”

Zhou Lihai asked: “Officer Lin, at 10:00 tomorrow morning, at Zhongyang Park in Xihu District, there will be a large-scale square dance celebration with the theme of “Dance to welcome the National Day, the whole country rejoices”, do you plan to go and see it?

“I’ve been really busy these days.” Lin Nan shook his head strangely and said, “Have you not paid attention to this matter, Zhongyang Park in Xihu District?

“I’ll see what’s going on tomorrow! If nothing unexpected happens, I’ll go to the festival to see.

“Hahaha!” Zhou Lihai said with a smile: “I happened to lead the team to maintain the order of this square dance celebration.”

“We’ll see you tomorrow then!”

After the square dance, Lin Nan and the other three chatted for a while.


Lin Nan got into Xiong Zhuangshi’s car and went back to the dormitory of the sub-bureau to prepare for a rest.

But when Lin Nan and Neng Zhuang passed by the gate of the precinct.

A police officer on duty at the door suddenly said:

“Lin Nan, you came just in time. Here is a letter from you. Come and collect it.”

Lin Nan said with a strange expression: “Letter? What letter? Who will send me a letter?”

The policeman on duty spread his hands and said, “I don’t know about that!”

Lin Nan: “Okay! Give me the letter! I’ll take a look.

The policeman on duty rummaged and handed over a letter.

After receiving the letter, Lin Nan glanced at the sender’s address and name,


Lan Xiner???

The address is the prison where Lan Xiner is located!

Lin Nan frowned.

He thought about it and couldn’t figure it out.

Why did Lan Xiner send him a letter?

at this time.

Xiong Zhuang brought his face close, glanced at the sender, raised his eyebrows and said, “Officer Lin’s charm is really amazing, even Lan Xiner will be impressed by you.

“You have sent people to prison yourself, yet you still write letters to you?”

“It’s incredible.

“how did you do it?”

Lin Nan rolled his eyes, pulled Xiong Zhuangshi aside and strode to the dormitory of the sub-bureau, ready to go back to open the letter and read the contents.

When Xiong Zhuang saw this, he quickly chased after him and kept talking.

“Xiao Lin, Xiao Lin, tell me quickly, how did you do it?”

After a moment.

The two chased after each other into the dormitory.

Lin Nan tore open the envelope.

Take the letter out of it.

Open the letter folded in half.

The moment you see the content.

Lin Nan admitted that he was a little confused.

Because, he didn’t understand what Lan Xiner meant.

On the top of the stationery, there are no words at all, and what catches the eye is a pair of pencil sketches.

Eight blank heart-shaped lines that are symmetrical on the left and right, with lines similar to eyes drawn in them, an 8 is written in the upper left corner and the lower right corner respectively, and there are two other same patterns below the 8 that are twice smaller than the eight in the middle. .

Lin Nan always felt that this pencil sketch was weird, as if he used to see it often.

Same as 0.8 hours.

“What does Lan Xiner mean?” Xiong Zhuangshi leaned over and said, “Draw a poker card for you?”

“Is it because my heart is not full, is there not enough pencils, or do you want to say that you are dissatisfied with the lack of her heart?!”

This sentence is really a sentence that wakes up a dreamer.

Lin Nan suddenly realized.

That’s right!

This pencil sketch.

If you ignore some details, isn’t it the 8 in the poker!


Why did Lan Xiner draw an 8 of spades for herself?

Of course, it could also be an 8 of hearts.

After all, she drew with a pencil and couldn’t draw red.

After a moment.

Lin Nan looked at the two lines of words below the poker 8 pattern and fell into contemplation.

[Watch out! They’ve got your eye on you!

[From now on, we don’t owe each other!).

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