Chapter 108 The trial may be late, but it will never be absent!

“Xiao Lin, I heard that your skills are average. In order to avoid accidents during the interrogation, I will leave Han Sen to help you.” Captain Zhang Hai continued: “He will be responsible for preventing accidents.”

“I’ve already told him about this.

As for “Song Ruyan, considering that she is an external employee, she does not have the field service ability at all.

“So, I leave her to be your assistant during the interrogation.”

“Send it! By the way! Where’s Song Ruyan?”

“Why didn’t I see Song Ruyan today?”

When Captain Zhang Hai said this, he was surprised to find that there was one less person in the office.

In this regard, Lin Nan sold Li Yanran without hesitation and explained the cause and effect.

“Humph! Ruyan has been in the criminal investigation team for a week, yet she hasn’t been pulled into the group yet.” Captain Zhang Hai said with a sullen face: “Even this little mistake can happen, Xiao Yanran is really getting more and more outrageous. .”

“When today’s action is over, I can click and talk to her.

After speaking, Captain Zhang Hai left the office in a very unhappy mood.

But Lin Nan had a dark smile on his face.


It’s another happy day!

Make a mistake for Li Yanran!!!

More than an hour later.

Lin Nan looked up at the time, and it was only a few minutes before ten o’clock in the morning.

tata tao~

A burst of rushing sounds came from outside the office door.

Song Ruyan ran in panting.

See the empty office.

She was completely stupid.

“This. What’s the situation? Is Xiao Yanran really joking with me?”

“not going to work today?”

“Here, Ruyan, look here.” Lin Nan waved leisurely and said.

Song Ruyan took two breaths and walked over slowly.

“No kidding! I did go to work today!” Lin Nan explained: “It’s just that Xiao Yanran forgot to add you to the group before, so you didn’t receive the notification.

“Then, what about the others?” Song Ruyan asked suspiciously, “Why is the office empty and only you are there?

Lin Nan said: “They have tasks today, and they all went out to work, and it’s not just you and me who stay in the office.”

“There are also forensic doctors Tan Xiaotong and Tan Xiaoxiao sisters, as well as Han Sen from the second criminal investigation team. They also stay in the office.”

“It’s just that now Tan Xiaotong, Tan Xiaoxiao and the two sisters are working in the autopsy room, and Han Sen is going to take someone.”

“So, you just can’t see them now.

“By the way, I have already explained it to you in Team Zhang, you don’t have to worry about being late.

Song Ruyan was relieved and said, “That’s good, that’s good!”

“Let’s go! Now it’s time for us to work.” Lin Nan stood up, holding the old cadre’s thermos cup, and said calmly. “The people we stay in the office also have serious tasks.”

“What? Where to go? What are we going to do?” Song Ruyan asked strangely.

“Today, we are going to chat with those five elderly people one by one, and see if we can find out the real truth and close the case of the 928 abandoned factory cremation case.” Lin Nan walked towards the interrogation room and nodded. He didn’t say it back.

“What? Talk to those five old people?” Song Ruyan said with a flustered expression: “I, I’m a little nervous!”

Nervous “What?” Lin Nan rolled his eyes and said, “I don’t need you to chat, you don’t need to talk next to me, just concentrate on taking notes and be a quiet assistant.”

“Leave it all to me!

Interrogation room.

Lin Nan and Song Ruyan waited quietly.

In less than a moment.

Han Sen came in with an old man.

This old man was the old man named Tang Aimin who hit the table yesterday.

Brother Sen, “Leave first!” Lin Nan got up and walked over with a smile, helping the old man himself. “I’m here to chat with Mr. Tang.”

Han Sen hesitated, and said hesitantly, “However, Team Zhang once said that he wanted me to promise.

“Don’t worry!” Lin Nan interrupted Han Sen’s words and said decisively: “Leave everything to me, I promise that there will be no accidents!

“Okay! I’ll leave everything to you!” Han Sen nodded and replied: “I’m next door, call me anytime!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Han Sen turned and left.

And Lin Nan helped the old man to sit at the table.

The old man Tang Aimin looked around with his cloudy eyes, touched the sponge wrapped around the corner of the table with his wrinkled hands, and said slowly, “It’s changed, is this the fear that it will happen again?”

“Young comrade police officer, you don’t have to ask. No matter how many times you ask, my answer will be the same.”

“, “Jiang Song, I killed it alone.

“Mr. Tang, I understand what you mean.” Lin Nan smiled gently and said, “You want to take the blame alone and take down the crime of murder.”

“But it is also a coincidence that the other old people also think the same way.

“Everyone is arguing that he killed the man alone.”


“be honest.

“It’s just useless work after all!”

“After all, the truth will come to light one day, and you are just wasting some of our time by doing this.

“And, you don’t think that once you die, it’s enough to turn over the mistakes you made!

“This is absolutely impossible.”

“Whether people are dead or alive, as long as they have violated the law, they will be punished accordingly.”

“You should be a little surprised, why would a policeman as young as me sit here and chat with you!”

“There’s actually a reason for that.”

“The one who spoke to you here yesterday is Captain Zhang of our criminal investigation team.”

“After you explained the situation yesterday.

“He stayed up all night, made the application report overnight, and opened a case for the extortion and extortion of the deceased Jiang Song.”

“Early this morning, he took most of the criminal police to visit and investigate to find out the truth.

“If what you said is true. I’m sure there will be good news soon.”

“When the relevant evidence of Jiang Song’s extortion case is submitted to the court, the result of his trial will appear soon.”

“Even if he is dead now, he will still be punished by the law, and those who have been extorted by him will be compensated accordingly.”

“Sometimes, the trial of the law may be late, but it will never be absent!”

After hearing this, Tang Aimin fell into deep thought.

The meeting room also became silent. seven.

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