Chapter 107 Filing a case, speedy investigation, and overtime work.

After arriving at the Criminal Investigation Team, Lin Nan found that most of his colleagues looked sleepy and seemed to be a little out of spirits.


This makes sense, after all, criminal policemen are also human beings, and they are not made of iron.

Anyone who has not closed their eyes for nearly 40 hours will feel very tired.

Of course.

There are people who, although they appear to be human, can be classified as inhuman.

When Lin Nan saw Li Yanran who was in high spirits, he thought so.

“Brother Xiong, Xiao Linzi, good morning.” Li Yanran greeted energetically.

Xiong Zhuang waved his hands weakly, and then slumped on the office chair, pretending to be a dead bear.

While Lin Nan was holding a thermos cup, while blowing the heat from the tea, he asked suspiciously, “Yanran, why didn’t you see Ruyan?”

“What about her?”

“Don’t she usually come early?”

“Four minutes to 8:30.

“She couldn’t have overslept or forgot 12!

“Call her and ask what’s going on.”

Li Yanran obediently took out her mobile phone and called Song Ruyan.

at the same time.

A slightly luxurious studio apartment.

Song Ruyan was sleeping soundly with a cute quilt in her arms.

“Who brought you to me

“It’s the full moon, the bright moon

A magical mobile phone ringing suddenly rang, constantly hovering in the room.

Song Ruyan groped for a while in confusion, groping from the pillow to find the source of the evil voice.

With a swipe, the call was connected, and Li Yanran’s voice rang from the phone.

“Sister Ruyan, where are you now?”

Song Ruyan’s head was full of question marks, her sleepy and confused brain, thinking slowly.

where have i been?

Of course I’m sleeping at home, where else can I go?

“Sister Ruyan, don’t you forget that you have to go to work today!”

“Have you forgotten? Team Zhang sent an urgent message last night, saying that one shift was canceled today, and everyone went to work instead.”

“Hurry up! You’re going to be late in three minutes.

“Beep beep beep

Song Ruyan looked at the phone that hung up just now with a confused expression.

Three questions in life come to mind.

who am I?

where am I?

Why am I late?

be late!!!

This time, Song Ruyan was completely awake.

She quickly opened WeChat and took a look.

No information was found from Captain Zhang Hai’s notification.

Look again.

Still not found.

Song Ruyan was completely messed up.


Is this Xiao Yanran trolling me?

Or is there something wrong with my phone?

And the other side of the phone.

“I just called Sister Ruyan, and after I got connected, there was no sound from the other side.” Li Yanran said in distress: “I don’t know what’s going on?”

at this time.

Lin Nan’s eyes focused on the number of people in one of the WeChat group chats on his mobile phone.

[Bac Ninh Branch Criminal Investigation Team (14)

Click to open a list of names.

Lin Nan thought that as expected, he already understood the reason why Song Ruyan hadn’t arrived yet.

“Well, Xiao Yanran, look at the group chat of our criminal investigation team, don’t you think there is something missing?” Lin Nan said with a light cough.

Li Yanran heard the words, opened the group chat suspiciously, and studied it carefully for a long time.


Her eyes widened, she covered her mouth with her hands in surprise, and exclaimed in a low voice, “It’s over! I forgot to pull Sister Ruyan into the crowd.”

“She must have not received the notice from Team Zhang.

“This is how to do ah!

Lin Nan said: “What should I do? Cold salad!”

“Everything happened, what else can I do?”

“When Team Zhang asks, just tell the truth.”

“Who made you make a mistake, just admit it!”

in an instant.

Li Yanran was like an eggplant beaten by frost, the whole person was provoked, and she said listlessly: “Okay! I know!

see this scene.

Lin Nan snickered secretly, this time, the mental state of the entire criminal investigation team is the same.

At this time.

Zhang Hai, the captain of the criminal investigation team, hurried into the office with several pieces of paper in his hand, and said loudly:

“Comrades, I communicated with Bureau Zheng overnight last night.

“The racketeering case of Jiang Song, the deceased of the 928 Abandoned Factory Incineration Case, has been filed.”

“So, today’s task is to conduct a comprehensive forensic investigation into Jiang Song’s illegal acts of extortion and extortion in the shortest possible time.”

“Time is tight and the task is heavy, we will start assigning tasks now.

“Jiang Song has sent lawyers’ letters to small businesses and hawkers 137 times in three years. Except for five people, Lin Nan, Song Ruyan, Han Sen, Tan Xiaotong, and Tan Xiaoxiao, the other ten people have all gone out to field operations. We will visit 13 small businesses and hawkers to collect evidence and records.”

“I have already printed out the basic information such as the name and address of each person’s search target, and it is in my hand.”

Having said that, Captain Zhang Hai quickly distributed the list of papers in his hand to the operators.

The criminal policemen holding the list all looked at Lin Nan with strange eyes.

That look seems to say, good guy, it was your kid who did a good job.

007 to this.

Lin Nanlu smiled awkwardly.

After Captain Zhang Hai finished distributing, he waved his hand and said loudly, “Let’s go!”

The voice just fell.

Li Yanran was so excited, she raised her fist full of energy and said, “Let’s go!”

After speaking, he rushed out of the office in a flash.

This scene.

Captain Zhang Hai was dumbfounded.

Only Lin Nan knows why Li Yanran is so happy.

All of this is because Captain Zhang Hai came in a hurry and didn’t realize that Song Ruyan had not yet arrived at the office.

On the other hand, Li Yanran was glad that she escaped the disaster again and did not need to be read by Captain Zhang Hai.

Therefore, it will restore the look full of vitality and start full of vitality.


this moment.

Captain Zhang Hai seemed to suddenly remember something.

He walked up to Lin Nan and said, “Xiao Lin, those of you who stay in the office have a very difficult task.”

“The last proposal you mentioned yesterday, I thought about it carefully, and I think it has a high chance of success.”

“So, you are responsible for telling the five old people about the filing of the case. You must get the truth from the five old people, so that the case can be completed before the National Day.”

Lin Nan:???”

net this…  

I’m afraid you’re embarrassing someone.

I can’t take this job.

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