
Suddenly, Chen Jun's right foot kicked the ground hard, and the power of his leg burst out, and the whole person rushed out like a cannonball.

This was the strongest speed at which Chen Jun burst out.

Like a cheetah hunting, a jump is tens of meters, and in the dark, it seems that a black shadow flashes.


A strong wind hung around Chen Jun, causing the surrounding leaves to shake.

At this time, it's all about speed.

And the other party would never have thought that someone would catch up at this time.

At this moment, the five drug dealers guarding the cave suddenly saw a figure appear in the jungle and rush towards them at a frantic speed, and their faces all changed drastically.

"Someone, shoot!"

"Quick, don't let him get close, or we'll all be doomed!"

They immediately raised their guns and prepared to shoot at the shadow.

But the moment they raised their guns.


A continuous muffled firing sounded.

Because the pistol in Chen Jun's hand was equipped with a muffler, the sound of shooting was greatly reduced.

Puff puff

I only heard the sound of bullets piercing the head in the mountains and forests.

When Chen Jun jumped over and landed on the ground, the five drug traffickers in charge of guarding all fell to the ground with bullets in the head, and there was still an incredible look in their eyes.

They never dreamed that someone would shoot so quickly and accurately.

Is this a human or a ghost?

You know, the other party is still in a state of crazy movement, how can he maintain such a terrifying shooting accuracy?

The most crucial point was that he shot too fast.

How did they know that Chen Jun was proficient in marksmanship, and he was able to maintain 100% accuracy when shooting on the move.

It's too easy to kill them.

As for the use of mufflers, it is not to alarm the people in the cave.

Not surprisingly, the glutinous card is definitely inside.

Chen Jun didn't even look at the militants who fell to the ground, and ran directly towards the entrance of the cave, while quickly changing the magazine.

His figure sank into the cave.

It was pitch black all around, and you couldn't see your fingers, and if there was no open flame or strong light, you couldn't see what was going on inside.

However, Chen Jun is different, directly ignoring the darkness.

The terrain inside the cave is very complex, with stalactites on the top and potholes below, connected to underground rivers.

The air around is humid.

To complicate matters of all, there are countless small openings that extend in different directions, and it would be extremely difficult to find a person if they were to hide here.

For ordinary people, let alone looking for someone, after coming in, you yourself will be disoriented, and it will be difficult to get out.

Nuoka chose to hide here, which is indeed a very nice place.

For others, it is indeed very difficult to find, but Chen Jun is different.

His methods of detection are terrifying.

At the moment he crouched on the ground, carefully observing the changes on the ground.

The stone is very damp and slippery, and if you walk on it, you will fall if you are not careful.

In this environment, it is very difficult to find traces.

But as long as a person steps on it, it will definitely leave a little trace.

Don't forget, when Nuoka runs in the mountains and forests, the soles of his shoes will be somewhat sticky with mud, and if you step on them, there will be a little trace.

And in a hurry, Nuoka and the others will not pay attention to the soil under their feet.

Chen Jun began to take a closer look from the entrance, and soon found shallow footprints in the corner near the right, with a little dirt on them, very shallow.

It's moist, and if it takes a while, it will be washed away little by little by the droplets of water that drip from above.

Now most of the traces are gone, and if it weren't for the amazing visual ability, it would not be observable at all.

Chen Jun followed the footprints and walked forward.

In order to avoid alarming the other party, Chen Jun's movements were very slow.

Landing silently.

Because there was no need for light, Chen Jun was drowned in the darkness, and the more he walked inside, the more he looked, the more he couldn't see a shadow.

There was a constant sound of ticking water all around.

These are droplets of water dripping from the stalactites above the head, and the further you go inside, the more frequent the dripping.

After walking for about ten minutes, Chen Jun could feel that the cave was facing the mountain, and the further he went, the greater the slope.

And the hole is getting wider and wider.

Of course, under the soles of the feet, it is still difficult to walk, and if you are not careful, it is easy to slip and fall.

Chen Jun can still find shallow traces, but it is obviously much shallower than the previous ones, which shows that his judgment is not wrong.

Nuoka should be in this direction.

After walking about fifty or sixty meters further, Chen Jun locked onto a hidden cave on the other side.

This is a cave within a cave, and every once in a while there is a dark opening, and at that time, you have to decide which direction to take, and if you can't remember the original way, you will get lost in this cave and you won't be able to get out.

Chen Jun locked the cave and there was a faint light shining out, and there was a faint movement inside.

He was sure someone was inside.

Chen Jun leaned over slowly, and when he walked to the entrance of the cave, he leaned against the rock wall and looked inside, and was immediately shocked by the scene in front of him.

Because the whole cave is full of gold bars, and there is a bundle of beautiful knives that have been tied!

This cave is about 70 square meters, and this pile of gold bars reflects a golden light under the illumination of the light, which really blinds the eyes.

How much money is there here?

Definitely calculated in billions.

At this moment, Nuoka and his son were holding a bag, gold bars, and cash.

The two of them were so busy that they didn't even notice someone approaching from behind.

This should be the rumored vault of Nuoka!

It is said that Nuoka prefers cash and gold transactions to electronic money.

And for the sake of safety, he secretly put the money here.

It's absolutely safe here, if you don't follow the traces to find it, even if you know that Nuoka hides the money in this cave, and if you want to find this family in so many caves, you can't do it without a lot of manpower and time.

Chen Jun's eyes are full of murderous intentions, so much money is not Nuoka's hard-earned money.

This is what countless families have lost in exchange for this big drug lord.

All this money is stained with blood!

This includes ordinary civilians, anti-narcotics police, secret agents, and many unsung heroes who have died, but cannot be identified.

The eyes of both of them were full of excitement and a hint of panic.

"Son, pretend a little more little yellow croaker, try to pretend, let's leave this time and come back, it will take a longer time." Nuo Ka Dao.

"Dad, got it."

After the two broke through the siege, they went straight here, wanting to take away some of the money as the capital of their rise.

As long as he gives Nuoka a little time, he can use his strong financial resources to gather more mercenaries and organize new forces to come out.

When you need it again, you can get it again.

Chen Jun stared at these two, and he still wanted to take away the money? "


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