For Nuoka, if you don't run for your life now, you won't have a chance to escape in this life!

The special forces sent by the Yan Kingdom were like a knife hanging over his head, and he could cut off his neck at any time.

I knew that there would be such a big trouble in killing the people of the Yan country, so I shouldn't have taken the risk, but now I think that I should listen to Weng Sha's advice, don't do anything to the people of the Yan country, and take another way of deterrence.

is worried about the crazy revenge of the Yan people.

And if you don't die, this matter has made such a big fuss in the world, and the Yan country will definitely not be able to let go of it and ignore it.

That's why there are such consequences.

After this incident, he must lie dormant for a long time, otherwise the Yan Kingdom will definitely send someone over.

Damn it!

I shouldn't have listened to that bastard's instigation in the first place, the other party must have a bigger purpose, and now he is letting Brother Song sneak attack him, isn't it just that he is worried that the matter will leak out and involve him.

Damn it!

Nuoka is a ruthless person, he won't just forget this matter, and when he regroups, the first thing to kill is Brother Song's people.

And Brother Song, who was hiding, looked at the figure of Nuoka running wildly, and ignored them.

It's a bit of an evil door!

Brother Song stood up with a confused expression, with his understanding of this big drug lord, this guy must have killed himself.

Why did you let yourself go?

You must know that this is your own initiative to attack them, to kill him, and they all hit his door, which was different from Dai Tian in the past.

Nuoka is also a ruthless man, all his enemies, absolutely kill the whole family, leaving no one alive.

Before, although they had some contradictions, they had not yet reached the point of tearing their faces, so they were all peaceful.

"Nuoka, have you changed sex?" Brother Song looked at the one-eyed dragon beside him in surprise, "Do you know what the situation is?" The

one-eyed dragon shook his head and said: "I don't understand, according to the character of Nuoka, it shouldn't be, as long as he stays for a while, he can wipe us all out, leaving no trouble, this is his style, how can he run faster than a rabbit now?" "

He has been with Nuoka for so long, and he knows very well that Nuoka is a person, and he is a person who must be repaid, and whoever bullies him, he will return it twice.

In this case, there is no reason why Nuoka would miss it.

"Could it be that he has something more urgent to do?" The one-eyed dragon muttered to himself.

Brother Song was puzzled: "It's more anxious, isn't it?" How I feel like he's more like he's running for his life. The

one-eyed dragon nodded, "I really want to run for my life, is it a native of Yanguo?" The

faces of the two changed drastically, and don't forget that there was another group of people who were also chasing and killing Nuoka.

"Oh no, let's go!" Brother Song immediately reacted, they might harm the pond fish here!

But when they left in a hurry, Da... Dense gunfire rang out suddenly.

The next moment, bullets rained down, like a torrent of steel, trying to destroy everything in front of them.


"Fight back!"

Brother Song hurriedly roared.

At this moment, Chen Jun came over with ostriches, hygienists and others, and Brother Song's remaining subordinates were just about to raise their guns, and the bullets of the three of them accurately exploded their heads.

Puff puff

The heads were like ripe watermelons bursting out, blood splattered everywhere, and the last one fell to the ground.

Brains and blood mixed together....

Because he was too close to Brother Song, a lot of hot brains splashed on his face.

Brother Song turned around and left, wanting to escape from here.

He now completely understands why Nuoka ran so fast, in the face of such firepower, if he didn't run, he would die!

More than half of his subordinates were killed in just one face, and after a while, all of them had to die.

"Bastard, why didn't Lao Tzu think of it earlier!"

Brother Song was glad that Nuoka didn't attack him just now, but he didn't have time to flee for his life.

And he left them behind to put them at the bottom and block these pursuers.

The paralyzed one was actually put on a sticky card.

Brother Song cursed, his heart was extremely frightened, and he prayed that he could escape this time.

But as soon as he ran more than ten meters, a bullet flew and pierced his kneecap fiercely, with a snapping sound, like the sound of bones being burst.

"Ahh Brother Song fell to the ground amid the screams.

Brother Song was completely desperate, why!

He came to kill Nuoka, and as a result... If he had known that this would be the case, he would not have chosen to come today.

Although Nuoka was captured by the Yanguo people, and he died in the end, there are variables between early and late... Now it's okay, Nuoka hasn't been killed, and I don't think I'll survive.


Chen Jun walked over, stepped on Brother Song's chest, pointed the muzzle of the gun directly against the other party's head, and roared: "Where is Nuoka?"

Brother Song endured the severe pain in his legs, stretched out his hand and pointed to the southwest direction, and said, "Over there, that's over there, run away." "

Sure enough, I'm here to hunt down Nuoka!

Chen Jun stepped on the other party's limbs a few times, and the clicks were the sound of broken bones.

Brother Song was so painful that he almost fainted.

His limbs were trampled on by Chen Jun.

Chen Jun handed him over to the hygienist and the others, while he turned around and chased in the direction that Nuoka had left.

For Chen Jun, who is good at reconnaissance, he soon found the traces of Nuoka and others, and inferred from the footprints that there were about 7 people in their group.

Chen Jun's eyes were cold with indifference, these guys killed the citizens of Yanguo, and they wanted to run away?

No way!

Chen Jun clenched his gun, since he joined the army, he would never allow such a thing to happen.

His feet were abrupt, and the strength in his body instantly burst out, and after the strengthening of his body again and again, Chen Jun's speed of running in an instant was three times that of ordinary people.


Chen Jun's figure jumped up like a cheetah, a jump was seven or eight meters away, if someone saw Chen Jun's running speed, it was estimated that their jaws would fall in surprise.


The most important point is that it is now at night, running at such a terrifying speed in the dense forest, he is not afraid of a deviation, crashing into a tree, or rolling down a mountain?

Others would not have thought that Chen Jun's physical reaction speed was not comparable to ordinary people, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that he was a fierce beast.

Ten minutes later, Chen Jun's figure completely disappeared in the jungle, completely shaking off the people behind him.

Chen Jun, who was running suddenly, made a sharp stop, rolled his body, and lurked steadily in a bush, hiding himself, and barely heard any sound during the whole process.

Lurking in the bushes, Chen Jun continued to walk forward for five or six meters, and noticed through the dense forest that there was a slight movement in the mountains ahead.

Following this movement, he found a cave in the forest.

Chen Jun did not see Nuoka, but there were six armed men, armed with rifles, guarding outside.

He immediately drew his pistol and installed a muffler.


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