A sarcastic smile appeared on Chen Jun's mouth.

It's all this time, and you still want to take the money away, is it possible? If the other party doesn't go for the money, just run away and go far, Chen Jun is still a little difficult.

Now, run here... Look for death!

Chen Jun raised his gun and shot directly at the knee of Nuo Ka, who was loading a US knife.


Two slight whispers.

The glutinous card that was still loading the money let out two screams.

His two kneecaps were shattered directly, and he fell to his knees with a puff, a painful expression on his face.

There was still a hint of excitement on his face just now, because as long as the money was there, he could use it to recruit troops, reorganize the armed forces, and build his own drug empire.

He'll have a chance.

But the next moment, both of his knees were blown out.

What the hell is going on?

Why would someone shoot themselves? Could it be that his own men came in and wanted to steal the money?

It's impossible, it's so hidden here, they don't know the way, they can't get here.

What the hell is going on?!

And his son, hearing his father's screams, hurriedly picked up his gun, and turned to shoot, but a black shadow and lightning rushed to him.

It's Chen Jun!


Chen Jun's knee slammed into the guy's chest, and the tremendous force knocked him out.


His body slammed into the Gold Bar Mountain, knocking it down.

Most of the whole section was buried in the mountain of gold bars.

He didn't even react, and all the gold bricks smashed on his head, almost killing him.

However, in contrast, the knee impact just now made his whole body, the breath in his body tumble, and a mouthful of blood spit out directly, and the gun in his hand didn't know where it fell.

Chen Jun stepped over, grabbed half of the opponent's foot and dragged it out.


The other party was dizzy by the gold bricks, and he had no ability to resist a little, like a dead dog, with a dying wheezing sound coming out of his mouth.

And Nuoka saw that his son was beaten to half death, lying on the ground and shouting desperately: "Don't kill us, we surrender, don't do it." "

He was really scared.

I didn't expect the other party to catch up in such a short time, this is a devil.

When he was in the stockade, Nuoka had already noticed these people, all of them were very crazy, and more than half of his people died at their hands.

Chen Jun turned his head and looked at him coldly, "I could have blown your heads off, do you know why I didn't do that?"

"Because I want to beat you up, I don't want you to die so happily, but you wait first, starting with your son!"

Nuoka yelled in despair: "Don't, don't, aren't you soldiers of the Yan Kingdom?" Didn't you surrender and not kill? I surrender now, I surrender, as long as you don't kill us, let's do whatever we want. "

Don't look at the fact that Nuo Ka was very fierce in front of others before, and when he started a fight, he was more desperate than anyone else, but that was when he didn't feel that his life was threatened.

When death really came, Nuo Ka was more afraid than anyone else, otherwise he wouldn't be so desperate to live.

In the past, it was others who begged him for mercy and begged him not to kill them all.

Now that taste has fallen on his head.

Chen Jun sneered: "I don't accept surrender!"

The next moment, Chen Jun grabbed the head of Nuoka's son, raised it, and then grabbed a gold brick.


The gold brick smashed directly on the other party's mouth, and the front teeth burst.

Bang bang....

Once, twice, three times....

Chen Jun picked up the gold bricks and smashed them hard until he smashed out all the yellow teeth of the other party.

Blood instantly filled his mouth, as well as his face.

The other party was completely stunned, and the whole thing lost the consciousness of pain, and he was completely numb.

Nuoka was about to collapse, watching his son being beaten beyond recognition, his eyes were full of anger and despair.

"You can't fight again, don't fight anymore..."

Although Nuoka is fierce, he is also a father after all, and he is also heartbroken when he sees his son being abused like this, but he can't do anything.

You can only watch from the sidelines, what a cruel thing it is.

Chen Jun looked at the dog-like thing and said coldly: "It's these hands, kill our fishermen, regardless of adults or children, kill them all, right?" "


Chen Jun slammed the opponent to the ground.

The other party was lying on the ground, struggling to turn over, blood kept gushing in his mouth, and he wanted to speak, but his throat was full of blood, and he couldn't say anything.

He wanted to shout to stop fighting, you just kill me...

He could see better than his father that this bastard in front of him would not let them go.

If you're dead, you can still have a good time.

When he heard the other party mention the fishermen, he understood that the other party was here to take revenge, to avenge those fishermen.

When I shot those fishermen, I only felt happy, but I didn't expect retribution to come so soon.


He let out a scream uncontrollably.

Chen Jun stepped on the arm of his right hand, making the sound of bones breaking.

One of the opponent's hands is useless.

But that's not all, Chen Jun squatted down and smashed the gold brick on the palm of the opponent's hand.


, click, click...

The sound of bones cracking resounded in the cave.

Every time he smashed down, this guy would let out a painful scream, and his body was writhing violently, but he was controlled by Chen Jun, and he twisted like crazy in the whole instant.

This feeling of bones being smashed hard is too painful.

It hurt so much that he was about to collapse!

In the past, he tortured others, smashing other people's fingers like this, it was all a small thing, and the craziest thing was that he once used a hammer to break the bones of the other party's whole body.

He was excited when he listened to the screams of others.

But now, this pain has fallen on me, and I am completely affected by the despair of this grinding.

"Kill me...", let out a desperate roar.

Chen Jun ignored him, Bang, it was another gold brick smashed down, and at this moment, the opponent's entire palm was smashed, the flesh and blood were blurred, and the bones were turned into pieces.

He stood up, walked to the other side, and said coldly: "Change to another one, it is these hands that tortured and killed the fishermen of Yanguo!" "

The other party was completely devastated.

Chen Jun didn't care what the other party felt, when he raised the muzzle of his gun to the fishermen, he should have thought that there would be such a day.

Now all I have to do is seek justice for the dead fishermen.




The sound of crashing and screaming continued, and if anyone else heard it, they thought it was the sound of killing pigs.

It didn't take long for the guy to faint.

The face was distorted, and the body was like a dead dog.

Chen Jun turned his head to look at the glutinous card on the side, and said coldly: "Now it's your turn..."

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