Suddenly, Gao Shiwei was silent.

It is very normal for soldiers to retire when their enlistment period expires, and this is the general environment, but a small part of the adjustment is not a big problem.

"No problem, it is not easy for hackers to develop so far, and it is not easy to cultivate a talent, so it is a pity to let go of experienced old comrades like this, with their ability to shine in the army for a few more years, it will definitely be no problem.

"In this way, I will give them an extension, another three years, and then we will see the specific situation..."Chen

Jun interrupted Gao Shiwei's words: "Chief, you misunderstood what I meant, I mean to let them stay for a long time." "

This..." Gao Shiwei's face sank.

Chen Jun said: "Until retirement."

Gao Shiwei was completely stunned, "You mean to promote all of them?" After

all, in the military system, if you are not an officer, you can't be promoted to retirement.

Gao Shiwei frowned and said: "Chen Jun, what are you kidding, you think this is a vegetable market, you can buy whatever you want?

The whole country is disarming, taking the line of elite soldiers, and you have also promoted 16 veterans who have retired from military service at once, and your army is opened by my family!" Gao

Shiwei almost laughed angrily.

In this environment, he has to withstand huge pressure to let them stay and work for a few years, if it weren't for the big breakthrough seen by hackers, he wouldn't do such a thing at this juncture.

Chen Jun didn't know how much pressure he had on his shoulders as the head of this military region, and countless people were watching his every move, and a wrong decision would bring great consequences.

Chen Jun said: "Chief, I will take the route of professional soldiers, everyone is an elite, unless they can't do it, the route is not wrong."

Gao Shiwei slapped his face on the table and roared: "You are replacing the concept! What is the connection between Tigan and building elites

?" Chen Jun said solemnly: "Yes! The overall quality of foreign devils in individual combat is stronger than ours? Because they are professional soldiers, who has the ability, who stays, so that the soldiers can be encouraged to the greatest extent and let them stay in the army for a long time."

"Our soldiers are born with enthusiasm, but they also have to think about their own future, why don't we give them a future if they pay for their youth and ability? They are special forces, not ordinary service troops, and they will be sacrificed at any time in the face of a powerful enemy, why not give them the best!"

Chen Jun did not squint, looked at Gao Shiwei, did not retreat in the slightest, dodged.

Gao Shiwei was shocked by Chen Jun's calmness, he didn't expect Chen Jun to contradict him.

The two looked at each other for a long time.

Chen Jun had no intention of regressing at all, which made Gao Shiwei a little confused.

For so many years, no one in the entire military region has dared to do anything like this, and whoever is in front of him is not respectful, and even if there are different voices, they are still in the attitude of asking for consultation.


this moment, Gao Shiwei forgot Chen Jun's military identity, and it took several seconds before he reacted, slapped the table, and shouted: "Is it a rebellion? Teach Lao Tzu a lesson, come, you will be the chief of mine, and you have the final say."

Chen Jun calmed down and hurriedly said: "Chief, I'm sorry, you don't mean that, I mean it's not easy to train special forces, give a good promotion mechanism, they know how to work hard, it is the duty of soldiers to protect their families and defend the country, but no one is a saint, everyone has their own ideas, even if they don't think about themselves, they will think about their own side."

"A veteran like Chu Yunfei has given everything for the country, but he thinks that he has to quit the army because of the number of years, what will this make other people think? "

Chief, we are not saints, we are just an ordinary people, all let people only talk about dedication, not about returns, it will only make people feel cold, as the saying goes, if you want the cows to work, you have to let the cows eat grass, it is the same truth.

"If our troops want to take the road of strengthening the army, we must take the road of professional soldiers, so that capable and talented soldiers can stay in the army for a longer time.

Gao Shiwei sat down, pondered, and said for a moment: "I once also considered learning from foreign devils and taking a career path, but our national conditions are different, we are too large, and once we follow this way, it is likely to cause a heavy burden to our entire society." What

Chen Jun said makes sense, it is impossible for Gao Shiwei's vision not to see this, but it is not easy to change an overall organization.

Why should the higher authorities streamline the administration, isn't it just to eliminate some of them, leave some of them, and leave only the elite...

He looked at the retirement list in his hand: "That's it, you go back first, I'll think about it, you have to make achievements with the hacker team, I can only report, the credit needs to be accumulated for a long time, not overnight."

Chen Jun nodded and said, "Yes!" He

also knew that it was impossible to have a result so quickly, even if the chief wanted to solve it with the heart, it would take a certain amount of time, after all, this was a rule-breaking thing.

Chen Jun saluted and prepared to leave.

Gao Shiwei said: "You kid will be respectful in the future, I am your chief, next time I do this, Lao Tzu will kill you, understand

!" "Yes!"

Chen Junli replied solemnly.

"Let's go.

Chen Jun turned around and walked briskly out of the office.

Gao Shiwei looked at Chen Jun's departing figure, showed a wry smile, and said, "This kid... It's all sincerity.

Then, he picked up the phone, "Inform me, and in half an hour, the team will have a meeting." Chen

Jun did not know that after he left, the military region held a temporary team meeting, which was attended by all the leaders at home.

Soon after he returned to the brigade, he received a call from Gao Shiwei personally: "For the sake of your hacker brigade, I held a special team meeting and said what you mean, as long as you hackers can prove their worth, you can do it, otherwise, we don't have this ability."

Chen Jun said: "Understood!"

"There is a task that will notify you, you will go immediately, you are confident, Lao Tzu will support you and build a professional army!" Gao Shiwei said heavily.

Chen Jun's heart was hot, and the chief seemed to scold himself, but this was concern, he was so concerned because he paid attention to it, and he also forgave himself for being presumptuous in front of him.


you!" Gao

Shiwei said: "Don't talk nonsense, you forget it this time, next time you come to quarrel, Lao Tzu will shoot you, do what you say!"

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