After Chen Jun hung up the phone, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Of course, he knows that the more the chief scolds, the more he attaches importance to you, if you don't bird at any time, you will really be finished, wait to go to the logistics for the elderly.

Of course, the army only has such feelings in the army, and those who have never been in the army will not understand the taste of this.

Chen Jun walked to the door and looked at the training ground outside, He Chenguang and the others were desperately training, more fierce than ever, more ruthless, all kinds of roars, like a wolf howling.

He suddenly felt that the black-faced god was right, people, must have a goal, only then can they have pursuit, only then can they have motivation, work hard to live, and persevere.

Chen Jun's pursuit is to retain outstanding talents, let them stay in the army for the longest time, and let them take root in the army.

"Hackers will be a home for everyone here. Chen Jun's eyes showed a determined light.

And at this moment, in the Fire Phoenix Base, the female soldiers were sitting on the training ground one by one with their heads down.

Since losing the last bet with Chen Jun, weapons and equipment and vehicles have been confiscated, and they have been left in place to wait for orders.

The Fire Phoenix Women's Special Operations Team is no different from disbanding except for the number.

Ye Cunxin spit out a weed from the corner of his mouth, looked at Tan Xiaolin and said, "Captain, when will the order from above come down

?" Tian Guo was the most gossipy, and said directly: "Is this to dismiss us?"

After so many days, there is no news at all.

Tang Xiaoxiao said helplessly: "Captain, it's not a way for us to wait like this."

He Lu said: "What can be done now? The captain should go and ask for people, let it be fate."

Qu Bi Azhuo said: "If it is really disbanded, what will we do?

Ouyang Qian clenched her fists and said, "What can be done, our fate is in the hands of others."

Ye Cunxin frowned and said: "If you retire, you will retire, there will be a road before the car reaches the mountain, what are you afraid of."

Tian Guo said dissatisfiedly: "You are the landlord who has surplus food at home, don't worry

, we go back now, what can we do?" Ye Cunxin said like a frying pot: "The old lady doesn't rely on the family to live!"

Tian Guo said: "Then what are you doing? Don't you say that you are the king of snipers? Now that you are abused like a dog, what can you do when you go back?"

Ye Cunxin: "I......."

When her words came to her mouth, she couldn't speak.

Yes, now that she has left the army, what can she do? After entering the army and becoming a women's special forces, she has found her life goal, and now that this goal is suddenly gone, what can she do in the future

? She doesn't care about what she says, but is it really the case?

Shen Lanni said: "Hey, I'm a little depressed now..."

Ouyang Qian smiled bitterly: "It's too shocking, I thought we were going to do a big job, but it turned out like this, is it really our mistake?"

Tang Xinyi wanted to speak and stopped, and finally gritted his teeth and said: "We used to think too much about ourselves, and we always thought we were strong, but when we met real special forces, we were nothing!"

Among all of them, Tang Xinyi is the most confident on weekdays, and it is impossible to say such depressing words.

After she was defeated by Chen Jun, she felt that the whole thing had changed a lot.

"I mean really, I always felt that I was very powerful before, I always felt that I was reasonable, so when I was very competitive, but in the end, I found that I overestimated myself, and this time the fire phoenix fell into such a big crisis because of me, if it wasn't for me being too willful, I must go to Chen Jun's theory, if I want to get back face, this situation will not happen, I am sorry for everyone. Tang Xinyi said sincerely.

"How can you be blamed for this? We decided to do this, and we can only blame us for not being strong enough. Ouyang Qian said.

Tan Xiaolin thought for a moment and sighed: "I also feel that I have passed, in the past, we all felt that women had privileges and could not be treated the same as male soldiers, but the real enemy did not respect you at all, and would not treat you as a woman at all."

"In the past, we fought for dignity again and again, and we were taken care of so well that we forgot that we were soldiers, which was my fault as the captain, and I didn't find out about this problem in time, so I would lead everyone to do impulsive things.

He Lu nodded and said: "Hey, I'll also review it, I didn't realize this problem, I feel too idealistic, the real enemy will not be soft because we are women, we are special forces, we will go to the battlefield at any time in the future, if you don't put your thinking right, the consequences will be really miserable."

Shen Lanni said: "He Lu is right, we are indeed too idealistic and don't know what the real battlefield is.

Ye Cunxin saw that everyone was talking about themselves one by one, and couldn't help but stand up and shouted: "Hey, what's wrong with you all of you, why did you all criticize yourself and come in, were you beaten stupid

?" He Lu looked at Ye Cunxin seriously and said: "The enemy is killed, think about it, if we faced a real enemy that day, would we still be alive until now?"

"I..." Ye Cunxin, who was still a little annoyed, was silent.

The words that Chen Jun said kept coming to her mind, not only her, but all the female soldiers present.

Suddenly, everyone was silent and fell into deep thought, so much so that when an off-road vehicle drove near them, they didn't notice it until Wang Changlin got out of the car, and Ye Cunxin and the others didn't notice.

"Assemble!" Tan

Xiaolin quickly gathered the team.

All the female soldiers quickly lined up and saluted Wang Changlin.

Wang Changlin glanced at everyone, looking at their decadent appearances, feeling a little helpless, but there was no way.

If it weren't for Chen Jun, when they went to the battlefield, they wouldn't be what they are now, and they would have tears and blood!

Wang Changlin said: "The military region has decided to study and transfer you to the logistics unit, and from today onwards, you will no longer be a special force, and the Fire Phoenix will be canceled. With that

, he turned and left.

Tan Xiaolin shouted from behind: "Chief, please give us one last chance."

Wang Changlin stopped, turned around, looked at them, and shouted: "Opportunity, Chen Jun has given you a chance, do you cherish it?" The army is an iron-like discipline, and it can only move forward, not retreat

!" Tang Xinyi took a step forward and shouted loudly: "Chief, we know that we are wrong, the fire phoenix should not be disbanded like this, it shouldn't be!"

Tan Xiaolin shouted: " Chief, please give us another chance, let's work harder, go this way, we are not convinced, not convinced!"

Wang Changlin looked at Tan Xiaolin and couldn't help sighing.

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