The black-faced god strode over, kicked each person, and shouted: "Get up! This quality, is it still a scout, do you disgrace the reconnaissance company? Get up, there are other special training!"

Chu Yunfei gritted his teeth and stood up, without saying a word, he couldn't see a little emotional fluctuation in his eyes, and it felt like a machine.

And Huzi said with a bitter face: "Instructor... I......

"Get up, mother-in-law, mother-in-law, like a mother-in-law, don't call you a tiger, call a tigress!" the black-faced god scolded.

Huzi struggled to get up from the ground, feeling that his whole body was about to fall apart, he didn't want to get up, but he couldn't resist the instructor scolding him like this.

He also has to be dignified

!" 2000 push-ups start!

" "

Li Erniu, you come to supervise, you can't finish it, you come!" the black-faced god ordered again.

Li Erniu felt that he was very hurt, how could he encounter such a chore.

According to their physical strength, can they still complete 2,000? Even if they can, how long will this have to be done?

But Li Erniu didn't dare to refuse...

Chu Yunfei didn't say a word, and began to work hard.

Huzi's whole body hurts, and he feels like he's going to fall apart, but he still has to do it...


so inhuman! Li Erniu stared at the two of them, counting them one by one.

"Brother, hold on, I used to come over like this, I used to be more useless than you, after 50 kilometers of running, I fainted... I don't mean to faint, if you do, I'll splash you with water, and it has to be done. Li

Erniu seemed to be urging encouragingly on the side...

The task of the black-faced god is also simple, that is, after completing 2,000 push-ups, then 2,000 supines, then 1,000 parallel bars, and finally 500 meters of obstacle back and forth, today's training is over.

This task is not easy even if the special forces want to complete it, not to mention Chu Yunfei and Huzi, these two scouts?

At eight o'clock in the evening, Huzi couldn't do it directly, after being unconscious three times in a row, no matter how much he splashed the water, he couldn't wake up, Li Erniu could only helplessly carry it back, Chu Yunfei was lying on the playground, constantly wheezing, his body had been consumed to the extreme.

The whole body, in addition to being able to breathe, the whole body can't even move its fingers, and the eyelids can only open after struggling for a long time.

Tired, unprecedentedly tired, this is the first time Chu Yunfei has felt like this since he has grown so old.


Chen Jun walked over, stood in front of Chu Yunfei, looked down at Chu Yunfei lying on the ground, and said,

"Tired?" Chu Yunfei squinted, his lips moved slightly, and he made a faint voice

, "Tired, this is the special forces?"

Chen Jun nodded and said: "This is the top special forces, the strongest in the country."

Chu Yunfei closed his eyes and said, "I've never been so tired in my life, but it's okay like this, I can forget many things."

Chen Jun nodded and said, "It's good to forget, Lao Chu, no matter what happens, no matter at any time, you remember, you are my Chen Jun's brother, everyone here is your brother, and the hacker brigade is your home in the future."

Chu Yunfei opened his eyes, looked at Chen Jun, and stretched out his hand to Chen Jun hard, holding Chen Jun tightly.

In the blink of an eye, a month has passed.

Chu Yunfei was completely integrated into the training of the hacker team, and the training every day was very hard and cruel, but it made him forget the pain.

This is the best way for him.

He wanted to use training to numb himself and leave him no time to think about other things.

Chu Yunfei is okay, but this is a bitter tiger.

Huzi is thin and weak, if he is in the general army, it is okay, but in such high-intensity training, he lives in dire straits every day, and he has to faint to death every day, and there is no day that is not an exception.

If it weren't for Chu Yunfei, who had been chasing Chu Yunfei for more than ten years, he would have been unable to hold on to it.

Fortunately, a month of crazy passing, he also slowly got used to this training method, every day is gritting his teeth and insisting, from the beginning can only complete two tasks, to now can complete 3 tasks, in Li Erniu's words, Huzi is improving every day, which is very good.

Huzi is bitter, Li Erniu is also depressed, if Huzi can't complete the task, Li Erniu has to complete it... It's not much, but it's often after midnight, and he's tormented.

But every time he faced the black-faced god instructor, he couldn't say a word.

This month, Chen Jun paid attention to their situation every day, and saw that the two of them were able to persevere, especially Chu Yunfei's results were improving every day, which reassured him.

However, there was one thing next that made Chen Jun feel more difficult.

According to the number of years, the old fox, the old black and the old cannon are about to retire, the old fox and the king of Hades and others are all non-commissioned officers, and they can stay in the special forces, but this year they just laid off and the places are gone, so they must leave at the end of the year.

Chen Jun made a list of all the people who were going to retire this year

, and counted them, and it turned out to be 16 people! This made Chen Jun depressed, 16 people, almost two classes!

If the hackers had trained 16 people with great difficulty, Chen Jun would really be busy in vain.

Among these people, many of them are highly valued by Chen Jun, and he plans to promote them to the backbone of the hacker team, if he leaves like this

, where will the hackers find someone to replace them?"

"No, we must find a way to let them stay, otherwise the hackers will have to start again, where will I go to find the right personnel."

Chen Jun thought for a while, then got up with the list and went to find Gao Shiwei, only he could make a decision to keep these people.

An hour later, Chen Jun came to the door of Gao Shiwei's office, knocked on

the door, and shouted, "Report!" and "Come in!"

Chen Jun pushed the door in, stood upright, and saluted.

Gao Shiwei saw that it was Chen Jun, put down the pen in his hand, and said with a smile: "It turned out to be Xiao Chen, why are you so free to come to see me today." "

Chen Jun is in charge of the operation of the hacker commando, he has to train crazy every day, his time is like gold, usually if he didn't notify him to come, he would never come, even if it was a phone call, it was the easiest way to say.

This time, he took the initiative to find himself, and he was indeed a rare guest.

Chen Jun didn't talk nonsense, but took out the list of retired soldiers from his pocket and handed it over.

Gao Shiwei was surprised: "What? It can't be that you fancy the soldiers of other military regions, right? Tell you, it's not as easy to transfer as before now, the old guys over there, all of them are very good, they all interrupted the phone last time, and said in advance, don't think about it anymore."

Chen Jun said: "Chief, this time is not poaching, this is the list of people who will retire from the hacker brigade this year."

Gao Shiwei glanced at it, there were as many as 16, and said, "What do you want to say?"

Chen Jun said: "Chief, I want to keep them all." "

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