Chen Jun naturally knew this about the reminder of the two leaders.

After all, not everyone has the terrifying physical fitness and strong recovery ability like Chen Jun, they are all flesh and blood, once they break through the limit, their bodies will definitely not be able to withstand it, and it will inevitably backfire.

Training should be scientific.

Chen Jun believes in science.

"I have already informed the cooking class to make ginger soup, and I will clear the cold of their bodies for them as soon as possible, and the black-faced god is a national special forces instructor, who knows where the limits of the human body are, and knows the intensity of training."

Chen Jun explained on the side.

He has naturally made the black-faced god fully responsible, so Chen Jun must bear all the pressure generated by this process, and he will not let the instructor face it.

What the instructor has to do is to let go of his hands and feet and train the strongest soldiers.

Gao Shiwei nodded and said, "You just have the bottom in your heart, this time we are here to see what kind of level the instructor you invited is, take us to see." "


Then, under the leadership of Chen Jun, the group walked to another part of the training ground.

Along the way, Chen Jun was also reporting to the chief on the training and construction progress of hackers, and in another training ground, the black-faced god ran around the playground with all the instructors.

When Chen Jun and the others arrived, Gao Shiwei did not let them stop, but the group watched from the side and observed carefully.

It is true that they are in a high position, but when they come to this point, they have also come up step by step from the bottom, so they can naturally see the doorway clearly.

After ten laps, the team continued, and Gao Shiwei and the others were not in a hurry to leave, but watched slowly.

Seeing this, Chen Jun could only wait on the side.

There's no way, these are all bigwigs in the military region, and they are all willing to watch the black-faced god lead the team to train here, what reason does Chen Jun have to be busy with other things?

Time passed little by little, and two hours later, the black-faced god and the others were sweating profusely, and the clothes on their bodies were already soaked, as if they had been fished out of the water.

Their speed began to slow down, but the pace of running did not stop, the team did not mess up, and the rhythm was still maintained.

Gao Shiwei and the others couldn't help but show a look of surprise in their eyes, but they still continued to watch patiently.

Another hour has passed in the blink of an eye, and the black-faced god has run 120 laps with the team, and according to the calculation of a lap of 400 meters, they have run more than 48 kilometers, such a long-distance cross-country is very terrifying.

But even so, they did not stop to rest, but continued to rush to the obstacle course, a series of training items such as climbing and jumping over obstacles, and then carried out shooting training after completion.

It wasn't until after the shot was finished that the black-faced god told everyone to stop and rest.

Seeing this, Gao Shiwei nodded with satisfaction and said, "Chen Jun, you have the right person, these guys have two brushes!"

Deputy Tan also nodded and said, "Yes, if you persist for a long time, your combat strength will definitely improve." "

They're all veterans, and the black-faced god leads the team to train, controlling the rhythm from the beginning of cross-country, maintaining physical strength in sports, and then doing various obstacle courses, and finally completing shooting training.

This is a simulated combat state in training.

Just imagine, if the team encounters an urgent combat mission, it needs to run a long distance, and after a long flight, how much combat effectiveness can be maintained, this is a huge test.

Otherwise, how much combat effectiveness can be fought with a tired army?

The mastery of the black-faced god's training is here, even if he is desperate, he will not let the team members run out of physical strength, but control it within the limit, and they still have the ability to fight.

This is the biggest difference between excellent instructors and ordinary instructors.

They stood here and watched for a few hours, completely relieved, with such an instructor leading the team to train, it is difficult to stay strong.

"Yes, let's go, go somewhere else." Gao Shiwei looked at Chen Jun with a smile, and he was getting more and more satisfied with this kid.

Chen Jun took them around the other venues a few times, and then took the car back, not even eating.

After they left, the instructor team training ended, and the black-faced god took all the instructors to the recruit training grounds.

At this moment, the newcomers were already confused, and they were all in a state of shock.

They have been training for a month, and they have never been so ruthless, and it is difficult not to admire.

This is the real powerhouse!

They thought that their previous training was fierce enough and had reached the limit, but now they realized that they were sitting in a well and watching the sky, and they didn't know that they were really strong, and they had to be like instructors.

The black-faced god roared, "Accept it or not? The

crowd shouted in unison, "Serve!" "

Can you disagree?

The army has always respected the strong, as long as your strength is strong enough, others will obey you, everything you say is right, otherwise it's bullshit!

The sharp gaze of the black-faced god swept towards everyone, and roared: "The next thing is hell, I don't talk about any feelings, you come out, you are the comrades-in-arms entrusted by your life, if you can't get out, get out immediately, do you understand!"

"Understood!" Everyone shouted in unison.

"I can't hear you!" The black-faced god roared.

In an instant, everyone shouted at the top of their voices: "Understood! Hundreds

of people roared in unison, the sound shook the sky, and the mountains and forests outside the barracks echoed.

The black-faced god nodded with satisfaction, he just wanted this effect.

The reason why he asked the instructor corps to come out like this is to let these newcomers have a concept in their hearts and set an example in their hearts, what kind of soldiers they want to become, and how strong they must be.

That's their goal.

"Very good, the voice is loud enough, but the voice is loud, it doesn't mean that you can do it, show me your strength, show me, let me see how strong you are, now I announce, Hell Week training has officially begun!" The black-faced god roared.

"Everyone has it, what we did just now, you do it!"

it... Everyone was stunned!

They were all frozen for several hours, their whole bodies were shaking like this, their hands and feet almost didn't obey the call, and let them train like this, don't you want to die?

Shouldn't they be allowed to take a good rest, recuperate and recover, and then carry out high-intensity training, isn't this a scientific way to train?

Lose your marbles!

They were really enthusiastic just now, but now they feel that the reality is too skinny, and they can't play anymore...

The next moment, I only heard the black-faced god roaring: "What are you doing in a daze, please eat pig stewed vermicelli, roll to the playground, run immediately, quickly!" This

scared the newcomer to the training ground and started running in circles.

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