Chen Jun was almost speechless by Lao Fan, from the chief of operational staff of a combat brigade to a logistics pig farmer, such a huge gap can still make him so flavorful and full of energy.

The old comrades are too adaptable.

Lao Fan didn't think so, he was already old, he didn't want to leave the army, he was waiting for death in society, he was now in charge of logistics in hackers, which showed that he was trusted by Chen Jun, which was more important than anything else.

You must know that Chen Jun's impression of him has not been very good, and he even feels that he still has a psychology of rejection, which Lao Fan has felt, so he has always wanted to change Chen Jun's opinion of himself.

Now Chen Jun has put himself in charge of logistics and security, which is equivalent to watching the base of hackers, which is a housekeeper.

Such a heavy responsibility falls on his old fan, isn't it trust?

Lao Fan is naturally like being beaten with chicken blood.

What is the place of hacking? The key military intelligence construction units, the vanguard of the future, are to lead the entire military region, and will inevitably replace the units of the Wolf's Tooth Special Brigade, and it can be said that there are infinite possibilities for growth in the future, and it is even possible to become a division.

And what about pig farming in such a promising unit? In the future, as long as there is a chance, my old fan can make a comeback!

Lao Fan is an old fox, he has a vision, and he is very vicious, he is optimistic about hackers, and he plans to stay here and wait for an opportunity.

Bulls like the black-faced god and the gatekeeper god have come to hack as instructors, what does this mean?

Hackers are bound to rise!

However, after coming back in a circle, I have to admit that this guy Chen Jun is really awesome, and he really invited those two people, and the future is terrifying.

When Chen Jun asked him about the situation of the two, Lao Fan also swore that Chen Jun was whimsical and could not invite the two of them, but within three days, they came with luggage.

This face hit a bit hard!

Rao is so, and Lao Fan is also happy, because it means that the hacker has to become stronger.

That's a good thing!

How did Chen Jun know that Lao Fan was thinking so much in his head, and looked at the black-faced god and the gatekeeper god: "Instructor, I don't know much about you, why don't you introduce yourself?" "

That's true, Chen Jun heard all the legends about the two of them, and judging by the words and deeds of the other party, what kind of strength they have reached, and which one they are proficient in, it is really not clear at all.

They are now going to serve as instructors, and Chen Jun naturally wants to know.

The black-faced god didn't care, but he appreciated Chen Jun a little more, and he didn't know what his strength was, so he invited himself to be an instructor and train a potential force like hackers, how much trust did he have in himself?

This trust alone is worth their coming.

"I specialize in the use of a variety of weapons, from light weapons to heavy firepower, various types of sniper rifles, rifles, pistols, domestic or foreign, bazookas, artillery, heavy weapons such as tanks, armored vehicles, etc."

Chen Jun nodded with satisfaction, and sure enough, he didn't let himself down, the black-faced god was a weapon master.

"Weapons are the lives of soldiers, and you will be responsible for weapon training and physical training in the future, no problem, right?" Chen Jundao.

The black-faced god said: "Guaranteed to complete the mission!"

Seeing that the black-faced god had finished speaking, the gatekeeper introduced himself, "I am good at lurking, infiltrating, camouflaging, blasting, and demolition. "

This aspect is mainly operations behind enemy lines, which is very important for special operators.

No wonder the gatekeeper is so famous, if this guy infiltrates behind enemy lines, he will definitely make the enemy crazy.

Chen Jun nodded: "In the future, you will be responsible for the training of these projects." "


Chen Jun turned his head to look at Leng Feng and said, "You partner with He Chenguang and are responsible for cold weapons and hand-to-hand combat training.

He Chenguang and Leng Feng immediately said, "Yes!"

After arranging the general training program, Chen Jun said: "Other people cooperate with the instructors, and the rest of the time, I will take you to train, our goal is to become the strongest special forces, do not abandon, do not give up!" Suddenly

, everyone's eyes seemed to burst into a spark.

Don't each of them have a dream in their hearts? Become the strongest soldier king.

They may have been confused before, but since following Chen Jun, their belief is getting stronger and stronger, and they will become the strongest group of soldiers in China.

After arranging the training, everyone quickly separated and proceeded according to the arrangement arranged by Chen Jun, and the base entered an orderly training routine.

The training of the black-faced god began first, and he was fully authorized by Chen Jun to arrange how to train himself, and the others were responsible for cooperating.

In this way, the black-faced god completely let go of his hands and feet, and began the most terrifying ravages on these newcomers.

Time passed little by little, and time flickered and three days passed.

At this moment, three military vehicles slowly drove into the hacker training base and stopped at the edge of the training ground.

Gao Shiwei, Deputy Tan and others got out of the car, and today they came to inspect the training of hackers.

Chen Jun hurriedly stepped forward and saluted, "Good chief!"

Gao Shiwei nodded, but when his eyes swept over the embarrassed appearance of a group of newcomers, he couldn't help but ask in surprise: "What is this doing, I don't wear any clothes."

Chen Jun said: "Report to the chief, this is a special training method adopted by

the black-faced god instructor..."

He will tell Gao Shiwei in detail, and the other party laughed after hearing it, "This black-faced god, the whole person has a set, but he has no bureaucracy, very good, it should be trained like this, the special forces are all iron-blooded men, that is, they have to fight hard, so that their potential can be completely exploded and become the strongest soldier king." When

Chen Jun proposed to let the black-faced god be the instructor, Gao Shiwei felt a little whimsical, but he didn't expect that Chen Jun only took one day to persuade the black-faced god to agree to hack, which made Gao Shiwei surprised.

This kid not only has a set of leading troops to fight, but he also has such a strong ability to fool without thinking, the black-faced god not only persuaded him, but even called the door guard god together, and it is said that he only went to the wolf warrior to dig up Long Xiaoyun's best sniper.

It's really vigorous and resolute, so that the head of the military region feels like a dream, why is it so easy to dig talents? In the past, it was difficult for a larger military region to dig up someone, but how it got into the hands of Chen Jun, it felt like playing.

This is much stronger than Lao Fan!

Deputy Tan nodded, but still made a point, "If they keep it like this for a long time, will they get sick easily?"

Gao Shiwei also agreed with this and reminded Chen Jundao: "Training is training, but you must pay attention to your body and ensure that there are no accidents, you are all treasures of the military region, and your combat effectiveness cannot be discounted." "

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