Chen Jun saw this scene on the side, and the corners of his mouth smiled slightly, naturally knowing the purpose of the black-faced god's doing.

This dismount has completely conquered these newcomers.

From this moment on, even if the black-faced god asked them to jump into the dung pit to eat, they were willing and would not frown.

This is the troops, worship the strong.

Once a belief is formed in their hearts, then this belief will be carved into their bones.

"It's worthy of being a black-faced god, and the training really has his set, but I don't know how crazy it will be in the future."

Chen Jun didn't interfere in the training of the black-faced god, he just watched from the side, which can be regarded as accumulating experience, after all, in this regard, he is not experienced enough.

After the physical training, the gatekeeper and others began to cross-train the newcomers to keep them in full development.

What hackers are trained to do is to develop in an all-round way and become an all-round soldier king!

Then, the black-faced god formulated another month of hell training month, with the goal of improving everyone's comprehensive combat ability.

In this way, the hacker brigade conducts brutal training every day, and everyone is trained as a dog.

Even when you go to bed in the middle of the night, you have to prevent being attacked.

The black-faced god really took his sixth style to the extreme, making all kinds of movements from time to time every night, such as throwing smoke bombs, and even sometimes throwing 10,000 firecrackers directly into the dormitory, can you imagine what kind of picture this is?

All the newcomers were tossed so that their nerves broke down a little... However, the effect of this is that any disturbance in the corridor can wake up the sleeping newcomers as if they were electrocuted.

That's how training works.

Chen Jun naturally will not be empty, and will train with veterans, with the goal of creating the first sequence.

On the morning of this day, Chen Jun was training with veterans, and Fan Tianlei, the logistics director, suddenly came to call from the military region, and hurriedly asked him to go back to the office and answer the phone.

Because when Chen Jun was training, all communications were cut off, and only when there was an emergency, someone would come to notify him.


Everyone looked at Chen Jun, and the first thought in their hearts was that there should be a task.

During their crazy training during this time, they have been holding back in the base, and they have not carried out any combat missions, and they have been silent for so long, these veterans are a little restless.

After all, they continue to train and improve their abilities, and they also hope to have the opportunity to test how far their strength has improved.

Carrying out the mission is the best means of testing, just like the last border operation.

After Chen Jun told Geng Jihui and the others to continue training, he returned to the office.

The call was made by Gao Shiwei in person, and he was waiting for Chen Jun to reply.

"Chief, please instruct." Chen Jundao.

Gao Shiwei said: "Chen Jun, here's the thing, the women's special commando of the military region, Fire Phoenix, has applied to the military region yesterday to exchange and learn from you, and the military region has agreed."

Chen Jun frowned and said, "Chief, what do you mean by exchange?"

Gao Shiwei didn't hide it, and said directly: "It's to challenge your hacker team, they are elite special forces, and they are also the key training objects of the military region, you prepare tomorrow, they will go over, just have a good fight."

Chen Jun immediately understood what was going on, and was sure that Tan Xiaolin, the Holy Mother, wanted to stand up for Tang Xinyi, and what she did was really ghostly, in addition to this kind of nonsense, what else would she do?

"Chief, I think it's better to forget it, we don't have time, we are training very intensely here, and it's not interesting to win." Chen Jun directly refused.

Gao Shiwei snorted coldly and said, "Don't think that I don't know what you think, you don't like them, right?" When

the women's commando team was formed, Gao Shiwei consulted Chen Jun's opinion, but he was not optimistic about this, saying that women are limited to many, at most they are only suitable for fighting with support at home, and fighting abroad is too risky and not suitable for them.

That being said, it doesn't actually mean that they look down on the female special forces and feel that they don't have much fighting power.

That's why I decisively refused.

Chen Jun didn't deny it, and said: "I just can't look down on it." "

The last time Tan Xiaolin and Tang Xinyi came to hack, Chen Jun didn't have a good face for Tan Xiaolin's approach.

Our Lady, Chen Ju has always hated this kind of person.

At this time, they came to challenge, and they were able to beat He Chenguang and others.

Gao Shiwei said loudly: "Comrade Xiao Chen, you can go further just by looking at what you are looking at, your hacker assault is a benchmark in the military region, and now someone is challenging it, this is a good thing, just use your strength to tell them how strong you are." "

The fire phoenix came to the door by itself, no matter what Tan Xiaolin's purpose is, the fire phoenix is a sharp blade in the military region, you have to teach them well, let them realize the gap, this will help their growth, and it will also be a good publicity for you."

"As for how to do it, you can do it yourself, I only have one request, pay attention to the proportions of your start, don't go too far."

After speaking, Gao Shiwei hung up the phone directly.

A playful smile appeared at the corner of Gao Shiwei's mouth, of course he understood in his heart why Tan Xiaolin was looking for Chen Jun to learn, didn't he just want to knock the hacker down and vent his anger for Tang Xinyi? Although it is a little stingy, but in order for the fire phoenix to grow, it does need to constantly fight against other assaults and accumulate more combat experience, and hackers are a very good whetstone.

It's a pity that Chen Jun's brain is a tendon, and he won't turn around at all.

Fire Phoenix goes, if Chen Jun makes a move, they estimate that it is possible for them to all lie down, and now Chen Jun wants to do what kind of way.

"Fire Phoenix actually still has strength, and they also have a lot of advantages, I hope Chen Jun won't capsize in the gutter." After Gao Shiwei thought about it for a while, he no longer paid attention to this matter, and the pile of words in his hand was still waiting for him to deal with.

On the other end of the phone, a black line appeared on Chen Jun's forehead, looking at it, what should I do? Really competed with these female soldiers, it was a shame to lose, and it was disgraceful to win, it was really a dilemma.

Fire Phoenix is a group of female soldiers, even if they lose, because they are women, if they say it, there will be people who will sympathize and help them, but hackers are not comparable, and they will definitely be ridiculed.

A group of female soldiers smashed on the door, and they didn't dare to accept it, what is this? Be a turtle with a shrunken head.

All kinds of invective must be connected.

Chen Jun doesn't care about personal honor, but when it comes to collective honor, he has to be cautious.

"Tan Xiaolin, do you have to find yourself unhappy?" Chen Jun's eyes dodged with anger.

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