Tang Xinyi has only been in for a few days, and her whole person has lost a lot of weight, and there are all kinds of band-aids on her face... This is when he was locked up, he didn't even give treatment, and he was directly given a band-aid?

Tan Xiaolin was so angry that the root of her teeth itched, staring at Chen Jun who came to hand over and yelled: "Chen Jun, you wait!" We, the Fire Phoenix, challenge you hackers!

Chen Jun looked at Tan Xiaolin, who was roaring because of anger, and said, "You think you're pretty good?" Going so far as to challenge hackers? If you have the ability, you can say it again.

Tan Xiaolin said angrily: "I, the Fire Phoenix, officially challenged the hacker commando, so that the whole army knows that you hackers are nothing great!"

Chen Jun cut off, ignoring this madman-like tigress, this kind of person likes to be a virgin, and hopes that everyone else will be like her, I really don't know what she thinks in her head.

A group of female soldiers handed it over to her, and it is estimated that all of them will have to become abnormal, but these are not his business, he has a lot of things to deal with now, so he has no time to care about these things.

"Whatever you want, we are always with you!"

Chen Jun waved his hand and walked away directly.

Tan Xiaolin took Tang Xinyi to the Fire Phoenix angrily.

Now Tang Xinyi's situation is very miserable, she has been demoted two levels in a row, changed from major to lieutenant colonel, and has been kicked out of the military region and transferred to local troops, that is, she has been distributed.

Tan Xiaolin is heart rose and decided to let Tang Xinyi stay in the Fire Phoenix.

First, her situation is indeed very miserable, if she goes down to the place, it will be even worse, I don't know what the people below will say about her when she gets to the place, and she can't bear the pressure at that time, and the biggest possibility is to choose to retire, which is not what Tan Xiaolin wants to see. Second, Tang Xinyi's personal ability is very strong, from information operations to individual combat, as well as the military theoretical quality of special forces, she is stronger than the female soldiers of the Fire Phoenix, and her joining will definitely improve the overall combat ability of the Fire Phoenix.

Based on these two points, no matter what method Tan Xiaolin uses, she will keep Tang Xinyi.

At this moment, Tian Guo, Ouyang Qian, He Lu and several other female soldiers were helping to wipe Tang Xinyi's injured body and reapply the potion to her, but the three front teeth had to go to the dentist.

Looking at Tang Xinyi's miserable appearance, Tan Xiaolin scolded angrily: "Chen Jun is a tyrant at all, a bandit, a devil, and not a one-man soldier at all!"

Ouyang Qian said: "He relies on himself to be a big celebrity in the eyes of the head of the military region, the chief's attention, and unscrupulous, even if Director Tang conflicts first, he doesn't have to fight so hard, and he also reports to the military region for punishment, and the villain wins." "


The hot-tempered Ye Cunxin slapped the table and scolded: "He must be cleaned up, otherwise, he still thinks that we female soldiers are easy to bully!"

"Yes, why did our female soldier let him bully, this is a brute, he is so ruthless to his comrades, what else can't he do in the future, he must be taught a deep lesson!" Shen Lanni can't see others bullying women the most, this Chen Jun is not as ruthless as Director Tang, he is not alone.

He Lu said: "Chen Jun is indeed a ruthless person, if we want to deal with him, we must be cautious and not let him find any excuses, he is now relying on the attention of the military region to him, so unscrupulous."

Qu Bi Azhuo said: "Pick him up in the exercise, there will be no problem!"

Tian Guo clapped his hands and said: "This is done, and it is right to beat him!" "

The female soldiers are the same enemy, and they all treat Chen Jun as a demon.

Tan Xiaolin saw that the team members were all agreeing, so she nodded, and then said to Tang Xinyi: "Xiao Tang, don't think about it, let the past pass, we have to look at the future, waiting for us to take revenge and make that bastard pay, they are actually nothing remarkable."

"Our Fire Phoenix and the Red Arrow Brigade have fought against each other in the exercise, isn't it the same as abusing them not to want, so let's do it, Xiao Tang, how about you stay in Fire Phoenix and be an electronic scout?"

Ouyang Qian said: "Sister Tang, you have always been my idol, stay, we will fight side by side together, we will definitely be able to do something!"

He Lu also spoke: "Stay, we women must unite and not let men bully."

Ye Cunxin said: "Whoever wants to bully us, we will beat him!" The

female soldiers expressed their hope that Tang Xinyi could stay.

Tang Xinyi saw that so many people cared about her and were willing to take her in, her heart was hot, her tears couldn't stop flowing down, and she nodded: "I am willing to stay and join the Fire Phoenix." "

Great, we'll be good sisters from now on!"

"Let's fight together and take down those who beat women!"

Chen Jun naturally didn't know that Tang Xinyi had joined the Fire Phoenix, and he was discussing how to trouble him, but even if he knew, he wouldn't care, just a group of women.

On the battlefield, it is still a man's world.

Chen Jun still has a lot of things to deal with, he can't be busy every day, where is there time to care about other people's affairs, time flies, and two days have passed.

The instructor is finally here!

The two military vehicles slowly drove into the hacker base, and when they arrived at the office building and stopped, it was the black-faced god and the gatekeeper god who came out of the car, and Chen Jun was already waiting here, and immediately walked quickly.

"Instructor!" Chen Jun saluted the two.

Then asked Wang Yanbing and He Chenguang to help them carry their luggage and arrange the dormitory.

When Wang Yanbing and He Chenguang saw the black-faced god and the gatekeeper god, their eyes lit up, and they couldn't say a kind of worship.

They have admired these two instructors for a long time, but they didn't expect that one day, the two of them would be able to come to hack as instructors, which made them so excited, and they also admired Chen Jun's ability to really transfer these two people.

Lao Fan, that guy, his mouth is not reliable at all, and he even said that the captain is hopeless... Let's take a look!

After the logistics were arranged, Chen Jun introduced the basic situation of the hacker team to the two and took them around the neighborhood.

"At present, there are 158 recruits in our brigade, all of whom are selected from various companies and elites, and have been trained for a month. Chen Jun did not forget to introduce this.

Just as he was talking about this, Fan Tianlei came over, and Chen Jun introduced: "Two instructors, this is Lao Fan, he is responsible for the pig farm, pig breeding is a good hand, he is responsible for logistics and security work, and he will continue to be responsible for it in the future."

Fan Tianlei said excitedly: "Thank you for your trust, please rest assured that I will do a good job in raising pigs, and at the same time take responsibility for the guards of our base to the end." "

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