He Chenguang immediately called Geng Jihui, and the two reported the training to Chen Jun together.

Overall, it's not bad, it's basically carried out according to the progress specified by Chen Jun, after all, it is the requirement specified by Chen Jun, and everyone will grit their teeth no matter what.

And those who have just joined are all desperate to improve themselves.

It's so hard to get into the Hacker Commando, and they're cherishing this opportunity no matter what.

After listening to this, Chen Jun finally nodded and said, "One day, all the people I invited will arrive, and when the time comes, there will be a special person in charge of the training task, and you will follow me and train together."

Hearing this, He Chenguang immediately became excited, "Are they the two instructors of the black-faced god and the gatekeeper god?" I know, the instructor of the National Special Forces Competition.

When Chen Jun left the base, He Chenguang heard from Fan Tianlei, who had a big mouth, that Chen Jun was going to invite two instructors, the Black-faced God and the Gatekeeper God, to come to hackers as training instructors.

He Chenguang admired these two people very much, but he heard Lao Fan say that this is very difficult, almost impossible, after all, these two people are training masters, and there must have been a lot of commandos who wanted to invite them before, but they were unsuccessful, especially the black-faced god is notoriously difficult to communicate.

Therefore, He Chenguang only had a glimmer of hope, and did not have too many illusions, but now listening to Chen Jun's meaning, it turned out to be a success!

Does this make him not excited?

When Geng Jihui heard this, he really invited those two gods, and the hacker team would be awesome.

"Captain, you're not kidding us, we'll take it seriously." Geng Jihui said.

Chen Jun said indifferently: "Am I joking? He

Chenguang and Geng Jihui's eyes lit up, if it was true, they could really come out of the training with the troops, follow Chen Jun to concentrate on the special training, and in the special training for newcomers, there are two great gods in charge, what else is there to worry about?

They didn't know that Chen Jun had another goal, that is, the legendary soldier king, that was the real bull, if he could come, it would really be perfect.

And when Chen Jun and Geng Jihui and others were discussing training matters, Tan Xiaolin went straight to the military region, hurriedly came to the door of his father's office, and did not knock on the door, but pushed the door in directly.

Deputy Tan looked up and saw that it was Tan Xiaolin, his brows furrowed, and said, "Why don't you shout the report, knock on the door, how many times have you said it, in the military region, I am your boss."

Tan Xiaolin gritted her teeth and said: "It's urgent, I can't take care of it so much, Comrade Deputy Chief Tan, you have to help me this time."

Deputy Tan was surprised: "What's wrong?" Although

Tan Xiaolin is a daughter, she has never had to take care of herself, and she has been able to get this far by her own efforts.

I didn't expect her to make an exception today.

Tan Xiaolin said: "Here's the thing..."

She told all about the conflict with Chen Jun and Tang Xinyi's detention by Chen Jun, and said: "Dad, you must help me in this matter, Director Tang is a very good person, it's just a momentary impulse, see if you can help me get her out."

After hearing this, Deputy Tan frowned, slowly stood up, and stared at Tan Xiaolin, "You guys are messing around, let's not say that the military court has already sentenced, you shouldn't go to find someone at all, did you break into the hacker brigade base casually?" "

I don't know how thick the sky is!"

"This is the newly established brigade directly under the military region, a first-level secrecy military organization, you are also an officer, do you know what the first-level secrecy represents, what is the difference between you breaking into the military region like this? You don't care about this matter, what you should do and what you want to do.

"As for Tang Xinyi, the military region will punish accordingly."

The hacker brigade is a key construction unit of the military region, which Gao Shiwei is personally responsible for, and the whole army is building it, and Deputy Tan actively cooperates with this matter every day to let them improve it as soon as possible.

Gao Shiwei has said more than once in front of him that the importance of hackers has made him pay more attention to this aspect, and other work can be delayed a little, which shows how much Gao Shiwei attaches importance to hackers.

Now Tang Xinyi is still breaking through... What a death!

"What... But she is a victim, I can testify, Chen Jun let people do it, and the attack was very ruthless..."


Deputy Tan slapped the table and roared: "Kick over the obstacle bar, beat the sentry, arrest... These add up to several items, no matter which one you want, you can shoot her, just look for her teeth all over the ground, and then lock her up, which is already light! "


Deputy Tan roared: "Don't call your dad, this is not a family, it's a military region!"

There is no room for negotiation in this matter, Tang Xinyi will definitely be punished heavily, but fortunately Tan Xiaolin and others have controlled it, otherwise they will also be punished.

Deputy Tan really doesn't know what to say to his daughter, sometimes he really doesn't know what to say, and he always can't figure out the importance of some key things, and he even wants to move himself out, really.

Tan Xiaolin was so angry that her body trembled, and she said fiercely: "Okay, you don't care, I remember, Chen Jun and I are not finished, you don't care, I will continue to manage to the end." With that

, he turned around and left.

Deputy Tan watched Tan Xiaolin walk away without looking back, and sat down helplessly, "How could I give birth to such a daughter, I don't have any sense of the overall situation, everything is according to my own temperament, if I continue like this, sooner or later I will suffer a big loss."

He thought about it for a while, and finally got up to find Gao Shiwei, talk about this matter, and show his attitude.

A day later, the military region held a special meeting, mainly in response to Tang Xinyi's disciplinary violations.

"What a heinous act to blatantly ignore the sentinel's warnings, attack the sentry, and kick over the barricades, and what is this kind of thing that should happen to our officers? Lawlessness!

Gao Shiwei opened his mouth with a burst of reprimands, making it clear that this matter must be severely punished, and at the same time, it should be reported in the whole region, and an ideological education should be carried out in the military region, emphasizing discipline, and preventing similar incidents from happening again.

In the end, it was announced that Tang Xinyi was given a major punishment, his military rank was reduced to lieutenant, and he was transferred from the military region to serve in local troops.

This is a two-level downgrade, and it has also been transferred out of the military region and decentralized, it is conceivable that Tang Xinyi has been written on the blacklist, and it is impossible to be promoted in the future.

As for the fact that she was beaten, she deserved it, and it was not easy to break into any place, so if she had to break into the hacker base, it would already be light if she was not disabled.

In addition, the military region also issued a notice to let Chen Jun release him, after all, it is not a matter to keep him locked up.

Tan Xiaolin was very angry after knowing the news, but she had no choice but to accept this reality, and then pick up Tang Xinyi in person, and wait to see Tang Xinyi's appearance.


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