Tang Xinyi still didn't give up, and roared in a low voice: "Chen Jun, I'm not done with you, I'm going to kill you!" "


Wang Yanbing slapped him over, "Shut up!" "


Another front tooth flew out.

At this time, Tang Xinyi was completely stunned, and she became honest, and she didn't dare to say a word again, if she continued to fight like this, her teeth would be knocked out, the key was that the other party really dared to fight.

Although Tang Xinyi is angry, she is not a person without a little brain, and in this situation, if she resists Chen Jun, she will definitely suffer a big loss.

Endure it....

Tang Xinyi suppressed her anger in her stomach, just glared at Chen Jun fiercely, and stopped resisting.

Tan Xiaolin just watched Tang Xinyi being escorted away, there was no way at all.

This guy is so arrogant, he doesn't make any sense, he's just a bastard.

Tan Xiaolin said angrily: "You are a warlord style, you are engaged in a word, treating your comrades-in-arms like this, it is too much, even if you are at fault, it is mainly persuasion and education, how can you beat people casually?" Chen

Jun didn't bother to talk nonsense about this woman.

According to her words, the hacker's sentinel can be hit casually? Just because she's a woman, you have to let her?

Chen Jun is not used to such stinky problems.

Whether it is a man or a daughter, if you want to win the respect of others, you must start from yourself, instead of expecting others to do anything for him, like An Ran can win the respect of Chen Jun, because she is reasonable, knows right from wrong, and behaves in the world, she is a soldier, not a pungent woman first.

And a good woman like Tang Xinyi, taking off her military uniform is an old aunt who quarrels in the vegetable market, and she is not even as good as an aunt, and her aunt knows what it means to stop in moderation!

What does she know? It means that by one's own nature, he doesn't know what to do and what not to do, and he does things directly from the perspective of his own saint, such a person will only harm others and himself.

Chen Jun will not be accustomed to such a woman.

There is also a virgin like Tan Xiaolin, who never looks at the root of things, only looks at the surface, thinks so, and thinks that in this way, a woman should enjoy privileges, and she also moves out of her father's name, such a woman will not know how to deal with problems in the most correct way.

will only make things more and more complicated, she and Tang Xinyi are two-stirring sticks, where there are them, there will be chaos.

What annoys Chen Jun the most is what kind of people he sees.

Tan Xiaolin also stood on the moral high ground to accuse Chen Jun of not following the rules, saying a word, and having a warlord style, and also said that he would go to the picket department to engage Chen Jun and abuse his power.

Chen Jun roared: "Hurry up, otherwise, my soldiers will entertain you!" After

speaking, he walked into the base without looking back.

It's really bad luck today, and as soon as I came back, I met these two crazy women.

"Chen Jun, you wait, you wait, you come back..." Tan Xiaolin wanted to go inside, but was stopped by the sentry at the door again.

With the support of Chen Jun, the sentry immediately had confidence, just now a major was beaten into a dead dog, and now Tan Xiaolin is also a major, what are you afraid of?

Behind them is the hacker brigade, and there is the captain Chen Jun!

The sentinels are eyeing each other, as long as Tan Xiaolin dares to break through, they will dare to arrest people.

Tan Xiaolin was just about to rush, but was pulled back by He Lu.

After all, He Lu has participated in peacekeeping operations abroad and is a very rational woman.

Chen Jun obviously won't tell them anything, if they continue to break into the hacker team, they will definitely suffer, Tang Xinyi is the best example.

The hacker brigade is a high-level secrecy special brigade, and they are unreasonable, and when it comes to accountability, they have no good fruit to eat.

"Captain, this is their territory, don't make trouble, it will only be us who will suffer, and even if we are justified at that time, we will become unreasonable." He Lu said.

Ouyang Qian also said: "There are many of them, we don't have an advantage, bear with it first, and then find a way to go back." "

Tang Xinyi was too impulsive just now, rushing cards and beating people... was so reckless, but he was beaten miserably, he was broken, and he was locked up by the other party on the charge of trespassing.

If they had followed, they would have ended up like this.

Tan Xiaolin clenched her fists, panting, and said, "Director Tang was captured by them.

He Lu said: "Director Tang is directly in charge of the military region, if she doesn't see her, the military region will definitely look for her, we don't have to worry about her, Chen Jun can't do anything to her, he is a soldier, not a warlord, if he dares to mess around, someone will definitely clean him up."

Ouyang Qian also nodded and said: "Captain, the other party detained the major privately, this is a violation of discipline, if you investigate it, Chen Jun will definitely be unlucky, plus he let Director Tang beat him so badly, the picket department will definitely intervene, even if there is a chief who wants to help him speak, it is not easy to speak."

Tan Xiaolin thought about it for a while, then calmed down, thinking that what they said was indeed right, she rushed forward now, it was useless, but let Chen Jun grab the handle, this warlord-like guy would definitely dare to arrest them.

He Lu analyzed: "What we have to do now, I think is to go back and discuss it carefully, how to deal with what Chen Jun is going to do next, he will definitely sue the wicked first, if we can't say a word, it will definitely be very passive, and it will be very unfavorable to Director Tang."

Tan Xiaolin pondered carefully and said, "Do you still say that Chen Jun will definitely poke things up?"

"Yes, absolutely." He Lu and Ouyang Qian were determined.

Tan Xiaolin completely calmed down, "Let's go back!" She

doesn't talk nonsense anymore, she knows what to do next, she must walk in front of Chen Jun, and she can't let the wicked sue first.

As for Tang Xinyi's matter, the southern side of the military region will definitely handle it carefully.

Chen Jun was bold and didn't dare to detain Tang Xinyi for too long.

Thinking of this, Tan Xiaolin quickly left the hacker team with He Lu and others.

No one expected that when they came, they would be so embarrassed, and not only that, but one person was arrested.

Chen Jun ignored Tan Xiaolin's thoughts, they tossed as much as they liked, even if it was to the military region, it was their fault, and he had already asked Lei Zhan to sort out the report materials and report directly to the military region to see how arrogant they were.

actually came to hack to make trouble, broke in, beat people, kicked over the obstacle bar, didn't look for what it was?

When Chen Jun returned to the camp, He Chenguang walked over and saluted: "Captain, I just saw Lei Zhan and Wang Yanbing arrest Tang Xinyi, what's going on?"

Chen Jun said indifferently: "This is a secret agency, she beats the sentry, overturns the barrier, and shoots her!"

When He Chenguang heard this, he said angrily: "Just do it!"

Chen Jun said: "This matter is not a big deal, you must not get used to this kind of woman, how is the current training situation?" "

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