Chen Jun had such an idea a long time ago, and the plan behind it was also formulated in this way.

In fact, this is also the content of the hacker instructor, he didn't expect the old chief to think of this, and sure enough, Jiang is still old and spicy.

At a glance, you can see which direction the army should develop, and the development of the country is really indispensable to these old heroes.

Chen Jun immediately nodded and thanked him, "Thank you, the chief's designation, I know how to do it." Seeing

that Chen Jun obviously accepted, Deputy Commander Tan was also very satisfied.

At this time, Gao Shiwei spoke again: "Chen Jun, there is one more thing, tomorrow morning, you will go to the military court. "

Military court?"

Hearing this serious name, Chen Jun was slightly stunned, but in the next second, he thought of that crazy woman Xia Lan.

At the critical moment, the woman seemed to go crazy, just for a puppy, without any scruples, and ran directly into the enemy's encirclement.

Because of her actions, she almost killed He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing, and even dragged everyone into the water.

At that time, if he hadn't stopped it in time, the consequences would have been unimaginable.

Looking back now, Chen Jun was still a little angry, and because he was angry, he sued the woman to a military court.

When reinforcements arrived, the madwoman was taken away and left in handcuffs.

Presumably tomorrow will be the judgment.

Chen Jun nodded and said calmly: "Understand, I will pass on time."

Gao Shiwei: "Do what you want, and let the military court deal with the black sheep who don't obey the command."


Chen Jun said goodbye to the bigwigs and left the conference room with everyone.

The moment they walked out of the conference room, the anger that everyone in the hacker team members was holding back in their hearts completely exploded, and as soon as they left the military region, several people talked about Xia Lan.

"That woman is so selfish, she almost killed everyone, she deserves to go to court-martial, you should take this opportunity to educate her, otherwise, I don't know what excessive things will be done in the future.

"Yes, seriously self-righteous and disobedient to orders, such a soldier is harmful to others when he goes to the battlefield. Hearing

everyone's scolding, He Chenguang's face was uncomfortable, "I didn't expect that woman to really be taken to court, it's a pity."

Wang Yanbing scolded: "What's the pity, she is too selfish, because of her, we almost hung up, but even if she was rescued, she was not grateful, she did not repent, she deserved it."

"She's at fault, but has she been given a chance to repent?" He Chenguang still felt a little sympathetic to Xia Lan.

Hearing his words, Chen Jun looked over and said solemnly: "She is still an officer, an intelligence staff officer, she is not sensible, is the intelligence credible?"

"This..." He Chenguang was dumbfounded by the question.

Chen Jun said: "The army allows mistakes to be made, but sometimes mistakes cannot be forgiven, otherwise more soldiers will die." Hearing

Chen Jun's unshakable words, everyone shook their heads and sighed secretly.

When that woman met the captain, she begged for more blessings, but thinking about Xia Landang, it was indeed too much, human life is greater than the sky, how can she be so childish and mess around...

The next day, a bus came to the door of the hacker commando, which was the car of the comrade of the military court, and he made a special trip to pick up Chen Jun to go to the court to collect evidence.

The so-called military tribunals are judicial organs set up by the military, which do not exist in peacetime and are established only when needed.

Chen Jun and Geng Jihui, who were present at the time, were all entered into the courtroom.

As soon as they sat down, they saw that Xia Lan, who looked haggard, was handcuffed and escorted out by two staff members.

Xia Lan was cloaked, with anger on her face, completely losing her feminine temperament, on, at first glance, she looked like a resentful woman.

The moment she walked in, Xia Lan also saw Chen Jun and a few people, and in an instant, she directly turned her eyes to the side, not wanting to look at anyone at all.

"Open court!" Soon

, a judge with the status of a colonel directly announced.

Suddenly, the entire courtroom fell silent, and it was almost audible that a pin had fallen.

After a while, the colonel directly introduced the content of the case.

"The defendant Xia Lan, an intelligence officer of the Border Intelligence Bureau, as an intelligence officer, should have obeyed the command on the battlefield, but Xia Lan violated the principle and ran to the enemy's sniper circle by herself, causing all the personnel to fall into danger..."

Xia Lan glanced at the colonel, and in the end she didn't say anything, she immediately lowered her head, and couldn't help but tremble all over, feeling a little excited.

These situations were indeed true, but at that time, she was just thinking about helping the little boy, and she really didn't expect the situation to be so bad.

She was actually sued in court.

If it is convicted, the crime will definitely not be small...

Xia Lan has no bottom in her heart, but she can't quibble.

Seeing that Xia Lan did not admit his guilt, the hearts of the hacker team members present immediately burned with anger.

Do you dare to do it, but you are still a soldier?

The colonel asked again: "Comrade Xia Lan, please answer."

Xia Lan still didn't answer, and in the end, the colonel looked directly at Chen Jun and shouted helplessly: "Now please come out of the witness, witness Chen Jun, please arrive at the location."

"Yes. Chen Jun was expressionless, walked directly to the witness position, and then stood quietly.

The colonel asked, "Is what I just stated true?"

Chen Jun didn't think about it, and nodded directly, "It's true." Hearing

this, Xia Lan felt as if she had been struck by lightning, her body trembled obviously, and then, she still couldn't help but look up at Chen Jun.

It was this man who took her to court.

She really hates

this man, but it's not because the other party sues her, but because this man is very self-conscious, and even does things to women.

Historically, she has never been beaten by a second man, and the only one who has beaten her is this man.

Now, this man has come to sue her again, to be a witness, and to confirm her guilt.

Is there any hope for his handle falling into the hands of such a ruthless person?

Xia Lan's heart was like ashes, and she suddenly felt that she was a little helpless in the face of this young soldier.

The colonel looked at Chen Jun, "Please state what the consequences of the defendant's actions will be."

Hearing this, Chen Jun turned his eyes to look at Xia Lan, who also looked at him, but his eyes were full of pleading.

Chen Jun looked indifferent, he had already sentenced Xia Lan to death in his heart, in fact, he really didn't want to help such garbage.

Because he helped her, he hurt others because of this help, after all, he could see that this woman didn't admit her mistake at all.

If she had confessed her mistake, she would have confessed her guilt just now, instead of waiting for him to testify, and then secretly pleaded for mercy.

What is the use of giving a chance to a person who has made a mistake and does not know how to repent

? Chen Jun did not want to hide anything more, and said clearly, word by word: "She did not obey the command and put my two comrades-in-arms in danger, causing them to be besieged by the enemy, and at the same time causing the position to be lost..."

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