Chen Jun looked serious and truthfully explained the situation at that time sentence by sentence.

"At that time, if I hadn't arrived in time, both of my soldiers would have died, and in the end, because of her personal actions, all our defenses failed, and dozens of drug dealers stormed the village.

"In the village, there are two hunters who died because of her impulse!"

When the word "death" was spoken, Chen Jun obviously accentuated his tone, if it were not for the sacrifice of someone because of this, he might not be standing here as a witness.

After all, when no real sacrifice is in front of you, anyone can be loose, and he may be no exception.

It is only through bloody sacrifices that everyone cares about reason, rather than choosing sympathy.

Sympathy is well-intentioned, but on the contrary, it can also harm others.

Today, if she lets Xia Lan go

, will she realize her mistakes? If she doesn't change, there will be people who will die because of her selfishness in the future!

It's not terrible for a soldier to make a mistake, but it's terrible to not realize her mistake and not change it.

On the seat, Geng Jihui and the others clenched their fists when they heard about the hunter's sacrifice, at first, they just felt that Xia Lan was a little inferior, but they didn't expect that because of her, the hunter would be sacrificed.


about the families behind those people?

Thinking of those villagers, the anger in everyone's eyes was even greater.

Xia Lan, who had not yet known about it, trembled significantly when she heard this, and at that moment, she seemed to see the end coming, and a wave of despair rose in her eyes.

From the very beginning, she didn't feel that she was at fault, because she had promised a child, even if it was a puppy, it was a life, let alone a special puppy.

The boy suffered very badly, he had no parents since he was a child, and his grandfather brought him a puppy to accompany him, which was the only pet that grew up with him, and it was also a pet of emotional sustenance, and his feelings for the puppy were even affectionate.

It was also because of this that she wanted to help the boy, was it really wrong?

Xia Lan broke down little by little, fell into deep regret, and she still didn't say a word during the whole process.

After all, as a soldier, she still knows responsibility.

After listening to Chen Jun's words patiently, the colonel nodded and asked, "Do you think she can be forgiven?"

Chen Jun shook his head, "Forgiveness is not my business, the court will make a fair judgment, if I choose, I would have shot her at that time."

When he spoke, Chen Jun did not hide his anger in his eyes.

He never wanted to be tolerant of unprincipled soldiers.

Hearing this, the colonel was silent, and for a moment, he nodded, "We know the general situation.

Chen Jun stood up silently and returned to his position, he knew that if there was no accident, he would never see this idiot woman again.

At this moment, Geng Jihui and the others probably thought of Xia Lan's ending.

But it's not because of the ruthlessness of the captain, but because the army needs absolute obedience, especially on the battlefield, without absolute obedience, it's playing with life.

Xia Lan should pay for her selfishness.

Thirty minutes later, the court took evidence of the confessions of the people, and the colonel got the final verdict.

The colonel returned to his position and looked at Xia Lan indifferently, "What do you have to say?"

Xia Lan gritted his teeth and popped out two words, "Obey." The

voices of the speakers were trembling.

The colonel directly pronounced the verdict, "Xia Lan violated discipline and refused the orders of the battlefield commander, resulting in the death of innocent people..."


, Xia Lan's whole person collapsed directly, and her body fell softly, and at that moment, if it wasn't for the person next to her to support her, she would have fallen to the ground.

"Expelled from

the army!" "Leave the army!"

At that moment, Xia Lan kept repeating these two sentences in his mind, and his mind was blank.

I never dreamed that her enthusiasm would kill the people and hurt herself...

"Leave the court!" the colonel yelled, then put away the materials on the table and left.

On the side, two inspectors came up and dragged Xia Lan out directly, but she had no strength in her whole body, and she was completely dragged out.

Chen Jun suddenly walked over and stopped them, "Can you say a few words?"

an inspector nodded and agreed.

Xia Lan raised her head and looked at Chen Jun viciously, "Satisfied, I'm expelled from the military, I'll never be a soldier anymore, be satisfied."

This is the second and longest sentence Xia Lan said in court, and this sentence is full of all her anger and hatred.

If it weren't for this soldier's testimony, she wouldn't have ended up like this.

Before, she hated this soldier just because he was very selfish and didn't respect people, but now, she hated this soldier and was ruthless enough.

She had no intention of killing the villagers, but now she realized her mistake, but the soldier in front of her took off her military uniform with both hands and made her expel from the army.

If you make a mistake, you can be punished with anything, but you can't take off your military uniform!

Xia Lan's heart was about to break, she completely lost her mind, and instantly transferred all her anger to Chen Jun.

Chen Jun didn't care at all, and shook his head directly, "I'm not satisfied." Xia

Lan had the heart to kill Chen Jun, and his eyes did not hide the murderous intent at all, if his eyes could kill people, he would have killed Chen Jun directly.

Chen Jun said heavily: "According to my thoughts, you should be shot to return the life of the dead hunter, but you can't exchange one life for two lives."

Thinking of the sacrifice, Xia Lan calmed down a little, but the anger in her eyes remained unabated.

If she wanted to pay for her life, she really wasn't enough, and if she could, she would rather be herself than a villager.

Xia Lan is very familiar with these villagers, and she is also distressed by the unfortunate sacrifice.

From Xia Lan's eyes, although Chen Jun had seen a trace of guilt, he couldn't change anything, and he said coldly: "It seems that you are such a self-righteous and self-centered garbage, you are not worthy of being a soldier, and you will only kill your comrades..."



Xia Lan couldn't wait to rush up and tear Chen Jun apart, but she didn't have a chance, so she was directly dragged away by the inspector.

Behind him, He Chenguang shook his head and sighed, "What a good girl, if you have to kill yourself, you don't have a military status, it's a pity."

Wang Yanbing said: "What a pity, now the society is like this, there are too many women, there is no ability, you are asked to do this and that, in the end, you will die by yourself, this kind of person will harm others and yourself, it is better to be rare."

"As a soldier, you should know the responsibility on your shoulders, not how you want to come. "

Yes, it's a pity for those two hunters who were killed..."

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