7 special combat team members and 2 scouts directly killed more than 400 drug dealers, completely cut off the forces behind these drug dealers, and entered the Yan country...

Such an achievement is shocking! The

bigwigs present heard about the deeds of Chen Jun and others, and praised them incessantly.

Gao Shiwei looked at Chen Jun, just like a mother-in-law looking at her son-in-law, her eyes were full of liking, and her mood was so comfortable.

While praising Chen Jun, he took a red box from the guard next to him.

"Comrade Chen Jun!"

Chen Jun turned his eyes seriously and followed Lizheng.

Gao Shiwei looked at him and opened the red box, in which lay a glittering medallion.

It was a round medal with a golden five-pointed star in the middle, and two large characters "Bayi" were engraved on the star.

Gao Shiwei directly took out the medal, and said: "This is a special medal, a first-class combat hero medal, a medal that you exchanged for your blood and life." "

On behalf of the military district, I will award you. As

he spoke, he carefully took out the medal with both hands, and then slowly brought it to Chen Jun.

Seeing the golden medal on Chen Jun's chest, the eyes of the high-level people present straightened.

Such a high reward, the Combat Medal, that is a special medal for the combat period, issued by the headquarters of the military district.

Even in times of battle, those who can receive this medal are because of special contributions, and the number is very small.

In peacetime, it is difficult to get such a medal unless there is a special contribution, and none of them have ever received it.

It is truly remarkable that Chen Jun was able to receive this medal in peacetime

! This is the highest recognition given to Chen Jun by the military department! Chen Jun

saluted the chief with a serious face.

Gao Shiwei nodded, then took out another epaulette from a box, and then solemnly changed it for Chen Jun.

On the side, He Chenguang and the others looked at the epaulettes on the instructor's shoulders, and their mouths were about to flow out, and they were already envious.

It's only been a long time, and the instructors are already majors.

When the hacker squadron was formed, the instructor was only the

second lieutenant, but now he has jumped directly to the major, and he has jumped two levels! What a thing

! They have been watching the captain grow from second lieutenant to major, and the growth rate is very terrifying, but not one of them is not convinced.

After all, they know better than anyone else about the strength of the instructor, but even so, they don't seem to know where the instructor's bottom line is.

The potential of the instructor seems to be never-ending.

Meritorious service promotion is normal, but the speed is so fast that they can't react a little.

After Gao Shiwei put on Chen Jun's epaulettes, he patted him on the shoulder with satisfaction, "Well, it's a lot more energetic." "

You are now the youngest major in the country!"

Hearing this, the hearts

of the people trembled, but they were only shocked, and they quickly accepted this statement.

After all, not long after Chen Jun entered the wolf's teeth, he became independent, and then there was a hacker squadron, and the whole process took less than a year, and now, he is already a major.

It's just the speed of growth in a helicopter, and there is no second person in the entire Yan Country who has grown so terrifyingly.

In the whole Yanguo, there is really no major who is younger than Chen Jun.

Everyone was shocked, but no one had an opinion, because the medals and military exploits were all exchanged for Chen Jun's blood and life.

Who can win the championship of the National Special Forces Competition at such a young age, who has almost dried up his blood, and who still hunts down mercenaries, who dares to rely on a team of less than ten people, knowing that there is no support, but also threatens to never give up the battle and defend the safety of the country to the death...

In the whole Yan country, and even in the whole world, it is estimated that Chen Jun is the only one! Chen Jun

is so powerful, he is so backbone, and he dares to treat any enemy willfully.

If such an outstanding soldier is not promoted, who should be promoted?


Regarding Chen Jun's promotion, not a single soldier in the audience, or even every high-ranking officer of the military region, was not convinced.

In fact, such a record was placed in ancient times, and it was a general.

The troops will never treat the powerful soldiers badly!

Chen Jun just gets what he deserves, and he deserves everything.

Chen Jun looked at Mr. Gao again, "Salute." "

For meritorious rewards, he naturally cares about them, and he doesn't have to be overwhelmed.

Gao Shiwei looked at Chen Jun and smiled slightly, "Give you Major, the responsibility is greater, and the construction of the commando team will be handed over to you." "

Guaranteed to complete the task. Chen Jun roared solemnly.

In the future, he wants to build a matrix empire, thoroughly implement the hacker theory, and build a commando is imperative, and it is only the beginning.

He didn't have much pressure on this, anyway, everything went according to plan.

Gao Shiwei nodded with satisfaction, and then looked at He Chenguang and the others, and praised: "You are also very good, you are all warriors who have been born and died, signed for your performance, reward everyone with a second-class meritorious medal, a collective first-class meritorious service, and later, the military department will apply for distribution."

"Work hard, and the military region will not be disadvantaged."


He Chenguang and the others roared at the top of their voices, and saluted solemnly.

At that moment, each of them had an uncontrollable excitement and excitement in their hearts.

For the first-class merit, they don't dare to expect that they can get the collective first-class merit this time, which is all the credit of the instructor.

If it weren't for the instructor's command, let alone the merit, they would have died in that village long ago.

They can win more with less, that is, the instructor has planned in advance, first blowing up those drug dealers in a daze, and then after a strong attack to reduce their strength, they are led into the position, and finally they are completely strangled.

Don't look at the process is very smooth, in fact, if any step goes wrong, everyone is willing to die at any time, especially when He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing tried to save Xia Lan, it was quite dangerous, and in the end, the instructor rescued them.

It is the credit of the instructor that he was able to make meritorious service this time and come back alive.

The collective first-class merit should be for the instructors, and as for the individual second-class merit, they never dared to expect extravagantly.

In peacetime, it was only with broken hands and feet that they got the third-class merit, but now, they can actually get the individual second-class merit alive, and the collective first-class merit.

It's incredible.

However, as the instructor said, as long as there is strength, it is impossible.

Every hacker team member is excited in his eyes, and everyone wants to be able to receive the award for meritorious service.

After a moment, Deputy Commander Tan looked at Chen Jun and said, "Xiao Chen, we were discussing you just now.

Chen Jun nodded, "Let the chief instruct."

Deputy Commander Tan said: "I have been to see your brigade, and the soldiers are hard-working, and they are all good soldiers.

"However, I suggest that after this mission, you should divide the elite and the regular troops, and if the mission occurs, the elite can carry it out, and if the elite has something, then select people in the regular troops to carry out the task, so that there will always be a part of the force that can be preserved, and this is also the need for the long-term development of the army." Hearing

this, Chen Jun's eyes lit up...

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