When he heard Chen Jun's sentence that he agreed to join the hacker commando, two lines of tears flowed out of Lei Zhan's eyes all of a sudden.

In an instant, tears mixed with rain and flowed all the way to his mouth, and Lei Zhan tasted bitterness.

He didn't know if it was the smell of rain or tears, but none of that mattered, the important thing was that Team Chen agreed to him joining the hacker squadron.

Chen Jun finally agreed to let him join!

Lei Zhan's trembling face forced out a bitter smile.

For Team Chen's words, he waited for three days and two nights, and he didn't faint, and he kept standing in a military posture, just waiting for this sentence.

In particular, it doesn't matter what a younger brother is, or if he is targeted or something, it doesn't matter, the important thing is that he wants to join the hacker squadron, and he wants to become stronger.

Only by joining the hacker squadron can he change the fate of raising pigs, grow up again, and be qualified to be a good soldier again.

In the next second, Lei Zhan immediately nodded vigorously, "I'm coming, I'm going to be your soldier, start from scratch."

"As long as I can join, I'm not afraid of anything. "

I'm going to start from scratch!" Lei

Zhan repeated again, his words full of excitement.

Hearing this, Chen Jun didn't say anything, turned around directly, and then strode towards the barracks, but after a while, he stopped again, looked back at Lei Zhan and said, "Change your clothes and go to the canteen to eat, you have already collapsed." "

Lei Zhan, you have to remember that today I am not tolerating

a soldier called Lei Zhan, but a soldier of the Yan Country, understand?" "Understand, understand..."

At that moment, Lei Zhan could no longer control himself, his physical strength and emotions completely collapsed, and with a plop, he knelt directly on the ground and cried.

It is said that men don't flick when they have tears, but at this moment, Lei Zhan really cried, crying like a child, without any concealment.

He wanted to cry, but it was not a cowardly tear, but a feeling for Chen Jun, and he was grateful to Chen Jun for giving him a chance to be reborn.

If Team Chen didn't give him a chance to be reborn this time, I'm afraid he would be very sad for the rest of his life, and even if he died, he wouldn't be able to forgive himself.

Now, Team Chen has finally accepted him, and from this moment on, whether it is an emotional dispute or a grudge, it has already been written off.

From now on, he is a soldier of Team Chen, the younger brother of Team Chen, as long as he follows Team Chen, he is willing to eat shit.

After crying for a while, Lei Zhan suddenly looked up at Chen Jun's back and shouted, "Master, I won't let you down, I will definitely be a good soldier." "

I know, I'm a very conceited person, my father left me since I was a child, everything is on my own, I know it's not an excuse, but I will definitely change until I become a good soldier..."

He understands what this means, and welcomes you

! Finally, he has the opportunity to join the hacker squadron! Lei Zhan never dreamed that he actually wanted to join the hacker squadron, and this is how he joined the hacker squadron

, but at that moment, his heart was never full.

Even before, he won three consecutive Wolf Tooth Famous Brand Competitions with the King of Soldiers, and he didn't feel so fulfilled.

Before he fainted, he had a smile on his face, and it was a smile he hadn't had in a long time.

Before Lei Zhan fainted, he was not mistaken, there were indeed people who came out of it, these people were He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing, Xiao Zhuang and others.

When Chen Jun came out to watch Lei Zhan just now, these people had already gotten up, they were all watching this scene, and when they saw Chen Jun agreeing to Lei Zhan to join, they were all relieved, and they ran out to save people.

"Quick, that guy must have fainted, he stood for three days and two nights, it's not easy.

"I didn't expect that such a proud Thunder Soldier King could actually pull his face, and it was not easy for him to come here to ask for an instructor." "

Send him to the treatment room first, don't let him have an accident, he is a good soldier, he can bend and stretch, and he can be regarded as a good man..."

A month later, the Mid-Autumn Festival was approaching, and in Gao Shiwei's office, Wen Ju put two boxes of mooncakes on Mr. Gao's table with both hands, and said with a smile: "Old chief, I have sent you condolences to thank you for your help to the Law Enforcement Bureau last time."

Gao Shiwei's face sank, and he hurriedly waved his hand, and said coldly: "Take it, take it away, you kid send something, there is no good thing." "


Seeing Mr. Gao's cold refusal, even if Wen Ju was cheeky, he couldn't help but be slightly stunned, he could see that the old chief seemed to be angry in his words.

Maybe it's because of what happened last time.

Wen Ju made up for it, the last time Chen Jun helped him save An Ran, but unfortunately, there was another hostage sacrificed, because of this incident, the wolf teeth were implicated a lot.

It's normal for Mr. Gao to be angry.

Wen Ju thought about it for a while, and immediately came back to his senses, but he naturally didn't mention it, and hurriedly said: "Old chief, don't refuse, I'm your best subordinate, this is completely thanks, without your cultivation, where is I today, you are my most respected old chief."

Gao Shiwei glared at Wen Ju angrily, "If you have something to say, if you have a fart, let it go, Lao Tzu doesn't know you yet, and Lao Fan has a virtue, and when you talk about flowers, there must be no good things." "

This Wen can always be called Wen Tiankeng, which is worthy of the name.

Not long ago, he also trapped An Ran and a hostage, fortunately, An Ran was rescued by Chen Jun, but the hostage lost his life.

As soon as he thought of that incident, Gao Shiwei felt uncomfortable in his heart, because the wolf tooth was also criticized for this incident, and He Zhijun and Lei Zhan were punished.

This matter was originally made by this Mr. Wen, and it was originally a good thing that Chen Jun caught Mindeng, but in order to end all the forces of Mindeng, this guy used the informant An Ran and the agent, which caused things to become so passive.

The last time he came here in person, he asked Chen Jun to save An Ran and the agents, but fortunately An Ran was rescued, but the hostages were still sacrificed.

If you don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, this guy naturally loves to pit people, and there is no good thing for him to come.

If it weren't for seeing the other party's loyalty to the country, Gao Shiwei would have wanted to give an eviction order.


this, Wen Ju was also a little heartbroken, but he also knew that Mr. Gao had a knife mouth and a tofu heart, and the other party's words were relieved.

The next moment, he immediately smiled and said, "This time there is something, but a good thing, haha..."

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