"It's a good thing!" Wen

Ju laughed jokingly, and then said: "Isn't the Mid-Autumn Festival coming, this is a traditional and grand festival of the country, and our Law Enforcement Bureau also wants to have something new, and I want to invite your special forces to put on a show together, and take this opportunity to promote our special forces, what do you think?"

Gao Shiwei looked at Wen Ju vigilantly, and always felt that this guy had something to say, this was just the superficial words of selling Guanzi, but he also wanted to hear what kind of program it was, and then, he asked directly: "Tell me about the specifics."

Wen Ju hurriedly said: " Last time, your special forces cooperated, first took down the people of Minden, and then rescued the agents from the line of fire, and the strength was vividly displayed, and also did what our law enforcement officers could not do, for this, we are grateful, so we want to take advantage of the special festival of the Mid-Autumn Festival to send a condolence to the special forces, hold a friendship meeting, and the local also invited some stars, as well as people from the TV station, they asked me to communicate with you, can you let the army also produce some people to perform, in this way, let us law enforcement bureau and some veteran people, know more about our soldiers, our special forces。 Hearing

this, Gao Shiwei's face immediately sank, this Wen Tiankeng, really can't do anything good, is this idle and nothing to do? Why do you want to let the special forces cooperate with them to perform.

Only he could have figured it out.

Gao Shiwei looked displeased and said, "Don't you know that we have a lot of special forces here, and their identities are secret and cannot be made public."

Wen Ju grinned lightly, "I know, isn't it possible to wear makeup, and the special forces don't hide every day, they also need to cooperate with the local law enforcement bureau, the military-civilian friendship is already an old tradition, to give you condolences, it's to come to your troops, not to let you go out."

"This program can promote feelings, besides, isn't the army also from the masses of the people?"

"What a good opportunity, old chief, consider, consider."

After listening to Wen Ju's words, Gao Shiwei thought about it.

Although this Wen Tiankeng is half true and half false, it is not a bad thing to let the people know about the soldiers.

Soldiers sweat on the training ground every day and spill blood on the battlefield, just to create an environment for the people to live in peace, their efforts are obvious to all, if they can, let the people know more about them, support them is also a good thing.

After thinking about it for a while, Gao Shiwei nodded directly, and said: "This is a friendship, by the way, do you have any condolence money, I have a lot of grassroots troops here, the soldiers don't have air conditioning in summer, it's hot to death, and in winter there are few quilts, and it's cold to death, and some barracks are very old, do you understand what I mean?"

Old chief, what money can solve, can it be called a matter, don't worry, this condolence money must be a lot, I propose to the localities, let them support the construction of the army, solve your problems.

Gao Shiwei nodded directly, "Then I don't have any problem, I will arrange for the troops to perform and relax with you."

Wen Ju suddenly squinted his eyes, looked at Gao Shiwei with a smile, and asked, "Can you let Chen Jun bring his troops here?"

Chen Jun has recently been a celebrity in the Southeast Military Region, and he not only arrested Minden, but also relieved the urgent need of the Wen Bureau and saved the informant he had placed.

Because of this, Chen Jun was about to be on the list, and Wen Ju actually named Chen Jun, just to think carefully.

Gao Shiwei glanced at Wen Ju lukewarmly, and he could guess what this kid Wen Ju was going to do without asking too much.

Let Chen Jun perform, which is equivalent to letting the best special forces perform, and it is also equivalent to giving face to local leaders, this old boy wants face and knows how to take advantage of opportunities.

Chen Jun, as a rich second generation, is willing to be a soldier, and he is also a good soldier with affection and righteousness, he was targeted by Wang Tao of the Ministry of Information, Wang Tao has long wanted to pull him to be a star role model, but fortunately, Chen Jun wanted to stay in the army, so he was not poached.

Now, Wen Ju actually wants to take the opportunity of the performance to bring Chen Jun closer to the law enforcer, I have to say that this Wen Tiankeng is really calculating.

However, this is not a bad thing for the troops, after all, Chen Jun will still have to cooperate with these people often in the future.

And again....

Gao Shiwei suddenly seemed to think of something, and immediately smiled slightly, "Okay, for the sake of your boy's condolence money, I agreed, just right, you can also take this opportunity to let the place see the demeanor of our special forces." "

Thank you, old chief. Wen Ju immediately looked smug and bent down directly to thank him.

It is true that the special forces and law enforcement officers jointly performed, and inviting Chen Jun to come out to perform is also the real purpose of the Wen Bureau.

There's no way, Chen Jun is good enough, he killed the scorpion again, captured Minden again, and just helped the law enforcers and rescued An Ran, his achievements are what everyone in the law enforcers wants to do, but they can't do it.

If Chen Jun is really willing to have more contact with law enforcers, he can also influence law enforcers.

This is the magnetic field of excellent people, and the purpose of Wen Ju's invitation to Chen Jun is to let his magnetic field also affect the law enforcement team.

No matter what happens in the future, it will not be wrong to have more contact with excellent people like Chen Jun anyway.

When Wen Ju immediately went to the general office, the smile on his face was so wonderful, at that moment, he was in a very good mood, and even had a kind of joy like winning the jackpot.

There's no way, he is really happy to see the excellent Chen Jun.

If he could, it would be best if Chen Jun could come to the law enforcement team, of course, this was just his inner thoughts, and he didn't dare to say it in front of Mr. Gao.

If he said this, he would dig into Mr. Gao's corner, needless to say, Mr. Gao would blast him out on the spot.

Of course Chen Jun is excellent, but it's a pity that he can't use it for himself just by looking at it, even if he can't use it directly, it's always okay to use it indirectly...

A day later, Chen Jun was in his office, writing a new training plan.

Since the National Special Forces Competition, the hacker commando has become an instant hit, and with a name, it is equivalent to a real start.

Now that it's already started, we have to do more to earn a bigger and louder name, otherwise it's all in vain.

Therefore, Chen Jun immediately thought of improving the strength of the hacker commando, to improve the strength, training must be the most important, and the training plan is the top priority.

After Chen Jun came back, in addition to training, he was immersed in writing plans.

"Since it's a plan, it must be detailed, and it also needs to..."

Chen Jun racked his brains and kept writing things, when suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

Knock knock....

Hearing the sound, Chen Jun looked up at the door, but in the next second, he stood up directly in shock.

"Daughter-in-law, why did you get here?".

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