Perhaps, if he really wants to change, give him a chance!

Chen Jun looked at the thunder battle in the rain, and after a while, he withdrew his eyes and walked out towards the door.

Outside, lightning flashed and thundered, and heavy rain poured, and the rain came quickly, but it did not stop, and it became heavier and heavier, and soon a thick layer of water accumulated on the ground.

At the entrance of the base, in the heavy rain, Lei Zhan's body had begun to tremble, of course, he was also trying his best to control it, but his physical strength had reached the limit, and he couldn't control the trembling at all.

In fact, at this moment, let alone controlling the body, it would be very good for Lei Zhan to be able to stand.

Standing in a military posture seems to be a simple posture, but it takes a lot of physical strength to keep a posture unchanged.

Standing in a military posture for a long time is a great test of a person's willpower, and three days and two nights have passed, and it is very rare for Lei Zhan to persist until now, if ordinary people would have fainted to death.

Lei Zhan was able to do this entirely by his strong physique and tenacious willpower.

Especially at this stage, his physical strength has been exhausted, and the reason why he has never fallen down is because of his strong willpower.

In the process, there were countless times when Lei Zhan wanted to fall, but every time, there was always a voice yelling in his ear, "Hold on, hold on, you are a soldier of the Yan Country, you are not a waste of pig breeding." "

You're not a pig waste!" "

You're a soldier of the Yan Kingdom." "

The soldiers of the Yan Kingdom can't fall..."

Every time this voice sounded, Lei Zhan straightened his body again, "Yes, he is first of all a soldier of the Yan Country, and he is a special soldier, the most terrifying thing should be willpower, he should not fall down immediately."

"He can still persevere, he must hold on until Chen Jun agrees to let him join

the hacker commando!" "Only by joining the hacker commando can he become stronger

!" "In order to be strong, you must persevere!" Lei

Zhan let the rain continue to hit his body, and he had no intention of dodging, and kept gritting his teeth and insisting.

It's just that his teeth are rattling and his body is still shaking, but he doesn't want to give up.

Give up!

Lao Tzu only has one breath, and he can't give up.

Lei Zhan had this idea in his mind, but standing in a military posture like this for a long time, the consumption of physical strength was too great, coupled with the washing of heavy rain, the consumption was even greater, and unconsciously, Lei Zhan's eyes gradually began to blur, and his consciousness began to blur...

Just as his eyelids were about to close slowly, suddenly, a figure appeared.

Suddenly, Lei Zhan's eyelids jumped, and he immediately lifted his spirit and looked at that person hard.

Through the rain curtain, he finally saw the figure clearly, and the person who came was Chen Jun, the Chen team he had been waiting for.

Team Chen has always disagreed with him joining the hacker commando, he will not leave!

Lei Zhan's eyes became firm again, and he stared at Chen Jun closely.

Chen Jun walked step by step, he didn't have an umbrella, just let the rain fall on his military uniform, and he didn't blink an eye, but his eyes were full of pride and majesty.

Facing Chen Jun's majestic eyes, Lei Zhan couldn't help but straighten his trembling body again, but he didn't speak, just looked at Chen Jun quietly.

Chen Jun also looked at Lei Zhan, and after a long while, he asked, "Why do you have to join the hacker squadron?"

Lei Zhan slightly opened his purple and stiff lips, and said tremblingly: "I, I, I think... From the ground up.

"I'm going to be a good, good soldier.

When he spoke, Lei Zhan kept trembling, there was no way, he had been consumed to the extreme, and he had no strength in his body, he relied on instinct to squeeze out a sentence.

Chen Jun squinted his eyes

, "A good soldier, what is a good soldier?" Lei Zhan's voice suddenly became a little louder, "I don't know, but I think you are a good soldier, and there are many things about your body that I can't understand, so I came to learn from you."

"I want to be a good soldier like you, I know, you hate me, because your comrades-in-arms and brothers, I also died in time to support, this matter, I was really wrong, now, I have been rewarded.

"Also, in my mind now, I keep repeating what the young agent looked like before he died, his young face with a smile, a smile full of anticipation for life, and his eyes are not closed, and he is still looking at the blue sky, his eyes are full of anticipation. "

An Ran scolded me, I cut off the agent's last hope, so that he had no expectations, she scolded right, I was really wrong, I shouldn't have attacked, let alone attacked without full control, I should have listened to you at that time."

"But, I'm too conceited, it's right for you to scold me, it's not wrong to beat me, it's me who killed that agent, and now, I regret it, I regret it, I want to change myself, and don't let this happen again."

"However, I also want to tell you that the death of the agent really wasn't my intention, but I was wrong, I didn't think it through. "

I, I want to be a good soldier, I don't want to die, I don't want to watch others die because of me. After

listening to Lei Zhan's words, Chen Jun was silent, he stared at Lei Zhan tightly, and did not speak.

Wrong, Lei Zhan is indeed wrong, whether it is the sacrifice of his comrades or the sacrifice of agents, it has something to do with him.

Lei Zhan, as a commander, did not put human life first, which is why he made mistakes.

When the incident in Area 1 happened, if the main thing about Lei Zhan was to protect human life, he would not wait for the location and rescue, nor would he miss the opportunity to make his comrades unable to fight to the death.

Also, when rescuing the agents, Lei Zhan was too arrogant, always thinking that he was the best, and finally angered the militants and let the agents die at gunpoint.

These are all fresh lives, just because of his too ego personality and tactical miscalculations, they are gone.

If Lei Zhan does not change, he will never be able to stand up and command again for the rest of his life.

Now, Lei Zhan wants to become a good soldier, if he really wants to change himself from the bottom of his heart, maybe he should be given a chance.

Soldiers not only need to have strength, but also need to have the right direction, and the strength of mine warfare is not bad, but the direction is wrong....

Chen Jun was silent for a long time, and then spoke: "Before, I hated you very much, and now, you are very pedantic, if you are really my apprentice, you will regret it, you will suffer the most, pay more sweat, more than anyone else."

"Also, let me tell you, I may declare myself selfish, even so, are you going to come?"

Lei Zhan heard this, and his nose suddenly became sour.

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