
been two days and two nights! Lei Zhan has been standing motionless in a military posture for two days and two nights, and for such a long time, with only one posture and no ability to replenish, even an iron man can't stand it.

It's good that he's been able to stand up to this point.

Chen Jun nodded slightly, but he didn't plan to go out, at this time, a sentry appeared, he walked in front of Lei Zhan, and kindly gave Lei Zhan an umbrella to support.

However, Lei Zhan consciously stood up and did not want to be sheltered at all.

Seeing Lei Zhan's movements, Chen Jun frowned slightly and snorted coldly, "Is it the bitter flesh war that moves me?"

The next second, he shook his head directly, and then also retracted his gaze, some things are not simply forgotten, but can never be forgotten.

In particular, the sacrifice of my comrades-in-arms can never be forgotten...

Before I knew it, it was night, and suddenly, after a thunderous thunder, a gust of wind began to sweep across the land, and the trees kept shaking in the wind.

It looks like it's going to rain, and it's still raining heavily.

Seeing the sudden change in the weather, Chen Jun ordered: "Stop training and go back to shelter from the rain."

"Yes. Soon, everyone left the training ground one after another, but on the way back, everyone saw this familiar figure again, Lei Zhan.

At that moment, Lei Zhan was still standing at the door, no matter how the wind blew, he stood motionless.

Seeing Lei Zhan, He Chenguang frowned slightly, and couldn't help but speak, "Captain, you see that he has been standing

for three days and two nights, it seems that his attitude is no problem, or..." He Chenguang is young after all, he was also somewhat moved by Lei Zhan's actions, no way, Lei Zhan stood motionless for three days and two nights, what it meant, he also knew.

Needless to say, the other party's determination is very great, and the person is also firm, Lei Zhan is competing with the instructor, and if the instructor does not agree, he will always stand.

But he has been standing for three days and two nights, and even an iron man can't bear it.

If it had been me, I would have collapsed long ago.

Wang Yanbing next to him snorted coldly, "No one let him stand there, he did it voluntarily, he deserved it, no one took pity on him."

He Chenguang looked at Wang Yanbing and said: "Lao Tzu just saw that he was a little similar to you, so he moved his heart of compassion, you see, it is about to rain, look at this momentum, this rain is not small."

"I think he should be allowed to rest better, if he doesn't do it, something will happen."

Wang Yanbing looked indifferent, "It doesn't matter what he does, if something happens, it's also his business, whoever makes him so conceited, he has to pay the price for his arrogance, damn it, if he looks like such a person, his image will be ruined."

Chen Jun glared at Wang Yanbing expressionlessly, "Okay, go to sleep, if you don't want to sleep, you can go cross-country for fifty kilometers and come back." Hearing

this, everyone instantly changed color, immediately shut up, and then turned around and entered the dormitory without saying a word.

The instructor is not an ordinary person, who would dare to challenge him if he does what he says?

In this way, Chen Jun and the others still ignored Lei Zhan and went back to sleep directly.

In the middle of the night, a thunderclap resounded throughout the sky, and the huge thunder directly woke up Chen Jun.


after, heavy raindrops fell directly from the sky, and then hit the ground and rooftops hard.

In the blink of an eye, the pouring rain began to beat the ground.


The thunder roared incessantly, and lightning bolts pierced through the rain curtain and directly illuminated the dark sky.

It was a heavy rain.

Hearing the sound of lightning and thunder, Chen Jun's heart trembled slightly, he got up directly, walked to the window, and then looked out towards the door.

Under the eyes of the hacker, he could see at a glance that Lei Zhan was still standing there motionless, and he was still immobile despite the continuous washing of the rain.

At that moment, he stood there like a statue.

Looking at this scene, Chen Jun thought of the soldiers on the border, how many such rainy scenes, his comrades-in-arms were also standing guard at their posts motionlessly.

In order to stand guard, in order to protect the land, whether it was windy and rainy, or standing up to the fierce sun, those comrades-in-arms were never absent.


the soldiers on the border know that they have to stand guard, and they all want to stand guard well.

In order to stand guard well, everything can be put down, rain or shine.

They all love to stand guard and are willing to risk their youth for border defense, but in the end, they even left their lives there.

In order to protect that land, they can never leave.

Looking, watching, Chen Jun suddenly and slowly clenched his fists, his eyes suddenly blurred, and at that moment, he seemed to be back to the day when he killed for the first time.

On that day, it was also such a rainy scene, and his comrades-in-arms fell in order to protect that land.

In the rain that night, they all died.

That time, if Lei Zhan could appear like today, and then have such execution power, and fight to the death without leaving, then the scorpion would also die, and his comrades would not be sacrificed.

But...... But Lei Zhan, that bastard, just didn't show up for a long time, and then gave the scorpion a chance to kill his comrades.

It was Lei Zhan who delayed the fighter plane, so they had no chance to live! Why

? Why didn't he show up when Lei Zhan was needed, and what are he doing here now? What's

the use?

Thinking of that scene,

Chen Jun's eyes were full of anger, but when he thought about it from another angle, it seemed that he was not so angry.

Because, if Lei Zhan had appeared in time that day, he might not have the madness of his Chen Jun today.

Lei Zhan did not appear, so that his comrades unfortunately died, but it was also because Lei Zhan did not appear that he rose up and became stronger.

All of this is related to Lei Zhan, but Lei Zhan is arrogant and indecisive, and he has also trained the young soldiers of the Fire Phoenix.

Those female soldiers are really more useless than the other, their strength is not very good, but their temper is greater than the sky.

They are the failures of Lei Zhan, although Lei Zhan is the king of soldiers, he is still a little lacking in training, but this does not represent all of him.

After all, in the end, Lei Zhan really dedicated his life for the country.

From a general point of view, Lei Zhan can be said to be a good soldier, and in terms of dedication, he is not picky.

The most important thing for a soldier is to have the courage to take responsibility, and Lei Zhan is not bad in this regard, and his mind is firm enough.

There are very few soldiers who can stand directly for three days and three nights like him.

Lei Zhan's willpower is so strong, perhaps, he should indeed be given a chance to change.

If he really knows his mistakes and can change them, he will be a good soldier!

Thinking of this, Chen Jun slowly opened his eyes and sighed slightly.

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