Frontier defense is Chen Jun's

belonging! Chen Jun regards border defense as his belonging!

Hearing Chen Jun's

words, You Junda's eyes immediately moistened, and a warm flow flowed through the depths of his heart.

Chen Jun has grown up, in other words, he no longer needs the frontier regiment, but he still regards the frontier regiment as his own belonging, as his home, which is rare!

That kid still values love and righteousness, misses the old love, no matter how strong he is, he is still the same soldier, and he only has his comrades in his heart.

A good soldier!

Chen Jun even said a word, but as the regiment commander, You Junda was already moved to tears, looking at Chen Jun, he couldn't say how comfortable he was.

It is no exaggeration to say that he really treats Chen Jun as his own son, and that relationship seems to be closer than his own son.

After a while, You Junda took a deep breath and said, "Okay, that's right, this is your home, come back whenever you want." "

Without further ado, I've arranged for a guide, remember, come back alive, come home alive.


the next second, Chen Jun saluted directly to You Tuan, didn't say anything, and then took He Chenguang and Xiaozhuang directly into the car.

You Tuan is right, he also regards this place as his home, and he will come back...

Soon, the SUV drove across the border, but as soon as they crossed the border, they saw that there was a major waiting there.

When the major saw the car coming, he immediately walked over and received Chen Jun, "Hello, I'm Major Vali, you... Why are there only

two people?" This Vali is the friendly army of the neighboring country arranged by You Junda, and when he spoke, he kept looking behind Chen Jun, and when he confirmed that there were only two people behind him, he was really surprised.

After all, this mission is huge, and the lives of the two hostages are in the hands of the militants.

The three people who came, compared to those militants, are completely inadequate.

Vali thought there would be a team, but he didn't expect that there would be only three of them.

What can three people do?

Chen Jun stared at the major with cold eyes, "Don't you think it's enough?" Facing Chen Jun's

terrifying eyes, Vali inexplicably fought a cold war, and a flash of panic flashed in his eyes.

At that moment, Walli directly felt a dangerous alarm, and in the next second, he immediately looked away, and he didn't dare to meet Chen Jun's eyes at all.

It's horrible.

The look in that man's eyes was terrifying!

Vali was shocked, he had never been so frightened by the look of a man that he shivered directly.

This soldier is too terrible to be easily provoked.

In addition to him, behind them, although the two people looked a little weaker, they also gave people a very terrifying feeling.

Wali was also a man who had seen the world, and according to his experience of reading people, he immediately knew that these three soldiers were all extraordinary, and they could not be provoked!

As soon as he came to his senses, he immediately said: "You drive with me, and I will take you there."

Chen Jun said solemnly: "Hurry, you'd better drive faster, the faster the better, we're in a hurry." "

Understood. Vali didn't talk any nonsense, immediately turned around, ran back to his car, and led the way in front of the car himself.

Chen Jun slammed on the accelerator and immediately drove the car behind Wal-E.

Now he needs to race against time, he has to be fast, and he hopes that he can find Enron before Lei Zhan starts.

Otherwise, according to Lei Zhan's wooden head, he would definitely kill An Ran.

In the original book, Lei Zhan was still An Ran's fiancée, and then because of his wooden and wooden approach, An Ran died in the grenade explosion.

An Ran can't be sacrificed because of Lei Zhan's mistakes, in the original book, he didn't exist, and he may not be able to change the ending, but now, he has appeared, and An Ran is still his woman, even if he dies, he must not let such a tragedy happen!

An Ran must come back alive!

Chen Jun's expression was serious, his mind was full of An Ran, and there was a plan to rescue An Ran.

Seeing An Ran being arrested, he was also very nervous, but because his physical fitness was strong enough and his psychological quality was strong enough, he was still relatively calm, and he kept a calm mind to plan the rest of the matter.

An hour later, they came to a resort together.

At this moment, the entire periphery of the village has been surrounded by local law enforcers, and there are groups of law enforcers standing at the scene.

These enforcers all looked serious, and they were all discussing something.

With a squeak, Vali's car stopped first, and the car that followed Chen Jun stopped almost at the same time.

Wali walked directly to Chen Jun's car and introduced him: "The hostages are in the village in front, and the periphery has been controlled by the law enforcers, those are the law enforcers, and they are all here to rescue."

"However, because of the hostages involved, those law enforcers did not dare to act rashly, and for a while, both sides were already at a stalemate.

Chen Jun nodded, got out of the car and walked over, and after a few steps, he saw Lei Zhan mobilizing the wolf's people from a distance.


guy is really here.

Chen Jun didn't say anything and continued to walk over.

As he got closer and closer to Lei Zhan, Chen Jun frowned directly, because when he heard what Lei Zhan said, the other party was already arranging a strong attack.


Now, Lei Zhan still follows the method in the original plot, directly attacking.

Is this really good? He didn't know, would this kill An Ran?

Chen Jun was shocked, he couldn't help it at all, and immediately quickened his pace and walked over, "Lei Zhan." Hearing

someone shouting behind him, Lei Zhan turned his head directly, and immediately saw Chen Jun, looking at himself.

Chen Jun

? This kid is actually here?

Lei Zhan frowned slightly, and there was a look of diswelcome in his eyes.

After all, he never wanted to see Chen Jun, especially after the National Special Forces Competition, he didn't want to see Chen Jun.

Because it was someone who won the first place, and he won the bottom result, this is a huge and obvious contrast.

He doesn't have the strength, and he admits it if he loses, but he doesn't want to see Chen Jun, especially now, he is on a mission, what does it mean when Chen Jun comes?

Needless to say, he understands that to put it is to meddle, but he is not needed here!

Lei Zhan's face sank, and he said coldly: "You, why are you here, you must be avoided, we don't need you here, we can solve it, it's just a group of militants, and we don't have to work hard."

Chen Jun looked indifferent, "I don't need to avoid it, are you sure you want to attack, Violet is in the hands of the enemy, if you attack strongly, they will be prepared, maybe they will kill her."

Lei Zhan snorted coldly, "There will be no such possibility, we act quickly and strike harder, they don't even have a chance to react, let alone hurt Violet."

"Also, I personally think that you have to avoid it, after all, you have a special relationship with Violet, and if you care, you will be chaotic, which is also a principle. "

Please go back!"

After speaking, he turned his eyes to look at Xiao Zhuang and said very unfriendly: "The tragedy of the year, Siberian wolf, have you forgotten?"

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