
boss's daughter-in-law is a hostage!

Looking at the information on the mobile phone, Xiao Zhuang's whole body trembled suddenly, his eyes were about to fall out of fright, and his eyes were full of panic.


No wonder the boss is so angry, it turns out that his daughter-in-law has had an accident! The boss loves his daughter-in-law

the most, and he must be very anxious!

This is like sticking a knife in his heart.

Damn, how could such a thing happen

? Can the boss bear it?

Xiao Zhuang suddenly became worried, because judging from Chen Jun's reaction just now, he could also see that Chen Jun was really a little nervous.

Today, it was the first time he saw Chen Jun's nervous appearance.

Good guy, no wonder, no wonder!

But how could the boss's daughter-in-law be taken hostage?

Yes, Geng Jihui can say that it was the ghost that Mr. Wen did.

Damn Mr. Wen, he actually cheated the boss's daughter-in-law, no wonder the boss, who has always been as steady as Mount Tai, has such obvious mood swings, it turns out that it is because of his daughter-in-law.

It's not good, the boss is the one who loves his daughter-in-law the most, and something big is going to happen this time!

Xiaozhuang is really worried about Chen Jun, because he knows that the boss loves his daughter-in-law very much, and he has personal experience.

I remember that when he hadn't returned to the team, the boss and An Ran lived near his accommodation, and at that time, he was about to burst his eardrums by the noise made by the boss.

The relationship between the boss and his daughter-in-law is really good, almost every day, always noisy, and it seems to come several times a day.

At that time, when he heard such a big movement, he couldn't help but think of the dead Xiaoying, and his heart hurt even more.

If Xiaoying is still here, she is also Lao Tzu's daughter-in-law, and she doesn't have to suffer so much, but unfortunately, time has passed.

At that time, Xiaoying was also captured by Ma Yunfei as a hostage and killed.


Zhuang flashed the scene of Xiaoying dying in his hands, and his eyes were full of sadness, but after a period of sadness, he thought of the current situation of the boss's daughter-in-law.

Now, the boss's daughter-in-law has been taken hostage like Xiaoying back then, if...

If the boss's daughter-in-law also has a misfortune like Xiaoying, how will the boss live the rest of his life.

"No, this time, even if Lao Tzu dies, he will rescue the eldest daughter-in-law, and he must not experience my pain.

Unconsciously, Xiao Zhuang had clenched his fists.

The pain of losing his lover, he had already tried, and he really didn't want the boss to taste that kind of pain.

There is nothing that can be done to prevent the tragedy from happening

In less than half an hour, the helicopter arrived at the border and landed.

This is the vicinity of the No. 1 post, and at this moment, the border guards have already assembled in line, waiting for Chen Jun and others.

As soon as the helicopter stopped, Chen Jun took the team members and walked down, and as soon as he stepped out of the helicopter, he saw a person standing there.

That person is the head of the border guard, You Junda.

During the period when Chen Jun lived in the border guards, it was this special regiment that helped him.

Chen Jun has always been grateful to You Tuan, who not only helped him at the border, but even helped him stop the picket team's investigation.

You Tuan has helped him a lot, and he is a respectable old regiment commander!

Chen Jun saw You Tuan and quickened his pace.

You Tuan's expression was serious, and as soon as he saw Chen Jun coming, he immediately saluted Chen Jun solemnly.

"Ghost, I know about you, you are our border guard, you won the national special forces championship, we are all proud of you, and your dead comrades-in-arms are all resting in peace. This

is You Tuan's true words, since he heard that Chen Jun has become the strongest soldier, he especially wants to say this to Chen Jun.

Chen Jun is the soldier he is optimistic about, but he is also the soldier he can't rest assured of, because he knows that Chen Jun is very affectionate, because of the death of his comrade-in-arms, that kid disregards his own life and death, and does not care about orders, and enters the gray area alone.

Because of this matter, Chen Jun was targeted by the pickets, and if it wasn't for Mr. Gao at that time, his affairs would have been tricky.

Unexpectedly, after Chen Jun was saved by Mr. Gao, he still had such great achievements, and now, he has become the strongest soldier in the country's special forces.

This is what their comrades-in-arms want to see the most, and it is also what he wants to see the most.

Chen Jun can have such an achievement, of course You Tuan is pleased, but for this achievement, he was also shocked, how did he not expect that Chen Jun, who was once considered problematic by the pickets, actually jumped to become the strongest soldier in the country.

It hasn't been long since Chen Jun actually made such a big achievement, which is amazing, and his comrades-in-arms would definitely be happy for him if they knew about it.

You Junda knew that Chen Jun had an iron relationship with those comrades-in-arms, and he couldn't help but be happy for Chen Jun's comrades-in-arms.

Seeing You Tuan saluting there, Chen Jun accelerated again and immediately rushed over to salute.

"Regiment Commander!"

Chen Jun only shouted the regiment commander, and suddenly, his eyes turned red directly, and he choked up: "I miss my brothers, where are they?"

Those comrades-in-arms were Yang Lao, Wu Lao and others who had sacrificed.

Chen Jun will never forget those comrades-in-arms, at this moment, his mind is full of the faces of those comrades-in-arms, as well as the pictures of them laughing together in the past.

You Junda said solemnly: "It's in the Martyrs' Cemetery, not far from here, wait for you to come back from the mission, and then pay respects."

"Okay. Chen Jun nodded heavily, he naturally knew the priority of the matter.

An Ran is still in a predicament, and it is important to save people!

You Junda said: "Mr. Wen told me, I will cooperate with your mission."

Chen Jun nodded, "I will lead the team, and I really need your cooperation in the future." "

Understood. You Junda nodded, he kept looking at Chen Jun as if he was looking at his son, he never thought that after Chen Jun, a border guard, went out, he could actually become the most powerful soldier in the country.

Chen Jun is only in his early 20s, and he has such a great achievement, which is really amazing, but now he has also gone through a lot of vicissitudes, he looks more serious, resolute, like a rock, steel-like will, has been carved into his heart, and the wind and frost of the years are also imprinted in his heart.

This is something that is precious to him after experiencing life and death, and it is also an element of his growth.

Chen Jun, a warrior, has grown up completely.

He is more powerful and responsible than before!

A good soldier, he should have the appearance of Chen Jun.

You Junda gently patted Chen Jun's shoulder, his eyes were full of relief, and he said softly: "I'm sorry for you, although you are young, you have taken on a lot, and it is not something that you should bear at your age."

Chen Jun shook his head, "It's not hard, You Tuan, I will definitely retire at the border in the future, I'm studying now." "

Border defense is where I belong!"

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