The moment

he heard this, Xiao Zhuang's face changed slightly, and a look of pain immediately flashed in his eyes.

That incident had always been a pain in his mind, and every time he thought about it, his heart ached.

At that moment just now, he was also heartbroken, because Lei Zhan's words were like a knife that opened the scars in his heart layer by layer, extremely cruel.

The pain in Xiao Zhuang's heart was aroused for the first time, he was really hurt, and in an instant, his whole mind was the picture of Xiaoying falling, as well as Xiaoying's helpless eyes.

That time, he killed Xiaoying with his own hands.

Xiaoying died because of him!

A strong sense of grief and indignation poured out of Xiao Zhuang's heart, and he was speechless except for sadness.

He couldn't bring it up at all, because he didn't want to bring it up.

Lei Zhan continued: "The Siberian wolf, it is undeniable, is an excellent soldier, but when it comes to saving his woman, he hesitated, and under nervousness, the bullet hit the hostage's body, do you know?"

Lei Zhan didn't pay attention to the painful Xiao Zhuang, after speaking, he turned directly to look at Chen Jun, and said indifferently: "I'm not your subordinate, so I don't have to obey your command at all, I was trained in foreign armies, it's more about hostage rescue, ghosts, special periods, this is not a military quality can be determined, psychological quality is very important."

After speaking, he no longer paid attention to Chen Jun, turned his eyes to look at the team members, and shouted: "Everyone, prepare

!" "Yes!"

Suddenly, the people of Thunder and Lightning took action one after another.

Thunderbolt clicked, pulled his gun, and then strode towards the villa, and behind him, Thunderbolt's man followed him closely.

In the team, the old fox suddenly showed an apologetic smile towards Chen Jun, and immediately turned around and followed.

After He Chenguang glanced at the painful Xiao Zhuang, he turned his eyes to look at Chen Jun, and when he saw that the boss was angered by Lei Zhan, he was also completely angry.

Damn Lei Zhan, who is this going to make ugly!

He Chenguang looked at Lei Zhan's back, his eyes were full of anger, and the next second he directly shouted in a low voice, "Captain, he insulted us and stunned him directly, Lao Tzu couldn't help it."

On the side, when Wali saw this scene, his mouth opened wide in surprise, and he didn't agree with each other, and went straight to work

. So fierce? No, aren't they their own people?

How could this be?

Vali couldn't figure it out, and was shocked.

He didn't expect that Lei Deng and those people would not give Chen Jun and the three of them face, and when these two teams met, they were like mortal enemies, and no one looked at it well.

One side directly scares the other party to go back, while the other side intends to directly stun the other party.

What kind of people are they, they all talk like muskets, do they have such a big hatred?

Vali was speechless, although he was puzzled, but he didn't dare to ask more at all, after all, he knew that these people were not easy to mess with.

For a moment, Chen Jun looked at He Chenguang and shook his head and said, "It's useless to stun, the people of thunder and lightning won't listen to me, can you stun all of them?"

"This..." He Chenguang was directly stopped by Chen Jun, and his brows furrowed.

Yes, the boss can stun Thunder, but what about the others?

What's more, rescuing the hostages also requires the help of these people.

Although the Lei Zhan people are hateful, they are also powerful, and they are indispensable in the rescue work in the future.

However, Lei Zhan's attitude is too bad, just looking at it makes people uncomfortable.

Also, is it useful for them to attack blindly like this?

Compared with Lei Zhan, He Chenguang believes in Chen Jun's strategy more, and he is absolutely the boss who said that he should not attack by force, so he cannot attack by force, although he can't say the reason, but he is convinced of Chen Jun.

After hesitating, He Chenguang said: "But they plan to attack, if there is an accident, this hostage is not safe." Hearing

this, Chen Jun did not speak, and his fists were clenched directly.

He was indeed worried about his daughter-in-law, but he couldn't stop Lei Zhan unless he killed him.

It is impossible to kill Lei Zhan, after all, everyone is a soldier of the Yan Kingdom, in other words, they are comrades-in-arms rather than enemies, so it is naturally not suitable to do it.

How could anyone engage in civil strife before he had killed

the enemy? But if he ignored Lei Zhan, he was about to storm the enemy, and if he really attacked, according to the current situation, Lei Zhan would probably make a mistake.

That guy is too confident, no matter how fast he is, he can't be faster than the people around An Ran, An Ran's life is at stake!

Damn, this wooden thunder battle is too self-ego, he will always be so self-conscious, An Ran may really be miserable by him.

No, this situation must be changed immediately, and it is better to find Enron before Lei Zhan starts, otherwise it will be difficult to change all this.

Chen Jun patiently began to think about how to start acting.

Suddenly, as if he had thought of something, he suddenly turned his head to look at Vali on the side and asked, "Is there any other way to enter the resort besides the entrance

?" "Other way?" Vali frowned, and instead of answering Chen Jun immediately, he pondered.

There is no way, when facing Chen Jun, he is used to accepting rather than refutating.

Hearing Chen Jun's request, Vali was purely subconscious and began to think about it.

After a while, he suddenly raised his eyes and looked at Chen Jun and said, "It seems that there is, if you go in from there, it is closer, but it is a little dangerous, it is difficult to get in, it is unlikely, do you want to go?"

"Go, go immediately." Without the slightest thought, Chen Jun immediately ordered.

Vali nodded, "Come with me." With that, he led the way out.

Ten minutes later, Vali led Chen Jun to a cliff, where they stood and looked down to overlook the water, and on the other side, the resort.

"It's another way, except for the main entrance, which is to enter the resort through this water outlet, but you can't get through here at all," Vali said. "

Can't get in?" Chen Jun and the three looked at Vali suspiciously, all of them frowning.

He Chenguang's eyes were full of anger, and his eyes seemed to be about to be eaten alive.

Why, what does this guy mean, he took so much effort to bring everyone here, but he said that he couldn't get in, if he couldn't get in, what would he do here?

Chen Jun asked directly: "What is the specific situation, what is the difficulty, just say it."

Wali nodded and quickly explained: "It turns out that this outlet has a huge spiral device, the reason is that there are more pollutants here, so it is used to ensure that the lake surface of the resort is clear.

"To achieve the effect of making the lake clear, the auger had to rotate constantly to keep the dirt out of the way and at the same time ensure that there was plenty of water to enter the resort. "

That spiral device is right at the exit, and you have to rely on that device to get in, but..."

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