
set off like this, is it really good?

Specially, this kid won't be in a hurry and lose his mind, so how can he take two

people to save people! Looking at the back of Chen Jun and the three of them leaving quickly, Mr. Wen was completely confused, and he wanted to rush up and pull Chen Jun, saying that the number of people was not enough, but in the end, he did not go up.

Because he knew that it was useless to go up, Chen Jun would not listen to him.

Chen Jun is a person with a personality, and if he can win the first place in the National Special Forces Competition, he should also know the proportions, and I hope he can succeed

! An Ran, you'd better not have an accident, otherwise, Lao Tzu won't be able to afford you even if he takes this life!

After seeing Chen Jun's attitude, Mr. Wen's inner pressure became even greater, and he felt more and more that it was best not to provoke Chen Jun.

Seeing the stunned Mr. Wen, Geng Jihui walked over directly, "Mr. Wen, can you ask what the task is

?" Mr. Wen sighed and said, "His daughter-in-law Violet has fallen into the hands of the enemy, but, I don't understand, why did he just take two people there, and they didn't have a good relationship?" "What, the captain's daughter-in-law?"

The words

were like a whip directly whipped on Geng Jihui, and the moment he heard the words, he trembled suddenly, and his eyes were straight.

The captain's daughter-in-law had an accident, no wonder he was so angry.

Geng Jihui came back to his senses, stared at Mr. Wen tightly, and asked urgently, "What's going on?"

Mr. Wen saw Geng Jihui's scary eyes, as well as the people who were training around him, stopped and looked at him one by one, and didn't dare to speak for a while.

At this moment, a whispered discussion came.

"The boss and his daughter-in-law have a very good relationship, during the game, he looks at his mobile phone and smirks, and often chats with his daughter-in-law. "

Yes, he often talks to his daughter-in-law, saying that he has time to date, and the relationship is good, every day is like a honeymoon, why is the relationship bad

?" "Damn, why did the eldest daughter-in-law have an accident, let's go too, okay?" "

Such a big thing, we should help, right."

Everyone chatted and chatted, and their eyes returned to Mr. Wen again, because they knew that the person in front of them came to find the boss, and they had to ask him if they wanted to go.

Geng Jihui stared at Mr. Wen tightly, "Mr. Wen, what's going on?" Of course, if it's inconvenient for you to say, tell us where the eldest daughter-in-law is, and we're going to help."

Facing Geng Jihui and the others, with those eyes that seemed to be about to swallow themselves, Mr. Wen couldn't help but panic.

Hell, what kind of people are these, just their eyes can kill people.

What kind of people did that ghost bring out, and they were all so strong.

These guys are all so strong, can Chen Jun, as a captain, be weak?

No wonder that guy is so strong when he speaks, it turns out that he has confidence.

Forget it, it's better to leave quickly, don't provoke these people.

Thinking of this, Mr. Wen changed hands and left, leaving only one sentence, "This is a secret mission."

Mr. Wen walked so simply, it seemed that he didn't want to stay for a moment, no way, he already felt the anger coming out of that person's body.

Today, if he tells the truth and says that he is the violet of the pit, he will definitely be beaten to death in the next second.

Those people definitely did it, just like Chen Jun, who would grab the collar directly, fortunately, that guy still couldn't help but not do it at the critical moment, but these soldiers are all young, if he doesn't know how to start, he can't escape at all.

Watching Mr. Wen leave, Wang Yanbing frowned slightly, not knowing what he was thinking, and after a moment, he suddenly said: "I don't know why, Lao Tzu wants to beat that guy, it looks like a chengguan."

"Yes, this person's eyes kept flashing just now, which means that he has a weak heart, and he should not have something to hide from us. "

Seeing that his face really doesn't look like a good person, I don't want him to just come to inform the boss, hey, the eldest daughter-in-law has an accident, he must be anxious

, do we just do it and watch it, don't you do it?" "Yes, you can't just look at it like this, don't you find someone to see if there is a way..."


the other side, the helicopter roared, and a helicopter took Chen Jun and the three of them to the sky quickly, and then soared straight into the sky.

On the helicopter, Chen Jun took a deep breath and said, "I'll arrange the mission now."

Hearing this, He Chenguang and Xiao Zhuang suddenly became serious and looked at Chen Jun seriously.

Chen Jun continued: "He Chenguang, you are responsible for sniper cover, and the militants who threaten the hostages on the mission will be killed for me, and you don't have to worry about the rest."

Hearing this, He Chenguang subconsciously trembled, and his heart chuckled directly.


that moment, he felt a lava-like anger from the boss's body.

He had never seen Chen Jun in such a violent state, the boss's current state was like a powder magazine about to explode, and his words were full of gunpowder.

Boss, why are you so angry!

He Chenguang was surprised, but he didn't hesitate at all, and immediately responded, "Yes."

Chen Jun said again: "Xiaozhuang, your mission follows me, after I take out the hostage, my back is handed over to you, it's okay if I die, don't let the hostage die, she will definitely survive." "

What, it's okay if you die, can't happen to the hostages?" A

trace of doubt flashed in Xiao Zhuang's eyes, there was something wrong with the boss's words.

In order to save a hostage, the boss is planning to take his life, what happened, who is that hostage, is it so important?

Xiao Zhuang thought that he had heard it wrong, but seeing Chen Jun's determined look, the next second, he directly followed and guaranteed, "Before the hostage is safe, I will not fall, and in the same way, unless I die, you will be fine, boss."

Chen Jun nodded, he believed in his brothers, they would definitely do what they said.

Now that Enron is in trouble, he must be 100% committed to be able to save Enron.

As long as he lives safely, it doesn't matter if he dies.

This is not what Chen Jun said in words, but what he thought in his heart.

After the arrangement, Chen Jun directly began to close his eyes and recuperate, and began to adjust his state.

I have to say that he was really nervous when he heard that it was An Ran who was arrested, but to fight better and win without fail, he must be in the best condition.

Xiao Zhuang looked at Chen Jun's trembling eyelids, his brows were directly locked, something happened, how could the boss be

so nervous? I had never seen him so nervous.

Looking at Chen Jun, Xiao Zhuang was a little worried, and at this time, his mobile phone trembled.

Xiao Zhuang hurriedly took it out and took a look, only to find that it was a message sent by Geng Jihui: I suspect that Mr. Wen has cheated the boss's daughter-in-law Violet, Violet has fallen into the hands of the enemy and become a hostage, so you must rescue the boss's daughter-in-law, the Siberian wolf.

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