
Chen Jun was completely angry, clutching Mr. Wen's collar, his eyes If he could kill someone, Mr. Wen didn't know how many times he died.

This time, he was completely enraged by Wen Dakeng's god-like operation.

In fact, he also knew that An Ran's identity was an undercover agent, an agent, and his code name was Violet, but he never dreamed that Mr. Wen would actually trap An Ran, and use her to risk so many things alone, and finally fall into the hands of the enemy.

According to Enron's character, obedience is definitely her duty, and Mr. Wen wants her to go, and she will definitely go.

In addition, she has a very strong temperament, and she will definitely not reveal her identity, what if those Minden's subordinates are ruthless?

Chen Jun's heart aches like a knife, if he can, he would rather go to replace An Ran, he doesn't want her to suffer so many crimes...

"You... Your daughter-in-law?"

Hearing this, Mr. Wen was also like being struck by lightning, his eyes were straight, and his whole body trembled, he was already frightened, and he forgot that Chen Jun was still grabbing his collar, and the only feeling was shock.


way, Chen Jun's words were too informative, and he couldn't even digest them.

Violet, is it his daughter-in-law? Damn, it's not such a coincidence!

How could Violet be this guy's daughter-in-law


He...... Didn't he say that he had just talked to his daughter-in-law, and what was the ovulation period?

If it was really Enron, with this guy's personality, what would he do?

Thinking of this, Mr. Wen inadvertently shivered, goosebumps all over his body, and only then did he react, and he was grabbed by the collar by the other party.

Mr. Wen's voice trembled, and he immediately shouted: "Comrade Chen Jun, calm down, calm down, you let me go first, and I have something to say."

"There's something to say!"

Chen Jun ignored Mr. Wen, and didn't have the slightest intention of letting go, and asked coldly: "You let Lei Zhan save her?"

Mr. Wen nodded again and again, "Yes, yes, it's already gone, don't worry about it." "


Chen Jun shook his head directly, bursting into foul language, he couldn't wait to immediately smash the bread face in front of him with a punch.

If Lei Zhan goes to save people, according to the original plot, An Ran may not be able to come back, he is an unreliable guy, it is strange if people are not worried.

In particular, it's no wonder that Lei Zhan is so active, it's because of Enron.

However, Enron finally lost his life because of this guy, he was harming people, not saving people.

Damn, it's all this Wen Dakeng, first pit Enron, and now send Lei Zhan to pit Enron, Enron met these two unreliable guys at the same time, it's really unlucky.


Jun was completely anxious, recently, he either led the team or participated in the competition, and he had rarely had contact with Enron, but he never thought that from now on, he might never see Enron again.

Forget it, the matter has come to this point, it is useless to say more, it will only waste time, and the urgent thing now is to save Enron.

It's important to save people!

Chen Jun took a deep breath and suppressed the anger in his heart a little, before finally letting go of Mr. Wen.

Seeing Chen Jun let go, Mr. Wen breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately apologized to him, "Comrade Chen Jun, I'm really sorry, I didn't expect An Ran to be your daughter-in-law, and she was in danger, I apologize to you, I really didn't mean to, but don't worry, we will try our best to save An Ran."

"Do you try your best to save An Ran?" Chen Jun was speechless and shook his head, specially, this old man didn't even go through his brain, if he has the ability to save An Ran, what else do you need to come here to ask for help?

Forget it, he also did it to solve Minden.

Thinking of this, Chen Jun didn't want to compete with Wen Zong, so he walked out directly.

Seeing that Chen Jun didn't say anything and left directly, Mr. Wen was even more anxious, and ran directly to follow, "That, how many people do you plan to take, I will definitely support it, and be sure to save Comrade Violet back, she is a good comrade, knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, and preferring to go to Tiger Mountain..."


Two?" Hearing this, Mr. Wen looked at Chen Jun suspiciously, and his eyes were about to fall away.

For such a big thing, he only brought two people over, is this self-confidence or arrogance

? Isn't he very nervous about his daughter-in-law

? Why don't you bring more people, how easy it is to do things, everyone Lei Zhan has brought a team of people, he only brings two, is this sure that he is

going to save people? Wen always couldn't figure it out, and looked at Chen Jun in a daze, "Aren't you going to save people? It's only two? It's not enough at all, do you know how many Minden's subordinates are?"

Pedal ...

Before Mr. Wen's words were finished, Chen Jun had already strode out, and he didn't have a chance to speak at all.


Mr. Wen was messy in the wind, his mouth twitched, this guy shouldn't just do this, just take two people, right? What's

wrong with him, is he overstimulated, and has problems with his judgment and analysis ability?

No, he is the strongest soldier in the country, and his psychological quality should not be so bad.


The moment Mr. Wen was stunned, Chen Jun had already rushed to the base and yelled, and he yelled directly inside, "He Chenguang, Xiao Zhuang, take your equipment, follow me immediately."

"Yes. He Chenguang and Xiao Zhuang, who were training, heard the order, and the two of them didn't say a word, and immediately rushed into the armory to receive the equipment.

On the side, Geng Jihui rushed out directly with an excited face, "Boss, do you have any tasks, will we go too?"

After experiencing the National Special Forces Competition, Geng Jihui, the old man, also completely recognized Chen Jun as the boss, and now he is also absolutely obedient to Chen Jun.

Suddenly, seeing Chen Jun rushing in like this, with a serious look, he knew that there was a task to come out, and he had to start preparing.

Chen Jun shook his head directly, "No, it's not good to have too many people, this is a task that must be completed, and there must be no mistakes."


this, Geng Jihui froze directly, his eyes were full of doubts, if he said that he had to complete the task, why did he go so few people?

Suddenly, Geng Jihui had a premonition that was not very steady, because from Chen Jun's eyes, he had already sensed that the situation this time was very serious.

But, strangely, not everyone was sent out.

What the hell is going on?

Geng Jihui's expression was serious, and he immediately asked, "What task?"

Chen Jun still shook his head, "I don't want to talk about it for the time being, let's talk about it when I come back, you stay, take care of the base, and lead people to train."

"Yes. Although Geng Jihui was worried, he still agreed.

Soon, He Chenguang and Xiao Zhuang were already armed and walked out, Chen Jun glanced at them and roared directly, "Take off."

As soon as the words fell, Chen Jun set off with people, and behind him, Mr. Wen was directly hung in place.

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