Legend of the Asura

Vol 3 Chapter 189: Yandi (below)

"I don't care, I will be with Brother Shura." The baby clutched the windy arm tightly, for fear that he would be passed away accidentally.

Touching her little head, the windy and touching, said to the middle-aged: "Please send us all over, I have the means to send the baby back. And, I also have things to go to the capital of Vulcan."

"You? What's the matter?"

"Looking for the Emperor of the God of Fire!"

The middle-aged man’s face was weird, and he looked at him very seriously before asking: “What are you looking for? And why do I believe in you?”

The look of the wind stunned, and took out the letter of the Princess of the Water Moon: "This is the personal letter of the Emperor Shuiyue of the Dragon King City, which is enough to prove it."

"Okay, I believe in you!" The middle-aged man glanced at the red seal of the envelope, and he readily agreed. "But I said in advance, if you can't come back there, you can't blame me!"

"Yeah! Finally, you don't have to be separated from Shura's brother..."

The two figures slowly disappeared into a group of red light, and the figure of the middle-aged man slowly disappeared.

Using special skills or props is the only way to cross a dead volcano. And it can never really be crossed.

The city of Vulcan, from the map, its area is comparable to the Tianlong Imperial City. But there is no gold brick and tile in the Tianlong Imperial City, the imposing, well-deformed streets reveal a run-down. The buildings here are all red, the ground is red, and even the sky is faint red.

"Shu Luo brother, here, a little hot." Little baby willow-like fine eyebrows slightly tilted, some are not satisfied with the weather here.

"Because it is closer to the volcano here." The wind whispered gently, and the pink mouth of the cherry in front of him couldn't help but want to kiss him.

"Look, the heads here are all red, so fun." The baby's delicate fingers pointed at the passers-by npc, and the autumn water flashed, revealing curiosity.

Indeed, the heads here are generally red, and their careers are basically all kinds of fire magicians. Because the fire elements here are unusually active, practicing the fire magic is a paradise for all fire magicians. Of course, only monsters and npcs, even if the player arrives here, they still have to be ridiculous.

As if the ethereal children's voice from heaven passed to the ears of pedestrians, countless eyes suddenly looked to the baby, mostly revealing curiosity and love.

"Two distinguished guests, the great Yandi has a request." A bodyguard wearing a red armor walked up to them and bowed to them respectfully.

"Shu Luo brother, does he know us?"

The spirit of pure and pure to the extreme makes the red guards unconsciously shake the whole body, and a strange warmth flows through the whole body, which makes him feel comfortable and his face becomes more respectful.

The wind shook a little, took back the white, and pulled up the baby's little hand: "Maybe that Yandi and we know it - this brother, please lead the way."

The red guards immediately responded with respect and took the road ahead.

Before the wind and the baby were transferred to the location of the Royal Palace of Vulcan, the buildings in the palace were far from the luxury of the Dragon Palace, but they were also arranged in a patchwork. They followed the guard's footsteps and turned away for ten minutes before coming to a tall palace.

"The two distinguished guests invited, the great Yandi is waiting for you."

This is Yan Di's private study, similar to the Tianlong Palace Royal Study. The wind pulled the baby's little hand and walked in slowly. Just stepped in, there was a hearty laugh inside, and it was a familiar laugh.

"Uncle, why are you here? Are you also called by someone called Yandi?" The baby was a little surprised.

"You really are Yandi." The wind smirked.

This person is actually a middle-aged person they met only ten minutes ago. It is still an old robe. Although there is a slight majesty in the eyebrows, there is no trace of emperor.

"Oh? So you recognized me before?" Yandi looked at him with surprise.

The wind smirked and said: "Guess."

He can't tell him that Xuanyuaner secretly told him. He also knows that this seemingly unseen emperor actually has the strength of a beast, and is a water and fire **** with both water and fire capabilities.

Yan Emperor stunned, then laughed and laughed, and did not ask again, the body was slightly shaken, the whole body of the worn out equipment has completely disappeared, replaced by the fiery red robes and the flame-burning crown.

"Wow! Uncle, are you really the one called Yandi? Your clothes are so beautiful... I have to give it to Shura."

At the foot of Yan Di, he slammed into the corner of the table. If someone else dares to talk to him like this, he will definitely not burn the **** he burns. He can't be angry with this little girl, but the more he looks, the more he loves.

"Little girl, there are two clothes you want in the statue, don't come to the idea of ​​playing my clothes." Yandi pointed to the statue behind him, his face of love and helplessness.

In the statue? It’s awkward. When she first came in, she was attracted by the faint white light statue behind Yan Di. It was a statue of a twelve-winged archangel, with her hands on her chest and her eyes closed. The six pairs of wings were magnificently opened and scattered. The light.

The baby was slightly puzzled, and did not ask what was curious. Following the breath that made her exceptionally comfortable, she slowly walked over, and the crystal-clear hand slowly attached the statue.

With the baby's contact, the light of the archangel's statue began to fade slowly, condensed into the baby's hand until it was exhausted, and the baby's hand appeared two pieces of white light into the holy light.

The popular eyes are immediately attracted by two lovely equipment. The baby's hands are actually two pairs of wings of different sizes.

"Wow, it's beautiful." The baby's red lips are full of surprises, and the delicate little face is covered with excited pink, and the eyes are full of love.

Magic dance. The wings of the angel, this is a pair of small wings less than thirty centimeters long, white and white is very cute, so that the wind can not help but think of the little angel wings in the fairy tale.

The devil. The praise of the angel, this is a butterfly-shaped headpiece. The wings of two small butterflies are wide open, each of which is five centimeters long, and it is cute.

The baby was excited to put on two pieces of equipment, the little butterfly slowly floated on her head, staying on her drifting black, depicting a white butterfly shape in the black waterfall. Behind the baby, two small angel wings are extended, and the cuteness and harmony on her petite body is surprising.

Awkward, a dazzling white light emerged from the baby, and the entire study was painted in a single white. The windy and subconsciously covered the eyes, and slowly adapted to the violent light, then looked at the baby's body in amazement.

"The six pieces of the magic angel set finally aggregated into one person again. I finally did not live up to the mission that the angels left for me." Yan Di admired the baby who looked at the holy light, his mouth whispered, his eyes full. Amazed and gratified.

"Little girl, hurry up and light up, my old eyes are almost unable to stop."

The little baby's laughter like a yellow scorpion slowly retracts the light of the magic angel suit.

The light in the study gradually dissipated, and the eye of the sky automatically captured the set of attributes of the demon angel suit, and the stunned face suddenly became awkward.

Magic. Angel set suit attributes: four basic attributes +12o, lucky +15, light resistance +5o%, attack with 2oo light damage, attack +2o%, defense +2o%, hit +2o% , avoid +2o%, life automatically responds 3oo per second, magic automatically responds 3oo per second.

Eternal Light: Surround yourself with holy light, resisting all damage. Effect: Invincible defense in ten seconds, cooling time is one hour.

The Light of Perpetual Silence: Shroud all the enemies within 5o of the sacred light, slowly absorbs its vitality, is ineffective against the light monsters, doubles the effect of the dark and death monsters, and the probability of 2o% makes the enemy's light attribute resistant -3o %. It lasts for 1 minute and can be used twice a day.

Heaven Bird Summon: You can summon a light beast and a bird of paradise every day to help fight for ten minutes. The level of the bird of paradise is equal to the summoner.

"Shu Luo brother, look good?" The baby jumped to his side, full of joyful eyes eagerly looking at him.

"Good-looking, my baby is good-looking no matter what he wears," said the windy admiration. It’s good-looking, it’s just... too powerful.

Once the fairy set is fully assembled, it is accompanied by the horrible attribute of an artifact. What about the artifact set?

I can't help but look forward to my Shura suit.

Get the praise of Shura's brother, the smile on the baby's face is more sweet, so Yan Di can't help but look at the wind and eyes.

This Shura kid is happy.

"Little girl, now I am satisfied... Call, I am also completing the task." Yandi smiled gratifiedly. He has a special ability to let him go to the novice village every ten years. Just after he met the baby in the novice village a month ago, he knew that his mission of ten thousand years finally came to a destination.

Such a girl who has not been polluted by the dust of the world will never be able to awaken the magic of being sealed.


Unless this is, it must not be possible.

The next chapter is a preview: the legendary glass fairy.

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