Legend of the Asura

Vol 3 Chapter 190: Legendary glass fairy

"Ah... Shura brother, my mother is calling me, it’s time to have lunch." The joy on the baby’s face turned into a habit, and habitually caught the big hand.

"Hey, listen to my mother." Feng Yan patted her little head.

"Well! Today is the weekend, my mother will take me out to play, I will see the brother of Shura tomorrow." Picking up the toes and kissing on the face, the baby turned into a group of white light disappeared in place.

The frustration of Yandi’s face, which was completely ignored.

"Okay, let's talk about our affairs now." Yandi's eyes turned to the wind, and his face disappeared without a trace. He changed his sharp color: "What happened to you from the Tianlong Imperial City?"

"Looking for Suzaku!" Feng Yan looked at him indifferently, and was not shocked by the momentum he deliberately released.

"Looking for Suzaku?" Yandi's face changed. His consciousness told him that the other party's intentions were not simple, but he did not expect it to be so simple.

There is no such thing as saying these four words in the capital of Vulcan.

"What is the purpose of your search for Suzaku!?" The only gentleness on Yan Di's face disappeared. Suzaku, the patron saint of the centuries of the capital of Vulcan, is their taboo, and is the guardian sacred beast that Yandi must worship every day! Anyone who plays the idea of ​​Suzaku is their enemy.

"You don't misunderstand. For the future of the Big 6, I have something to do with it." I can't help but say that he needs the fire of the soul of Suzaku, otherwise he will definitely be the capital of Vulcan. All the people are madly chasing. Can only move out of the words of the Queen of the Waters.

"Just by you?" Yan Di sneered. For whatever reason, the Vulcan City will never allow anyone to disturb the supreme guardian sacred beast.

"No!" Feng Feng threw the introduction letter of the Queen of the Water Moon to him. "This is the introduction letter of the Queen of the Water Moon. I think you should read it before you make a final decision."

Yan Emperor took it coldly, and the gods swept away and his face changed again.

"It turned out to be the Lord of Kirin... No wonder dare to be so rampant." Yan Di looked completely in front of his eyes. I looked at the young man again and the look on my face was more dignified.

Kirin, but the boss of Suzaku.

"Well, since I have the honor of the honorable Emperor of Heaven, I believe in you. I do know the location of Suzaku, but..." Yandi looked at him and shook his head. "That is a place you will never reach. No. Don't say it is you, the whole Tianlong big 6 except the holy beast, no creature can get there."

"The center of the death volcano." The wind said with a dignified face.

"Yes." The flame in Yan Di’s eyes beat and surprised the young man’s keen intuition.

The wind eyebrows are screwed together. From the moment he first came into contact with the death volcano, he began to suspect that it was the residence of Suzaku, because the high temperature, in addition to the fire system Supreme Suzaku, he could not think of anyone else can do it. Now, this speculation has indeed been fulfilled.

The high temperature of six thousand degrees is indeed not affordable for the average creature. Yan Emperor has absolutely no exaggeration.

Going by myself, it is estimated that it will be burned into **** in an instant and then returned to the city for free.

"You can't even arrive?" asked the wind. The Yan Emperor in front of him can cross the death volcano, and is the **** of the water and fire system, or may have this ability.

“No!” Seeing the slight doubts in the eyes of the wind, he continued: “The reason why I can cross the death volcano is entirely the help of the Vulcan beam that was given before Suzaku’s sleep. It allows me to shuttle between the sides of the volcano. And can send a person back and forth every year." Yan Di pointed to the strange headband on his head.

"Give up, the land of the Holy Spirit is not what we humans can set foot on."

"Give up?" I glanced at him with a faint look. "I never gave up two words in my dictionary. If one day I found a way to set foot on the Suzaku territory, I would ask Yan Emperor not to stop."

"If you really have that ability, I can't even block it." Yandi said faintly. The man’s momentum made him a little higher than his evaluation.

In the face of Suzaku, I don’t know how to retreat, whether it is crazy or confident.

The wind is naturally not crazy enough to be an enemy of Suzaku. He is gambling, and the gambling miracle reappears.

But miracles are made by ourselves. Retreat, waiting for it must be fruitless. And what he has to do now is to find a way to set foot on the death volcano center.

"Can you disclose the specific purpose of your search for the Suzaku Holy Spirit?"

"No!" The wind is not giving the face a shake, if you say it yourself, it is estimated that this Yandi will kill him without hesitation.

Yandi’s face was so expressive and he didn’t ask again. What is the concept of being recognized by Kirin may not be understood by others, but he knows clearly. The supreme unicorn, since the beginning of chaos, has never been dominated by human beings, because they are the Lord of the entire Big 6, and no creature has the qualification to surrender.

And this person is doing it now - what does this mean?

"It disturbed Mr. Yandi, thank you for sending me here, goodbye." Feng Yu knew that he would not get any substantial help when he left, and waved to Yandi to leave, and suddenly his footsteps stopped.

On the wall, a slightly old picture attracted his attention. On the screen, a woman stood quietly in the clouds, dressed like a snow, skin wins, and silky, but her face is only a misty piece. People can't see their looks.

The ethereal beauty of the ethereal makes the wind sigh and admire, and can't help but curiously ask: "With such a shape and temperament, the woman on the painting must have a look of the country, but why didn't she paint her face?"

Looking at the picture of the wind, the Emperor Yan stunned, and then fell into a sluggish, sly look at the woman on the painting, with an extremely complex light in his eyes.

Obsessed, reminisced, longing, painful, and even... stunned.

The wind was surprised by his expression and began to re-evaluate the woman on the painting.

"I can make the powerful emperor of Yan to reveal such an expression. Who is this woman? Is it her dead wife?"

"Her appearance, no one can draw, the world's most skilled painter can not paint her traces of beauty." Yan Di looked at the woman on the painting, as a nightmare.

"Her beauty is already out of people - no, even completely beyond the scope of God, it is an inexhaustible beauty, an indescribable beauty, a beauty that should not exist in the world. Any gorgeous language And praise is an insult to her."

Yan Emperor slowly returned to God and ridiculed himself for his own gaffe, but did not reveal the slightest embarrassment, as if the obsession was just a normal thing.

"The beauty that should not exist in the world?" Looking at the woman in the painting, the wind slowly repeated, Yan Yan’s expression told him that he was absolutely not lying, and that he could be so obsessed... Asked: "How about compared to your baby?"

Yandi stunned and smiled and shook his head: "I heard that you have a fairy list and a goddess list in the world. The baby is the god-level beauty on the goddess list, right?"

Seeing the wind nodded, Yandi said with an obsessive look: "And she... If she must be included in this list, then she is the supreme saint!"

The wind blew, and then a little weird smile. Is it possible that there are two levels of beauty, Yao Yao and Baby?

At least for now, he will never believe it.

"Oh, yes, since she is so beautiful, should she be famous?" asked Feng Li with interest.

"She is called Liuli. The people who are all 6 are called she is a glass fairy. She is the first beauty and the first master of Tianlongda 6." Yandi looked at him and was very annoyed at the obvious disapproval on his face.

"Dragons 6 will hold a contest of the world's masters every 100 years. She appeared a thousand years ago. No one will forget the brilliance that she showed up at that moment... everyone forgot to breathe, everyone Forgetting the blink of an eye, there is no trace of sound in the world. Even the wind and clouds have stopped moving. There is only the beauty that is printed in the world and can never be forgotten." Yan Di’s face once again appeared obsessed, as if recalled When she first saw her, what he said was more like describing the mental shock when she saw her.

"She, with only one stroke, defeated the first master of the time, and then drifted away, and never appeared again... except for the name, she did not leave anything, but her figure was printed. At the time of everyone's heart."

"Some people say that her beauty and strength have passed the great goddess of the dragon, and some people say that she is the great goddess of the dragon. Countless people try to paint the dreamlike beauty, but without exception, all fail. The high painting skills can't outline her charm."

"From the contest, I don't know how many days and nights I have insomnia. Whether it's opening or closing my eyes, it's all in her head. So I gave up all, desperately painstaking, and hopefully one day can become strong. So there is the qualification to find and close to her... A thousand years have passed, but no one has ever seen her. But none of the thousands of people who have seen her at the time have forgotten her, and some have died, to death. They are mourning her name with the last thought..."

"Although she never appeared again, she has never participated in the contest, but her position as the first beauty and the first master has not been shaken for thousands of years, and no one has ever raised any objection."

Yan Di slowly recalled, staring at the woman in the painting for a while, turned to the wind and said: "A thousand years ago, the contest of the contest, thousands of people who saw the glass fairy, a thousand years have passed, Everyone's situation is different, and some even have passed away, but the only thing is that among them, all of their wives are widowed, and those who have no family are not married – including me!

The wind was completely shocked...

Is there really such a beauty? If so, what would it be like?

The wind has never thought of it, and the appearance of a person can be so unimaginable and incomprehensible.

Looking at the figure that left the wind, Yan Di’s eyes showed a complex light.


The legendary Shura will be the demon **** who broke into the abyss and is the most horrible demon. Little girl is staying by his side, is there really no problem?

No... Maybe it will be a good thing, maybe if one day, this person’s Shura heart really awakens, under the tolerance of the angel heart, his tyranny and unrequited love should be slowly faded.

But if the heart of Shura affects the heart of angels...

Yan Di hurriedly shook his head and went to this terrible idea.

No, it will not! It must not... otherwise, it’s too scary and terrible...

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