Legend of the Asura

Vol 3 Chapter 188: Yandi (on)

"Shu's brother, hey, it's hot, the baby has never been so hot." The baby's face is getting redder and the breathing becomes very uncomfortable. This girl who grew up in the world's happiest hotbed has never suffered a trace of bitterness from small to large. The wind can't help but feel a bit distressed. According to his estimation, the current temperature is at least 5o degrees, which is already out of the human range.

"Wind brother, your fire inflammation!"

The wind slammed in my heart, clinging to the baby's body tightly, the fire of fire moved at the same time, and the burning flame instantly surrounded two people.

"Oh... it’s so warm, don’t feel so hot!” The baby snuggled in his arms, no longer feeling so hot, and the cute little face gradually returned to normal.

Under the heat resistance of 3% of fire inflammation, the ordinary high temperature can no longer invade the body, and the wind sighs with a long sigh of relief, urging Xiaobai to move on.

After going on for ten minutes, the ground has begun to turn red, and the burning sensation has slowly become real again. After all, the protection of fire inflammation has its limits.

"A smart wind!"

The degree of white is rising again. With the continuous advancement, the red world is becoming more and more pure, and even the white and white wings are beginning to be red.

"Well!" Looking at the baby's head began to appear red numbers, the wind is a tight heart. In this way, they must return without even one-tenth of the death volcano.

"Wind brother, the temperature has reached 3oo degrees now, and the temperature of the death volcano center is at least 6ooo, so you can't pass it." Xuanyuan said with concern.

"What? 6ooo degrees!?" The wind was shocked. What is the concept of 6ooo? That is equivalent to the temperature of the sun's surface.

What surprised him even more is that some people can pass such a high temperature.

"Baby, is it hot? Are we going back?" If you are alone, you may be distracted by the fight, but if you look at the baby's painful expression, he has no ** to continue moving. It hurts.

"But... baby wants those two beautiful clothes."

The attraction of cute things to girls is huge and even fatal. Even this angelic girl is no exception.

It’s awkward to laugh, unless they are miraculous, they can’t pass here.

"Baby, you first go back to your brother's house and wait for your brother to pass, then pick you up." The wind sighed and stroking her hot face, while secretly praying for her infinite space in the death volcano. The sides can still be arbitrarily crossed.

"Oh... Shura brother, what do you think of that blue thing? So beautiful! And it looks so cool!"

"Blue?" Looks along the baby's gaze. Sure enough, in front of a hole like a cave, a group of blue light flutters in a strange way, and the water-like brilliance is extremely abrupt in this red sea.

"This is... water spirit! How can there be water spirit here! Xiaobai, go look!" The water spirit in front of him is exactly the same as that in the novice village horse hunter, so he recognized it with a glance.

Xiaobai swooped down and his body slowly approached the water spirit. Every time I get close to a point, the burning sensation will be one point less, until the white body passes through the water spirit unimpeded, the burning sensation disappears completely, replaced by a long-lost refreshing feeling.

"Wow... it’s so cool!” The baby opened his arms with joy, and the small lip was slightly separated, enjoying the coolness of the breath.

How powerful water energy can be needed to lay such a water spirit in such a place. The wind is cautious, this cave must have extremely powerful water monsters or npcombsp; "Oh, little girl, so come soon, it is really an old accident."

The sound of the gas is loud and the sound of the wind is very tight, but the baby's face is full of doubtful expression.

"Sura brother, this voice seems to have heard it." The baby bit his finger and thought about it seriously.

The owner of the voice almost collapsed, and his temperament showed his physique. "You little girl, even my voice can't be heard! It was really painful for you!"

This is a red-headed middle-aged man, but from his "old" self-proclaimed stroke, this person is definitely the same old monster that has lived for thousands of years like Tian Xiu. An old robe was inconspicuous, and a strange head was tied to his forehead, embroidering a large bird flying high in the middle.

"Hey? Are you the uncle who gave me sugar first and then sent me beautiful clothes?" The baby finally recognized him.

sugar? Middle-aged people are mad, but that is to increase the 5o agile fairy medicine chasing wind Dan!

"Of course it is me! You are really a little girl who will cross the river to break the bridge. All the good things on my body have given you. You can't even remember what I look like." The middle-aged man looked unhappy, but looked at the baby. The eyes are not a little dissatisfied, but full of love. He inadvertently licked the white and the wind behind his baby, and suddenly his face was shocked.

"The illusion of Shura... You are a Shura profession!"

"Yes, my profession is Shura." The expression of the middle-aged man gave him a glimpse. Is it very surprising that Shura’s career is amazing?

The middle-aged man stared at him for a long time, but he was surprised that he could not see his message, but then he shook his head again: "Although it is Shura, but the head is wrong, this white tiger is not a real white tiger."

"Uncle, what are you talking about? Is there anything strange about my brother Shura?" the baby asked curiously. The wind is also in the fog of the clouds, waiting for his answer.

"Hey, you are all people from different worlds. Naturally, you have never heard of the legend of Tianlongda 6. When the great goddess of the dragons left a prophecy, when the dragon 6 faced the disaster of the devil again, there would be a driving force. White Tiger's Bai Shuluo saved the entire Tianlong Big 6 with killing and tyrannical. "The middle-aged man sounded a meal and continued: "You are a Shura, but there is no white. You are indeed a white tiger, although the ability is also Not bad, but compared to the real white tiger - it is almost impossible. Just now I suddenly suspected that you are the legendary Shura."

Bai Shuluo? Driving the white tiger?

Gorgeous white, awkward white tiger, save the big 6 - this is more powerful! The wind can't help but yearn for it, and I can't wait for myself to be the person in the prophecy.

"Uncle, is that person very powerful? Well, there must have been no one of my Shura brothers, and Xiaobai is also very powerful, and it will fly." The baby caressed the white and clean to the lack of a trace of hair. Xiaobai closed his eyes and enjoyed it. The dissatisfaction that had just arisen from the words of middle-aged people slowly dissipated.

When the middle-aged man said that it was not as good as the white tiger, there was a clear spurt in the white nose, but it did not cause anyone to care. However, Xuanyuan children understood it, and at the same time, it was impossible to add shock.

What Xiaobai said is: White tiger is a bird!

This little white of the wind brother is exactly what is sacred!

"Uncle, why are you here," the baby asked. What she asked was exactly what the wind wanted to ask. The spirit of the immortality in the ocean of fire can see the power of this person. And he just heard him say: "You are finally here...", is he waiting for the baby?

"Not yet received the information you came in." The middle-aged man gave her a blank look: "Little girl, do you really think that you can cross this dead volcano? Unless the fire resistance reaches 1oo that humans cannot reach." %, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to pass, the conditions I give you are just a test of your courage. Fortunately, your test passed."

The middle-aged is also amazed. In the edge of the death volcano, he lays a water circle every 5oo meters. As long as she can penetrate 5oo meters and then enters the water, he can receive the information and then teleport. What he didn't expect was that the Water Spirit Array that passed on his message was actually the 3rd, which means that they even went deep for 15 kilometers and still didn't die!

When did this little girl become so powerful?

"Really? Can I get my beautiful clothes?" The baby understood the words of the middle-aged man - he could get the clothes without going through the hot volcano, and he smiled happily. The delicate eyebrows are slightly bent.

The middle-aged man shook his head. "Little girl, you have to go to the **** of Vulcan to take it... Ah, don't cry, don't cry, I didn't lie to you, I sent you past." Seeing the baby's tears almost fell out, in the middle The old man was so scared that he was in a hurry.

"Ah? Is it directly to send me and Shura brother?" The baby's dissatisfaction disappeared without a trace, and the big eyes of Canro Star began to flash again.

"Yeah, but only you, my brother of Shura, I can't help it."

The baby's little face immediately slammed down and his mouth screamed: "No! I don't want to be separated from Shura's brother. You must send me with Shura's brother, or I won't go."

The middle-aged man had a headache. He looked at the wind and looked at it. He said helplessly: "My transmission spell can only be used twice a year. If you use it twice in a row, then you can't go back within a year. ""

The next chapter notice: Do not think that the death volcano has been passed simply - even if it is directly transmitted to the capital of Vulcan, the wind can not get rid of the fate of the volcanic center.

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