Legend of the Asura

Vol 3 Chapter 187: Death volcano

Scorpio Fengyun smiled softly, looked at the wind and looked at the wind, turned and left. Today, not only did not get the slightest cheaper, but there were more than three hundred descendants, and a fairy scroll was wasted.

"Big brother, Fengyun big brother is still so refreshing." Maple leaves sighed, their family and Scorpio help to make good relations, he and Tianzhu Fengyun are also brothers, the relationship is very good.

Maple Leaf Hao frowned a little, did not speak.

"This scorpio is not simple. It not only erases its inferior situation without traces, but also sells Maple Leaf to help a person. At the same time, it will not cause contradictions between the two gangs." The wind shook his head and called Xiaobai. .

"Maple Leaf Gang, your kindness, I have written down Shura, and he will definitely return it!"

"Do not say this, Brother Shura, it should be, it should be." I was so embarrassed by the idol, the maple leaf was a little embarrassed and laughed.

"Oh, it is our love for Maple Leaf to repay the building of the token." Maple Leaf Haoran smiled peacefully.

The white figure slowly disappeared into the sky, and I couldn’t hear the echo of Shura.

"Let's go, let's go to the Fengyun brothers to be a guest at home." This time, he sold a large man of Shura without a single soldier, and his heart was still very excited.

The three little hoes in the hall finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Great, it's okay."

"The big bad guy didn't say hello to us and left."

"No matter who he is, we continue to play..."

The main hall of the gods.

The hand of God just listened to his report and his brow wrinkled. Shura appeared, but the sister still has no news. What happened to him?

The proud moon Yi people came in, the footsteps were slightly heavy in the slow pace, and the body's breath became more lonely.

The hand of God stood up violently and walked to the front of the proud moon: "Ie, how could you not contact you? Why did the Shura catch you? Where did he take you?"

"Nothing, he just wants to humiliate the solitary." Ao Yue Yi people shook their heads, too lazy to answer his other questions again.

"The marriage between you and the sky?"

"Is such a big shame, do you think he will mention it again?"

The hand of God is silent, indeed, he does not think that the Scorpio will mention their marriage again. But this is also true, the sister does not have to be wronged again, and the things he is worried about will not be born.

It’s just her change... Shura must have done something to her.

Inside the hall, a small figure heard their conversations in the ear. The tone of the proud moon Yi people made his shallow eyebrows move, and he returned to the chair again. He took the magic pen in his hand and did not come out and ask for it.

The white light flashed, and the figure of the hand of the last day slowly appeared in the hall. The expression of his expression was completely gone, leaving only decadence and silence.

The hand of God sighed and walked over to pat him on the shoulder. "Is the family stable?"

The doomsday nodded, then looked at the hand of God and said: "The **** movie has revealed a message before killing my brother, maybe you will be interested."

"Oh? What news?"

"The purpose of his slaughtering our four great families in recent years is only to lead you to the family of the woods!" The hatred in the eyes of the last hand flashed past.

"What!?" The eyes of God's hand slammed, though he had vaguely doubted before, but did not expect his guess to become a reality.

Interior room. Duanmu's look at the same time, countless possibilities to fly in his mind, after a moment of contemplation, he took a magic pen and quickly stroked on a piece of paper.

Shura, **** shadow, strong, lonely, lonely, arrogant, ignoring everything, aunt, Duanmu... There are countless unruly horizontal lines between several words. Finally, he moved the small hand to Shura and the blood The two names of the wind are connected.

75%! A number was written by him above the line, and his sharp eyes showed a wise light.

"Hey, what are you drawing?" The voice of God's hand was heard from behind.

"Hey, play in painting." The little hand naturally put the paper in his hand, laughed, folded into a square piece and put it in the backpack, then waved to him: "Mom is waiting for me, I am going to find my mother." Oh."

"Well, spend more time with your mother..." The love on the face of God's hand gradually disappeared with the end of the raft, replacing the face of the lonely and the pain.


A simple, lavish little room, a muslim Duanmu stood up from the game cabin, and thousands of thoughts were turning in his mind. For a long time, his eyes moved and ran out of the house, but not to go. Looking for a mother, and rushed to the Forbidden City of Duanmu.

Unimpeded through the defense of the road, he came to a dark room, where it was filled with all kinds of sophisticated high-end instruments, and several people were concentrated in the operation of it, and they seemed to have no idea of ​​his entry.

"Uncle Flying Eagle!" Duanmu ran to a tall man staring at the screen, shouting.

Duanmu Feiying sneaked, and quickly squatted down to make his head hang down as much as possible: "Little Master...I don't know what the young master told me?"

Duanmu Feiying is one of the spies who began to cultivate from the childhood of Duanmu family. He became the leader of the Duanmu family intelligence organization with his keen insight and analytical ability, and was given the name of Duanmu by Duanmu family. In the world, he is also the most important intelligence organization in the field of the gods.

His ability, even if the current home of the Duanmu family is greatly appreciated, is often praised. But he is awe-inspiring to this young master who is only three years old, and even has a family owner. Because no one knows more about the analysis and inference ability of this young master's horror than him, he can often filter thousands of possibilities from the inconspicuous clues, and then directly attack the key.

"Uncle Fei Ying, I want to ask you one thing." In the face of his respectfulness, Duanmu has no arrogant gesture, and it is still a childish look: "The first beauty of Jinghua City is not a windy Yao. Little aunt?"

Duanmu Feiying, a little strange, why did he ask this question, and quickly replied: "Yes! This is recognized, does the young master want to see her photo?" Think of the first beauty of Jinghua who is more beautiful than the immortal, Rao It is he who is also somewhat lost.

"No need... I want to know, does this little aunt have a family?" Duanmu continued to ask.

"Family?" Duanmu Feiying indulged for a while and stood up: "Little Master, please wait a moment, I will check it out."

Unpredictable hands flutter like a phantom on a complicated keyboard. He is confident that he only knows the name, all in China...and even the world has no information he can't find.

In just a few tens of seconds, he got the answer and said: "She has a sultry brother who dropped out of school four years ago. She usually seems to be at home, rarely going out, nothing to do, is a very ordinary person. ”

Windy! ?

"Know, thank you, Uncle Flying Eagle... Yes, I am not allowed to tell other people today! Dad and Grandpa are not allowed to say." Duanmu could not wait to go out, not worried that he would not agree.

"Yes! I will not tell anyone."

Stepping out of the protective door, the childishness of the face disappeared instantly, and the mixed information hovered in his mind, and countless possibilities emerged one by one.

Windy... Feng Yao...

The wind is far away!

Four years ago... the **** shadow...

The blood emperor's shadow is only seen in Jinghua. If he is Shura, the sister of Shura must be in Jinghua. With the temperament and fairy posture of the love story, it is very likely that it is the first beauty of Jinghua...and the first beauty of Jinghua really has A brother...and their name...and four years ago...

Several times of positive and negative pushes, countless hypotheses and integrations, a conjecture is filtered out in his mind and gradually formed!

Such a result greatly exceeded his own expectations. An original illusion was merely a guess of speculation. Under the urging of his interest, he unexpectedly came up with a thousand lines confirming this speculation.

"Shu Luo brother, I really worried about you just now, I almost jumped." The baby's soft hand grasped the windy arm, and the big eyes of the water looked at him with a sigh of relief.

The wind did not speak, holding her hand tightly tight. This simple and innocent worry and concern made him feel gentle and moved.

He will never let the baby get hurt, and will not be reckless to die. If the Maple Leaf Gang did not appear in time, he still has a winning trump card - the prestige of the secret! An army of 1ooo people of the same rank can easily be saved.

But if you can resolve the crisis and hide the power, it is undoubtedly the best choice.

"Baby, it's coming, the front is the death volcano on the map."

The death volcano, the death zone that cuts off the relationship between the Dragon King and the Vulcan City, is one of the few thousand years that can pass through. Presented in front of it is a red world, and the more forward, the brighter the red.

At the moment of stepping into the death volcano, a burning sensation hits overwhelmingly.

"Shu Luo brother, do you feel so hot..."

I walked a few dozen steps forward, the baby's forehead was covered with sweat, and the delicate face became a little red. The petite body is also writhing because of the heat and anxiety.

"Well, it’s hot, it’s a death volcano." The winds have already prepared for the heat, but I didn’t expect to come so fast.

According to the distance on the map, it takes at least six hours to pass through the death volcano in a small white degree. Do you have to endure six hours of heat? Not to mention that this is just the beginning.

-8o, -8o, -8o...

The number that came out of the baby's head surprised the wind, and he also said that his head is constantly showing a number of -5o.

Just a minute ago, it was just hot. Now it even starts to wear out life. Can you still go behind?

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